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1. Call To Order
2A. Presentation by legal counsel of example plan redistricting the City Councilmember Districts based on 2020 Census data.
2B. Discussion by the City Council of example plan and amendments to develop a plan for future adoption.
2C. Set public hearing date for the purpose of receiving public comment with regard to the redrawing of councilmember district boundaries.
Feb 08, 2022 Lockhart Special City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call To Order
2A. Presentation by legal counsel of example plan redistricting the City Councilmember Districts based on 2020 Census data.
2B. Discussion by the City Council of example plan and amendments to develop a plan for future adoption.
2C. Set public hearing date for the purpose of receiving public comment with regard to the redrawing of councilmember district boundaries.
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