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Work Session A
Work Session B
Work Session C
Work Session D
Work Session E
Work Session F
Work Session G
Work Session H
Work Session I
5.A. Hold a Public Hearing for the City of Lockhart and the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget.
5.B. Hold Public Hearing on Proposed Tax Rate for 2022.
5.C. Hold a public hearing and consider granting a petition by Thomas Staub on behalf of ROED Prop Co, LLC, and discussion and or action to consider Ordinance 2022-36 Annexing 89.775 acres out of the J.A. Neill Survey, Abstract Number 20, Caldwell County, Texas located on the east side of FM 1322 approximately 2,600 feet south of Seawillow Road, including the adjacent FM 1322 right-of-way where it abuts the current city limit, approving an Annexation Service Agreement for said property, and assigning thereto a zoning classification of AO Agricultural-Open Space District and amending the zoning map accordingly.
5.D. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-20 by Brad Laughlin on behalf of Garden Gate Holdings of Lockhart, LLC and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-43 requesting a Zoning Change from RMD Residential Medium Density District to RHD Residential High Density District on 0.679 acre consisting of all of Lots 5 and 6 in Block 2, a part of Block 3, and a part of a 15’ Alley situated between Block 2 and Block 3 of Reed’s Addition, located at 200 S. Rio Grande Street and 203 Concho Street.
5.E. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING and discussion and/or action to consider a Text Amendment in Chapter 64 "Zoning", Appendix I "Specific Requirements For Residential Development Types", to delete the last sentence in the Remarks column for the PH-1 and PH-2 development types so that patio homes will be allowed on lots created after the date of adoption of Ordinance No. 90-30 as well as on lots existing prior to that date. WITHDRAWN
Work Session J
7.A. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2022-32 for an economic development performance agreement and property sale agreement for 2.468 acres in Lockhart Industrial Park II with Warelock Partners 2, LLC.
7.B. Discussion and/or action of the City Council to consider Ordinance 2022-40 adopting the City of Lockhart's Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and appropriating resources, beginning October 1, 2022, ending September 30, 2023, for the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas and the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation and adopting the City's Investment Policy, Financial Policy, and Fund Balance - Stabilization and Excess of Reserves Policies.
7.C. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-41 levying maintenance and operations property taxes for the use and support of the City of Lockhart, Texas and interest and sinking property taxes for the debt service obligations of the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas for Fiscal Year 2023, beginning October 1, 2022 and ending September 30, 2023.
7.D. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-42 repealing uncodified Ordinance 2021-29 in its entirety and adopting this ordinance regarding the City personnel policy manual; removing performance or merit pay for police and fire personnel and adopting a step pay plan for Police and Fire Departments under civil service.
7.E. Consideration and Action to approve Resolutions to consent to the inclusion of City ETJ land in the Caldwell Co. MUD No. 2. (Resolution No. 2022-30 for 32.486 acres requested by Jakovich Interests, LLC and Resolution No. 2022-31 for 135.731 acres requested by PH Land Holdings, LLC.)
7.G. Discussion and/or action to consider adopting Aeronautical Minimum Standards for Commercial and Non-Commercial Operators at the Lockhart Municipal Airport.
7.H. Discussion and/or action to consider the selection of four candidates for Places 6-9 of the TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool Board of Trustees.
7.I. Discussion and/or action to consider the nomination of Yolanda Strey to the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation by Councilmember David Bryant with a term to expire in November 2022.
7.J. Discussion and/or action to consider the nomination of Thomas Hughes to the Airport Advisory Board by Councilmember Kara McGregor with a term to expire in November 2023.
Sep 06, 2022 Lockhart City Council
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Work Session A
Work Session B
Work Session C
Work Session D
Work Session E
Work Session F
Work Session G
Work Session H
Work Session I
5.A. Hold a Public Hearing for the City of Lockhart and the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget.
5.B. Hold Public Hearing on Proposed Tax Rate for 2022.
5.C. Hold a public hearing and consider granting a petition by Thomas Staub on behalf of ROED Prop Co, LLC, and discussion and or action to consider Ordinance 2022-36 Annexing 89.775 acres out of the J.A. Neill Survey, Abstract Number 20, Caldwell County, Texas located on the east side of FM 1322 approximately 2,600 feet south of Seawillow Road, including the adjacent FM 1322 right-of-way where it abuts the current city limit, approving an Annexation Service Agreement for said property, and assigning thereto a zoning classification of AO Agricultural-Open Space District and amending the zoning map accordingly.
5.D. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-20 by Brad Laughlin on behalf of Garden Gate Holdings of Lockhart, LLC and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-43 requesting a Zoning Change from RMD Residential Medium Density District to RHD Residential High Density District on 0.679 acre consisting of all of Lots 5 and 6 in Block 2, a part of Block 3, and a part of a 15’ Alley situated between Block 2 and Block 3 of Reed’s Addition, located at 200 S. Rio Grande Street and 203 Concho Street.
5.E. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING and discussion and/or action to consider a Text Amendment in Chapter 64 "Zoning", Appendix I "Specific Requirements For Residential Development Types", to delete the last sentence in the Remarks column for the PH-1 and PH-2 development types so that patio homes will be allowed on lots created after the date of adoption of Ordinance No. 90-30 as well as on lots existing prior to that date. WITHDRAWN
Work Session J
7.A. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2022-32 for an economic development performance agreement and property sale agreement for 2.468 acres in Lockhart Industrial Park II with Warelock Partners 2, LLC.
7.B. Discussion and/or action of the City Council to consider Ordinance 2022-40 adopting the City of Lockhart's Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and appropriating resources, beginning October 1, 2022, ending September 30, 2023, for the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas and the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation and adopting the City's Investment Policy, Financial Policy, and Fund Balance - Stabilization and Excess of Reserves Policies.
7.C. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-41 levying maintenance and operations property taxes for the use and support of the City of Lockhart, Texas and interest and sinking property taxes for the debt service obligations of the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas for Fiscal Year 2023, beginning October 1, 2022 and ending September 30, 2023.
7.D. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-42 repealing uncodified Ordinance 2021-29 in its entirety and adopting this ordinance regarding the City personnel policy manual; removing performance or merit pay for police and fire personnel and adopting a step pay plan for Police and Fire Departments under civil service.
7.E. Consideration and Action to approve Resolutions to consent to the inclusion of City ETJ land in the Caldwell Co. MUD No. 2. (Resolution No. 2022-30 for 32.486 acres requested by Jakovich Interests, LLC and Resolution No. 2022-31 for 135.731 acres requested by PH Land Holdings, LLC.)
7.G. Discussion and/or action to consider adopting Aeronautical Minimum Standards for Commercial and Non-Commercial Operators at the Lockhart Municipal Airport.
7.H. Discussion and/or action to consider the selection of four candidates for Places 6-9 of the TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool Board of Trustees.
7.I. Discussion and/or action to consider the nomination of Yolanda Strey to the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation by Councilmember David Bryant with a term to expire in November 2022.
7.J. Discussion and/or action to consider the nomination of Thomas Hughes to the Airport Advisory Board by Councilmember Kara McGregor with a term to expire in November 2023.
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