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Work Session A. Discuss City Council minutes of the August 17, 2021 meeting.
Work Session B. Discuss completing electric distribution upgrade to LK30 and LK40 (Project #11) as part of the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) five-year System Study.
Work Session C. Discuss utilization of tree trimming service through the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) and McCoy Tree Surgery, Co. and authorizing the City Manager to execute the customer service contract.
Work Session D. Discuss Lockhart Little League (LLL) five (5) year contract renewal request for use of the City's Sports Complex and fields on Carver Street.
Work Session E. Discuss Easement Agreement for Public Utilities for the wastewater main extension for future Lincoln Lane right-of-way and to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement.
Work Session F. Discuss Ordinance 2021-26 adopting the City Manager's Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and appropriating resources, beginning October 1, 2021 ending September 30, 2022 for the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas and the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation and readopting the City's Investment and Strategies Policy and Fund Balance - Stabilization and Excess of Reserves Policies.
Work Session G. Discuss Ordinance 2021-27 levying maintenance and operations property taxes for the use and support of the City of Lockhart, Texas and interest and sinking property taxes for the debt service obligations of the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas for Fiscal Year 2021, beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022.
Work Session I. Discuss a one-time premium payment to City of Lockhart employees utilizing funds from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the City of Lockhart as presented. (Part 1 of 2)
Work Session H. Discuss Ordinance 2021-29 repealing uncodified Ordinance 2020-22 in its entirety and adopting this ordinance regarding the City personnel policy manual; removing performance or merit pay for police and fire personnel and adopting a step pay plan for Police and Fire Departments under civil service.
Work Session I. Discuss a one-time premium payment to City of Lockhart employees utilizing funds from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the City of Lockhart as presented. (Part 2 of 2)
Work Session J. Discussion regarding matters related to COVID-19 including, but not limited to, the use of City facilities for upcoming community events such as Evening with the Authors, National Night Out, Hill Country Barbecue Cookoff, Speaking of the Dead, Courthouse Nights, and Dickens.
3.A. Hold public hearing on the City of Lockhart and Lockhart Economic Development Corporation FY 2021-2022 Budgets.
3.B.Hold public hearing on Proposed Tax Rate for 2021.
3.C. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-21-11 by Berk RE, LLC, on behalf of Terry Black, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2021-28, for a Zoning Change from RLD Residential Low Density District to CHB Commercial Heavy Business District on 1.022 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract 17, located at 900 North Colorado Street (US 183).
6.A. Discussion and/or action for the Council to consider Ordinance 2021-26 adopting the City Manager's Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and appropriating resources, beginning October 1, 2021 ending September 30, 2022 for the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas and the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation and readopting the City's Investment and Strategies Policy and Fund Balance - Stabilization and Excess of Reserves Policies.
6.B. Discussion and/or action for City Council to consider Ordinance 2021-27 levying maintenance and operations property taxes for the use and support of the City of Lockhart, Texas and interest and sinking property taxes for the debt service obligations of the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas for Fiscal Year 2021, beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022.
6.C. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2021-29 repealing uncodified Ordinance 2020-22 in its entirety and adopting this ordinance regarding the City personnel policy manual; removing performance or merit pay for police and fire personnel and adopting a step pay plan for Police and Fire Departments under civil service.
6.D. Discussion and/or action to consider a one-time premium payment to City of Lockhart employees utilizing funds from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the City of Lockhart as presented.
6.E. Discussion regarding matters related to COVID-19 including, but not limited to, the use of City facilities for upcoming community events such as Evening with the Authors, National Night Out, Hill Country Barbecue Cookoff, Speaking of the Dead, Courthouse Nights, and Dickens.
6.F. Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
Items 9 & 10
11.A. Discussion and/or action regarding Economic Development negotiations with Project Dynamo.
11.B. Discussion and/or action regarding Economic Development negotiations with Project Evergreen.
Sep 07, 2021 Lockhart City Council
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Work Session A. Discuss City Council minutes of the August 17, 2021 meeting.
