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Work Session A
Work Session B
Work Session C
Work Session D
Work Session E
Work Session F
Work Session G
Work Session H
Work Session I
1. CALL TO ORDER (Joined in progress)
4.A. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING regarding adoption of tax abatement guidelines and criteria pursuant to Texas Tax Code, Sec. 312.002(c-1) and discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2024-35.
5.A. Discussion and/or action regarding a Facilities Use Agreement between the City of Lockhart, DeNucci Constructors, and Livengood Feeds for the temporary use of property located behind 110 North Brazos Street identified as Caldwell County Appraisal District ID Number 41727 and legally described as Lot 2, Ice House Addition, for purposes of a construction laydown yard, and authorizing the City Manager to sign the agreement if approved.
5.B. Discussion and/or action to consider entering into an asset purchase and sale agreement with Caldwell County Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 5 for the purchase of Lockhart EMS vehicles and medical equipment to provide emergency medical services to Lockhart and Caldwell County.
5.C. Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2024-34 regarding a targeted retail incentive policy.
5.D. Discuss and consider awarding an annual fuel bid to On-Site Fuels, DBA - Schmidt & Sons, Inc., of Gonzales, Texas with a profit margin of $0.05 cents per gallon of gasoline and $0.05 cents per gallon for diesel over the Oil Price Information Services (OPIS) price from Austin, Texas RACK, posted weekly. If approved, the term of the contract will be for one year.
5.E. Discussion and/or action regarding a Water Service Transfer Agreement between the City of Lockhart and Aqua Water Supply Corporation for transfer of Water Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) consisting of approximately 588.553 acres, known as the Seawillow Ranch Development and authorizing the Mayor to sign if approved.
5.F. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2024-36 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreements with the City of Lockhart Animal Services, Library, Fire, Parks & Recreation, Police, and Public Works, Departments to obligate the City of Lockhart's remaining American Rescue Plan funds.
5.G. Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2024-37 regarding a resolution acknowledging adoption of the Lockhart Freedom Act, acknowledging state and federal law requirements related to enforcement of drug laws, and calling to resolve the conflict between the charter and state/federal cannabis law. (part 1 of 2)
5.H. Discussion and/or action regrading a proposed amendment to the City Purchasing Policy regarding contract renewal procedures. (Previously requested by Councilmember Lairsen)
5.G. Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2024-37 regarding a resolution acknowledging adoption of the Lockhart Freedom Act, acknowledging state and federal law requirements related to enforcement of drug laws, and calling to resolve the conflict between the charter and state/federal cannabis law. (part 2 of 2)
Dec 03, 2024 Lockhart City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Work Session A
Work Session B
Work Session C
Work Session D
Work Session E
Work Session F
Work Session G
Work Session H
Work Session I
1. CALL TO ORDER (Joined in progress)
4.A. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING regarding adoption of tax abatement guidelines and criteria pursuant to Texas Tax Code, Sec. 312.002(c-1) and discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2024-35.
5.A. Discussion and/or action regarding a Facilities Use Agreement between the City of Lockhart, DeNucci Constructors, and Livengood Feeds for the temporary use of property located behind 110 North Brazos Street identified as Caldwell County Appraisal District ID Number 41727 and legally described as Lot 2, Ice House Addition, for purposes of a construction laydown yard, and authorizing the City Manager to sign the agreement if approved.
5.B. Discussion and/or action to consider entering into an asset purchase and sale agreement with Caldwell County Emergency Services District (ESD) No. 5 for the purchase of Lockhart EMS vehicles and medical equipment to provide emergency medical services to Lockhart and Caldwell County.
5.C. Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2024-34 regarding a targeted retail incentive policy.
5.D. Discuss and consider awarding an annual fuel bid to On-Site Fuels, DBA - Schmidt & Sons, Inc., of Gonzales, Texas with a profit margin of $0.05 cents per gallon of gasoline and $0.05 cents per gallon for diesel over the Oil Price Information Services (OPIS) price from Austin, Texas RACK, posted weekly. If approved, the term of the contract will be for one year.
5.E. Discussion and/or action regarding a Water Service Transfer Agreement between the City of Lockhart and Aqua Water Supply Corporation for transfer of Water Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) consisting of approximately 588.553 acres, known as the Seawillow Ranch Development and authorizing the Mayor to sign if approved.
5.F. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2024-36 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreements with the City of Lockhart Animal Services, Library, Fire, Parks & Recreation, Police, and Public Works, Departments to obligate the City of Lockhart's remaining American Rescue Plan funds.
5.G. Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2024-37 regarding a resolution acknowledging adoption of the Lockhart Freedom Act, acknowledging state and federal law requirements related to enforcement of drug laws, and calling to resolve the conflict between the charter and state/federal cannabis law. (part 1 of 2)
5.H. Discussion and/or action regrading a proposed amendment to the City Purchasing Policy regarding contract renewal procedures. (Previously requested by Councilmember Lairsen)
5.G. Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2024-37 regarding a resolution acknowledging adoption of the Lockhart Freedom Act, acknowledging state and federal law requirements related to enforcement of drug laws, and calling to resolve the conflict between the charter and state/federal cannabis law. (part 2 of 2)
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