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Work Session L
4.A. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING and discussion and/or action on an appeal of the Planning and Zoning Commission's denial of application SUP24-08 by Cesar Ernesto Ochoa Jr. for a Specific Use Permit to allow a Manufactured Home on 0.458 acres in the Byrd Lockhart League zoned RMD Residential Medium Density District and located at 1001 Perez Street.
5.A. Discussion and/or action on Ordinance 2024-27 vacating and abandoning approximately 0.101 acres of unused public right-of-way consisting of an alley approximately 20 feet in width extending from the 200 block of West China Street to the 200 block of Apple Street, located west of 202 China Street and east of 1124 North Blanco Street.
5.B. Discussion and/or action regarding recommendation to award bid to O & A Classic Coatings and Painting Co. of Hurst, Texas in the amount of $162,000 for the San Jacinto Elevated Storage Tank Painting Project.
5.C. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2024-23 to approve a contract proposal from Studio Steinbomer to provide professional architectural/engineering services for the Fire Station No. 1 remodel at 201 W. Market St. and authorize the City Manager to execute.
5.D. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2024-24 to award contract for Construction-Manager-At-Risk (CMAR) services to D. Wilson Construction Co. for the Fire Station No. 1 remodel at 201 W. Market St. and authorize the City Manager to execute.
5.E. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2024-25, as requested by TxDOT, to authorize the adoption of the proposed designs of the Gateway Monument and Wayfinding signage as depicted in the 2022 Wayfinding Master Plan, and requesting installation within the operational highway right-of-way.
5.F. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2024-28 amending the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, Chapter 58, Utilities, Article 2, Division 4, Section 58-142(a)(1) and 58-142(a)(2), Entitled "Water Rates", adjusting the monthly fixed service charge and consumption charge to cover increased costs in water supply, debt payments, and maintenance and operations of supplying residential, commercial, and industrial water to its customers.
5.G. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2024-29 amending the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, Chapter 58, Utilities, Article 2, Division 3, 58-108(c), entitled "Schedule of Charges" to recover costs for wastewater debt payments and maintenance and operations of the collection and treatment system and transporting wastewater to said collection and treatment system.
5.H. Discussion and/or action regarding Interlocal Agreement for ground lease with Caldwell County Emergency Services District No. 5 to lease EMS Stations No. 1 (214 Bufkin Ln.) and No. 2 (1914 W San Antonio Rd.) for the performance of governmental services pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Chapter 272 of the Texas Local Government Code.
5.I. Discuss and consider action regarding appointing two Representatives of the City of Lockhart to the General Assembly of the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG).
5.J. Discuss and consider action regarding the Texas Municipal League Election for the Region 10 Director.
Sep 17, 2024 Lockhart City Council
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Work Session A
Work Session B
Work Session C
Work Session D
Work Session E
Work Session F
Work Session G
Work Session H
Work Session I
Work Session J
Work Session K
Work Session L
4.A. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING and discussion and/or action on an appeal of the Planning and Zoning Commission's denial of application SUP24-08 by Cesar Ernesto Ochoa Jr. for a Specific Use Permit to allow a Manufactured Home on 0.458 acres in the Byrd Lockhart League zoned RMD Residential Medium Density District and located at 1001 Perez Street.
5.A. Discussion and/or action on Ordinance 2024-27 vacating and abandoning approximately 0.101 acres of unused public right-of-way consisting of an alley approximately 20 feet in width extending from the 200 block of West China Street to the 200 block of Apple Street, located west of 202 China Street and east of 1124 North Blanco Street.
5.B. Discussion and/or action regarding recommendation to award bid to O & A Classic Coatings and Painting Co. of Hurst, Texas in the amount of $162,000 for the San Jacinto Elevated Storage Tank Painting Project.
5.C. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2024-23 to approve a contract proposal from Studio Steinbomer to provide professional architectural/engineering services for the Fire Station No. 1 remodel at 201 W. Market St. and authorize the City Manager to execute.
5.D. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2024-24 to award contract for Construction-Manager-At-Risk (CMAR) services to D. Wilson Construction Co. for the Fire Station No. 1 remodel at 201 W. Market St. and authorize the City Manager to execute.
5.E. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2024-25, as requested by TxDOT, to authorize the adoption of the proposed designs of the Gateway Monument and Wayfinding signage as depicted in the 2022 Wayfinding Master Plan, and requesting installation within the operational highway right-of-way.
5.F. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2024-28 amending the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, Chapter 58, Utilities, Article 2, Division 4, Section 58-142(a)(1) and 58-142(a)(2), Entitled "Water Rates", adjusting the monthly fixed service charge and consumption charge to cover increased costs in water supply, debt payments, and maintenance and operations of supplying residential, commercial, and industrial water to its customers.
5.G. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2024-29 amending the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, Chapter 58, Utilities, Article 2, Division 3, 58-108(c), entitled "Schedule of Charges" to recover costs for wastewater debt payments and maintenance and operations of the collection and treatment system and transporting wastewater to said collection and treatment system.
5.H. Discussion and/or action regarding Interlocal Agreement for ground lease with Caldwell County Emergency Services District No. 5 to lease EMS Stations No. 1 (214 Bufkin Ln.) and No. 2 (1914 W San Antonio Rd.) for the performance of governmental services pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Chapter 272 of the Texas Local Government Code.
5.I. Discuss and consider action regarding appointing two Representatives of the City of Lockhart to the General Assembly of the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG).
5.J. Discuss and consider action regarding the Texas Municipal League Election for the Region 10 Director.
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