Work Session B. Discuss completing electric distribution upgrade to LK30 and LK40 (Project #11) as part of the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) five-year System Study.
Work Session C. Discuss utilization of tree trimming service through the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) and McCoy Tree Surgery, Co. and authorizing the City Manager to execute the customer service contract.
Work Session D. Discuss Lockhart Little League (LLL) five (5) year contract renewal request for use of the City's Sports Complex and fields on Carver Street.
Work Session E. Discuss Easement Agreement for Public Utilities for the wastewater main extension for future Lincoln Lane right-of-way and to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement.
Work Session F. Discuss Ordinance 2021-26 adopting the City Manager's Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and appropriating resources, beginning October 1, 2021 ending September 30, 2022 for the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas and the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation and readopting the City's Investment and Strategies Policy and Fund Balance - Stabilization and Excess of Reserves Policies.
Work Session G. Discuss Ordinance 2021-27 levying maintenance and operations property taxes for the use and support of the City of Lockhart, Texas and interest and sinking property taxes for the debt service obligations of the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas for Fiscal Year 2021, beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022.
Work Session I. Discuss a one-time premium payment to City of Lockhart employees utilizing funds from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the City of Lockhart as presented. (Part 1 of 2)
Work Session H. Discuss Ordinance 2021-29 repealing uncodified Ordinance 2020-22 in its entirety and adopting this ordinance regarding the City personnel policy manual; removing performance or merit pay for police and fire personnel and adopting a step pay plan for Police and Fire Departments under civil service.
Work Session I. Discuss a one-time premium payment to City of Lockhart employees utilizing funds from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the City of Lockhart as presented. (Part 2 of 2)
Work Session J. Discussion regarding matters related to COVID-19 including, but not limited to, the use of City facilities for upcoming community events such as Evening with the Authors, National Night Out, Hill Country Barbecue Cookoff, Speaking of the Dead, Courthouse Nights, and Dickens.
3.A. Hold public hearing on the City of Lockhart and Lockhart Economic Development Corporation FY 2021-2022 Budgets.
3.B.Hold public hearing on Proposed Tax Rate for 2021.
3.C. Hold a PUBLIC HEARING on application ZC-21-11 by Berk RE, LLC, on behalf of Terry Black, and discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2021-28, for a Zoning Change from RLD Residential Low Density District to CHB Commercial Heavy Business District on 1.022 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract 17, located at 900 North Colorado Street (US 183).
6.A. Discussion and/or action for the Council to consider Ordinance 2021-26 adopting the City Manager's Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and appropriating resources, beginning October 1, 2021 ending September 30, 2022 for the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas and the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation and readopting the City's Investment and Strategies Policy and Fund Balance - Stabilization and Excess of Reserves Policies.
6.B. Discussion and/or action for City Council to consider Ordinance 2021-27 levying maintenance and operations property taxes for the use and support of the City of Lockhart, Texas and interest and sinking property taxes for the debt service obligations of the City of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas for Fiscal Year 2021, beginning October 1, 2021 and ending September 30, 2022.
6.C. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2021-29 repealing uncodified Ordinance 2020-22 in its entirety and adopting this ordinance regarding the City personnel policy manual; removing performance or merit pay for police and fire personnel and adopting a step pay plan for Police and Fire Departments under civil service.
6.D. Discussion and/or action to consider a one-time premium payment to City of Lockhart employees utilizing funds from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the City of Lockhart as presented.
6.E. Discussion regarding matters related to COVID-19 including, but not limited to, the use of City facilities for upcoming community events such as Evening with the Authors, National Night Out, Hill Country Barbecue Cookoff, Speaking of the Dead, Courthouse Nights, and Dickens.
6.F. Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
Items 9 & 10
11.A. Discussion and/or action regarding Economic Development negotiations with Project Dynamo.
11.B. Discussion and/or action regarding Economic Development negotiations with Project Evergreen.
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