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Call to Order
4.A. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-23 by Rebecca Briceno, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-48 for a Zoning Change from CLB Commercial Light Business District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on a total of 0.586 acre in the Byrd Lockhart League, Abstract No. 17, located at 915 Red River Street.
4.B. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-24 by Tamara K. Carlisle on behalf of The Lumberyard Lockhart, LLC, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-49 for a Zoning Change from CMB Commercial Medium Business District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on a total of 0.562 acre consisting of all of Lot 24 and part of Lot 22, A.R. Chews Addition, located at 500 Block West Market Street.
4.C. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-25 and consider a request by Tamara K. Carlisle on behalf of The Lumberyard Lockhart, LLC, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-50 for a Zoning Change from CMB Commercial Medium Business District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on a total of 0.135 acre consisting of part of Lot 20, A.R. Chews Addition, located at 500 West Market Street.
4.D. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-26 by Chris Elizondo of Cuatro Consultants, Ltd., on behalf of Jimbo Cotton of 2401 CR 119, LLC, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022- 51 for a Zoning Change from AO Agricultural-Open Space District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on 19.367 acres in the Byrd Lockhart League, Abstract No. 17, located at 1400 Lovers Lane.
4.E. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-27 by Dan Ross on behalf of Thomas Staub of Roed Prop Co, LLC, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-52 for a Zoning Change from AO Agricultural-Open Space District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on a total of 89.775 acres in the John A. Neill League, Abstract No. 20, located at 2400 FM 1322.
4.F. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING and discussion/action to consider Ordinance 2022-53 for a Zoning Text Amendment revising Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Code of Ordinances, Article VII "Zoning Districts and Standards", Section 64-197 "Regulations Common To All Or Several Districts", Subsection (g)(2) "Additional Parking Requirements Within Residential Districts", Paragraph (a), to allow front-facing garage doors for any size garage to occupy up to 50 percent of the width of detached single-family dwellings.
6.E. Discussion and/or action to consider Interlocal Agreement with Caldwell County regarding air ambulance and approving Budget Amendment #72 by Ordinance 2022-58.
6.C. Discussion and/or action to consider adoption of Ordinance 2022-55 vacating and abandoning a 1,243 square-foot segment of alley rightof-way situated in the Reed's Addition between Block 2 in the 200 block of South Rio Grande Street and Block 3 in the 200 Block of Concho Street; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed conveying said right-of-way to the owner of the adjacent properties.
6.B. Discussion and/or action to consider adoption of Ordinance 2022-54 amending Chapter 28, "Historical Districts and Landmarks," Section 28-10, "Ordinary Maintenance," subsection (e)(3) to expand the requirements for Certificates for Alteration for changing the color of painted surfaces; amending Chapter 46, "Signs," Section 46-2 "Definitions," to add a definition of Mural, and adding Section 46-10 (j), "Murals," to estaiblish standards regulating murals within the City of Lockhart.
6.D. Discussion and possible action on an ordinance allowing the possession of open alcoholic containers and consumption of alcoholic beverages on city property under certain circumstances.
6.A. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-56 of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas repealing uncodified Ordinance 2020-16 in its entirety and adopting this ordinance establishing the payment of a monetary recruitment incentive for new police officer hires and establishing a recruiting and retention incentive for current certified police officers, setting forth criteria for the incentives.
Oct 18, 2022 Lockhart City Council
Full agenda
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Work Session A
Work Session B
Work Session C
Work Session D
Work Session E
Work Session F
Work Session G
Work Session I
Work Session K
Call to Order
4.A. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-23 by Rebecca Briceno, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-48 for a Zoning Change from CLB Commercial Light Business District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on a total of 0.586 acre in the Byrd Lockhart League, Abstract No. 17, located at 915 Red River Street.
4.B. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-24 by Tamara K. Carlisle on behalf of The Lumberyard Lockhart, LLC, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-49 for a Zoning Change from CMB Commercial Medium Business District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on a total of 0.562 acre consisting of all of Lot 24 and part of Lot 22, A.R. Chews Addition, located at 500 Block West Market Street.
4.C. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-25 and consider a request by Tamara K. Carlisle on behalf of The Lumberyard Lockhart, LLC, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-50 for a Zoning Change from CMB Commercial Medium Business District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on a total of 0.135 acre consisting of part of Lot 20, A.R. Chews Addition, located at 500 West Market Street.
4.D. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-26 by Chris Elizondo of Cuatro Consultants, Ltd., on behalf of Jimbo Cotton of 2401 CR 119, LLC, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022- 51 for a Zoning Change from AO Agricultural-Open Space District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on 19.367 acres in the Byrd Lockhart League, Abstract No. 17, located at 1400 Lovers Lane.
4.E. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-27 by Dan Ross on behalf of Thomas Staub of Roed Prop Co, LLC, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-52 for a Zoning Change from AO Agricultural-Open Space District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on a total of 89.775 acres in the John A. Neill League, Abstract No. 20, located at 2400 FM 1322.
4.F. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING and discussion/action to consider Ordinance 2022-53 for a Zoning Text Amendment revising Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Code of Ordinances, Article VII "Zoning Districts and Standards", Section 64-197 "Regulations Common To All Or Several Districts", Subsection (g)(2) "Additional Parking Requirements Within Residential Districts", Paragraph (a), to allow front-facing garage doors for any size garage to occupy up to 50 percent of the width of detached single-family dwellings.
6.E. Discussion and/or action to consider Interlocal Agreement with Caldwell County regarding air ambulance and approving Budget Amendment #72 by Ordinance 2022-58.
6.C. Discussion and/or action to consider adoption of Ordinance 2022-55 vacating and abandoning a 1,243 square-foot segment of alley rightof-way situated in the Reed's Addition between Block 2 in the 200 block of South Rio Grande Street and Block 3 in the 200 Block of Concho Street; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed conveying said right-of-way to the owner of the adjacent properties.
6.B. Discussion and/or action to consider adoption of Ordinance 2022-54 amending Chapter 28, "Historical Districts and Landmarks," Section 28-10, "Ordinary Maintenance," subsection (e)(3) to expand the requirements for Certificates for Alteration for changing the color of painted surfaces; amending Chapter 46, "Signs," Section 46-2 "Definitions," to add a definition of Mural, and adding Section 46-10 (j), "Murals," to estaiblish standards regulating murals within the City of Lockhart.
6.D. Discussion and possible action on an ordinance allowing the possession of open alcoholic containers and consumption of alcoholic beverages on city property under certain circumstances.
6.A. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-56 of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas repealing uncodified Ordinance 2020-16 in its entirety and adopting this ordinance establishing the payment of a monetary recruitment incentive for new police officer hires and establishing a recruiting and retention incentive for current certified police officers, setting forth criteria for the incentives.
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