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Work session A. Presentation of the City of Lockhart and the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation's Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (annual financial audit) by BrooksWatson & Company, PLLC., an independent public accounting firm.
Work session B. Discuss Resolution 2022-19 of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas amending its schedule of permit fees in order to include specific fees applied when a project is outsourced by the City to a third-party company; keeping other fees in the schedule the same; and providing for an effective date.
Work session D. Discuss minutes of the March 1, 2022 Council meeting
Work session E. Discuss a short term use agreement extension with the Lockhart Youth Soccer Association (LYSA) for the use of the Cpl. Jason K. LaFleur Soccer Complex and defining maintenance responsibilities of LYSA and the City of Lockhart and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved by Council.
Work session F. Discuss bid proposal by The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) cooperative purchasing with PMR Contractors in the amount of $64,633.25 for the replacement of the Senior Center roof located at 901 Bois D' Arc Street and appointing the City Manager to sign the proposal, if approved by Council.
Work session G. Discuss the preliminary Budget and Tax Calendar for Fiscal Year 2022--2023.
Work session H. Discuss Resolution 2022-17 for an economic development performance agreement with Caldwell County Farm Bureau for a BIG Grant.
Work session I. Discuss Resolution 2022-18 for an economic development performance agreement with Good Things Lockhart, LLC for a BIG Grant.
Work session J. Discuss Resolution 2022-16 to accept a $1.68 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration for wastewater improvements within the City of Lockhart; providing $420,000 in matching funds; and providing an effective date.
Work session K. Discussion regarding a property sale agreement for 11.82 acres in Lockhart Industrial Park III with Titan Development
Work session L. Continue discussion regarding application ZC-22-06 by Curtis Thigpen of Paravel Capital for a Zoning Change from RMD Residential Medium Density District to RHD Residential High Density District for 19.906 acres in the Cornelius Crenshaw Survey, Abstract No. 68, located in the 1900 block of North Cesar Chavez Parkway - Northbound (SH 130). TABLED at the February 15 meeting. Proposed to be TABLED again to the June 7th meeting due to not yet having a final recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Work session M. Discuss Ordinance 2022-14 adopting a code of ethics and anti-discrimination policy for city council members, city board/commission members, and employees.
Work session N. Discussion regarding the nomination of Daniel Koehler to the Airport Advisory Board by Councilmember Derrick David Bryant for a term to expire in November 2022.
Work session O. Discussion regarding matters related to COVID-19.
6.A. Discussion and/or action to consider in-kind support and approval of Courthouse Nights Event to be held Downtown every 3rd Friday from April to October 2022.
4.A. Hold public hearing to receive comments on the proposed Illustrative Plan for redistricting the City Council districts.
4.B. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-07 by Hector and Maria Rangel, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-13 for a Zoning Change from RMD Residential Medium Densitiy District to CMB Commercial Medium Business District on Part of Lots 3 and 4, Block 4, Original Town of Lockhart, consisting of 0.5460 acre located at 604 East Market Street.
6.C. Presentation, discussion and/or action for the City Council to consider acceptance of the City of Lockhart and the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation's Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (annual financial audit) by BrooksWatson & Company, PLLC., an independent public accounting firm.
6.D. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2022-16 to accept a $1.68 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration for wastewater improvements within the City of Lockhart; providing $420,000 in matching funds; and providing an effective date.
6.E. Discussion and/or action regarding a property sale agreement for 11.82 acres in Lockhart Industrial Park III with Titan Development.
6.F. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-14 adopting a code of ethics and anti-discrimination policy for city council members, city board/commission members, and employees.
6.G. Consider the nomination of Daniel Koehler to the Airport Advisory Board by Councilmember Derrick David Bryant for a term to expire in November 2022.
Mar 15, 2022 Lockhart City Council
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Work session A. Presentation of the City of Lockhart and the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation's Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (annual financial audit) by BrooksWatson & Company, PLLC., an independent public accounting firm.
Work session B. Discuss Resolution 2022-19 of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas amending its schedule of permit fees in order to include specific fees applied when a project is outsourced by the City to a third-party company; keeping other fees in the schedule the same; and providing for an effective date.
Work session D. Discuss minutes of the March 1, 2022 Council meeting
Work session E. Discuss a short term use agreement extension with the Lockhart Youth Soccer Association (LYSA) for the use of the Cpl. Jason K. LaFleur Soccer Complex and defining maintenance responsibilities of LYSA and the City of Lockhart and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved by Council.
Work session F. Discuss bid proposal by The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) cooperative purchasing with PMR Contractors in the amount of $64,633.25 for the replacement of the Senior Center roof located at 901 Bois D' Arc Street and appointing the City Manager to sign the proposal, if approved by Council.
Work session G. Discuss the preliminary Budget and Tax Calendar for Fiscal Year 2022--2023.
Work session H. Discuss Resolution 2022-17 for an economic development performance agreement with Caldwell County Farm Bureau for a BIG Grant.
Work session I. Discuss Resolution 2022-18 for an economic development performance agreement with Good Things Lockhart, LLC for a BIG Grant.
Work session J. Discuss Resolution 2022-16 to accept a $1.68 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration for wastewater improvements within the City of Lockhart; providing $420,000 in matching funds; and providing an effective date.
Work session K. Discussion regarding a property sale agreement for 11.82 acres in Lockhart Industrial Park III with Titan Development
Work session L. Continue discussion regarding application ZC-22-06 by Curtis Thigpen of Paravel Capital for a Zoning Change from RMD Residential Medium Density District to RHD Residential High Density District for 19.906 acres in the Cornelius Crenshaw Survey, Abstract No. 68, located in the 1900 block of North Cesar Chavez Parkway - Northbound (SH 130). TABLED at the February 15 meeting. Proposed to be TABLED again to the June 7th meeting due to not yet having a final recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Work session M. Discuss Ordinance 2022-14 adopting a code of ethics and anti-discrimination policy for city council members, city board/commission members, and employees.
Work session N. Discussion regarding the nomination of Daniel Koehler to the Airport Advisory Board by Councilmember Derrick David Bryant for a term to expire in November 2022.
Work session O. Discussion regarding matters related to COVID-19.
6.A. Discussion and/or action to consider in-kind support and approval of Courthouse Nights Event to be held Downtown every 3rd Friday from April to October 2022.
4.A. Hold public hearing to receive comments on the proposed Illustrative Plan for redistricting the City Council districts.
4.B. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-22-07 by Hector and Maria Rangel, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-13 for a Zoning Change from RMD Residential Medium Densitiy District to CMB Commercial Medium Business District on Part of Lots 3 and 4, Block 4, Original Town of Lockhart, consisting of 0.5460 acre located at 604 East Market Street.
6.C. Presentation, discussion and/or action for the City Council to consider acceptance of the City of Lockhart and the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation's Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (annual financial audit) by BrooksWatson & Company, PLLC., an independent public accounting firm.
6.D. Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2022-16 to accept a $1.68 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration for wastewater improvements within the City of Lockhart; providing $420,000 in matching funds; and providing an effective date.
6.E. Discussion and/or action regarding a property sale agreement for 11.82 acres in Lockhart Industrial Park III with Titan Development.
6.F. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2022-14 adopting a code of ethics and anti-discrimination policy for city council members, city board/commission members, and employees.
6.G. Consider the nomination of Daniel Koehler to the Airport Advisory Board by Councilmember Derrick David Bryant for a term to expire in November 2022.
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