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Work Session A
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Work Session C
Work Session H
Call to Order
4.A. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-21 by HMT Engineering & Surveying on behalf of Greenwood Boutique Townhomes, LLC, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-44 for a Zoning Change from RMD Residential Medium Density District to RHD Residential High Density District on a total of 1.746 acres in the James George Survey, Abstract No. 9, located at 202 and 204 State Park Road (FM 20).
4.B. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-22 by Lendi Capital Group, LLC, on behalf of Sharon Truett and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-45 for a Zoning Change from AO Agricultural Open-Space District and RLD Residential Low Density District to RHD Residential High Density District on a total of 8.798 acres in the Cornelius Crenshaw Survey, Abstract No. 68, located at 1711 and 1715 West San Antonio Street (SH 142).
4.C. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING and consider Ordinance 2022-46 Amending Chapter 64 “Zoning” of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, as follows: 1) Modify the definition of Patio home in Article I “General”, Section 64-2 “Definitions”; 2) Modify selected text in the Min. Building Setback From Property Line (ft.) column for the PH-1 and PH-2 development types in Appendix I “Specific Requirements For Residential Development Types”; 3) Delete selected text in the Remarks column for the PH-1 and PH-2 development types in Appendix I “Specific Requirements For Residential Development Types”; and, 4) Increase the building height in the Maximum Height – Stories/Feet column for the IL Industrial Light District from 40 feet to 50 feet in Appendix II, "Specific Requirements For Commercial Districts", Subsection “Specific Requirements For All Other Districts”.
5.A. Approve Resolution 2022-33 extending the Depository Agreement with First Lockhart National Bank for the period October 15, 2022 through October 14, 2024.
5.B. Approve the purchase of a 2024 Spartan Fire, LLC. custom 75’ rear-mount aerial fire apparatus through Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. utilizing the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) Purchasing Cooperative and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Purchase Order for the aerial fire apparatus.
5.C. Approve recommendation to award bid to Fuquay, Inc. of New Braunfels, Texas in the amount of $475,196.00 for the 2022 Street Improvements Project and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents.
6.A. Receive update and consider support of the Children's Care-A-Van program.
6.B. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2022-34 for an economic development performance agreement with The Ziegenfelder Company.
6.C. Discussion and/or action to consider Professional Services Agreement and appointment of Robert A. Haedge as Municipal Court Presiding Judge.
6.D. Discussion and/or action to consider appointing two Representatives of the City of Lockhart to the General Assembly of the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG).
6.E. Discussion and possible action on an ordinance allowing the possession of open alcoholic beverage containers and consumption of alcoholic beverages on city property under certain circumstances.
6.F. Discussion regarding matters related to COVID-19.
Sep 20, 2022 Lockhart City Council
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Work Session A
Work Session B
Work Session C
Work Session H
Call to Order
4.A. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-21 by HMT Engineering & Surveying on behalf of Greenwood Boutique Townhomes, LLC, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-44 for a Zoning Change from RMD Residential Medium Density District to RHD Residential High Density District on a total of 1.746 acres in the James George Survey, Abstract No. 9, located at 202 and 204 State Park Road (FM 20).
4.B. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-22 by Lendi Capital Group, LLC, on behalf of Sharon Truett and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-45 for a Zoning Change from AO Agricultural Open-Space District and RLD Residential Low Density District to RHD Residential High Density District on a total of 8.798 acres in the Cornelius Crenshaw Survey, Abstract No. 68, located at 1711 and 1715 West San Antonio Street (SH 142).
4.C. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING and consider Ordinance 2022-46 Amending Chapter 64 “Zoning” of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, as follows: 1) Modify the definition of Patio home in Article I “General”, Section 64-2 “Definitions”; 2) Modify selected text in the Min. Building Setback From Property Line (ft.) column for the PH-1 and PH-2 development types in Appendix I “Specific Requirements For Residential Development Types”; 3) Delete selected text in the Remarks column for the PH-1 and PH-2 development types in Appendix I “Specific Requirements For Residential Development Types”; and, 4) Increase the building height in the Maximum Height – Stories/Feet column for the IL Industrial Light District from 40 feet to 50 feet in Appendix II, "Specific Requirements For Commercial Districts", Subsection “Specific Requirements For All Other Districts”.
5.A. Approve Resolution 2022-33 extending the Depository Agreement with First Lockhart National Bank for the period October 15, 2022 through October 14, 2024.
5.B. Approve the purchase of a 2024 Spartan Fire, LLC. custom 75’ rear-mount aerial fire apparatus through Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. utilizing the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) Purchasing Cooperative and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Purchase Order for the aerial fire apparatus.
5.C. Approve recommendation to award bid to Fuquay, Inc. of New Braunfels, Texas in the amount of $475,196.00 for the 2022 Street Improvements Project and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents.
6.A. Receive update and consider support of the Children's Care-A-Van program.
6.B. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2022-34 for an economic development performance agreement with The Ziegenfelder Company.
6.C. Discussion and/or action to consider Professional Services Agreement and appointment of Robert A. Haedge as Municipal Court Presiding Judge.
6.D. Discussion and/or action to consider appointing two Representatives of the City of Lockhart to the General Assembly of the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG).
6.E. Discussion and possible action on an ordinance allowing the possession of open alcoholic beverage containers and consumption of alcoholic beverages on city property under certain circumstances.
6.F. Discussion regarding matters related to COVID-19.
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