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Work Session A. Discuss minutes of the City Council meeting of May 18, 2021.
Work Session B. Discuss Resolution 2021-08 authorizing the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Transportation for a Transportation Alternatives Grant to fund public improvements in the 100 block of East San Antonio Street (SH 142).
Work Session C. Discuss Ordinance 2021-14 granting to West Texas Gas, Inc., the right, privilege and franchise to construct, install, extend, remove, replace, abandon, operate and maintain its facilities within the public rights-of-way of the City of Lockhart, Texas for the transportation, delivery, sale and distribution of natural gas; containing other provisions relating to the foregoing subject; providing for severability and providing an effective date.
Work Session D. Discuss a request by Arnold and Marcia Proctor for a determination of eligibility for a Tax Abatement (TA-21-01) pursuant to Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks", Division 2 "Tax Abatement", of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, for exterior improvements to a registered Historic Landmark single-family dwelling located at 515 South Main Street.
4.A. Hold a public hearing on application ZC-21-05 by Michelle Rodriguez, on behalf of Franco Ortiz for a Zoning Change from AO Agricultural-Open Space District and RLD Residential Low Density District to AO Agricultural-Open Space District on 5.1 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17, located at 921 Silent Valley Road (FM 2001).
4.B. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2021-12 amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Lockhart, Texas, to reclassify the property known as 5.1 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17, located at 921 Silent Valley Road (FM 2001), from AO Agricultural-Open Space District and RLD Residential Low Density District, to AO Agricultural-Open Space District.
4.C. Hold a public hearing on application ZC-21-06 by Keith Shauer, P.E. of Doucet & Associates, Inc., on behalf of Robert A. Schmidt for a Zoning Change from AO Agricultural-Open Space District to 10.62 acres CHB Commercial Heavy Business District and 91.09 acres RMD Residential Medium Density District on 101.71 acres in the Esther Berry Survey, Abstract No. 1, located at 2300 South Colorado Street (US 183).
4.D. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2021-13 amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Lockhart, Texas, to reclassify the property known as 101.71 acres in the Esther Berry Survey, Abstract No. 1, located at 2300 South Colorado Street (US 183), from AO Agricultural-Open Space District to 10.62 acres CHB Commercial Heavy Business District and 91.09 acres RMD Residential Medium Density District.
5.A. Discussion and/or action to consider minutes of the City Council meeting of May 18, 2021.
5.B. Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2021-08 authorizing the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Transportation for a Transportation Alternatives Grant to fund public improvements in the 100 block of East San Antonio Street (SH 142).
5.C. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2021-14 granting to West Texas Gas, Inc., the right, privilege and franchise to construct, install, extend, remove, replace, abandon, operate and maintain its facilities within the public rights-of-way of the City of Lockhart, Texas for the transportation, delivery, sale and distribution of natural gas; containing other provisions relating to the foregoing subject; providing for severability and providing an effective date.
5.D. Discussion and/or action to consider a request by Arnold and Marcia Proctor for a determination of eligibility for a Tax Abatement (TA-21-01) pursuant to Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks", Division 2 "Tax Abatement", of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, for exterior improvements to a registered Historic Landmark single-family dwelling located at 515 South Main Street.
Jun 01, 2021 Lockhart City Council
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Full agenda
Work Session A. Discuss minutes of the City Council meeting of May 18, 2021.
Work Session B. Discuss Resolution 2021-08 authorizing the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Transportation for a Transportation Alternatives Grant to fund public improvements in the 100 block of East San Antonio Street (SH 142).
Work Session C. Discuss Ordinance 2021-14 granting to West Texas Gas, Inc., the right, privilege and franchise to construct, install, extend, remove, replace, abandon, operate and maintain its facilities within the public rights-of-way of the City of Lockhart, Texas for the transportation, delivery, sale and distribution of natural gas; containing other provisions relating to the foregoing subject; providing for severability and providing an effective date.
Work Session D. Discuss a request by Arnold and Marcia Proctor for a determination of eligibility for a Tax Abatement (TA-21-01) pursuant to Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks", Division 2 "Tax Abatement", of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, for exterior improvements to a registered Historic Landmark single-family dwelling located at 515 South Main Street.
4.A. Hold a public hearing on application ZC-21-05 by Michelle Rodriguez, on behalf of Franco Ortiz for a Zoning Change from AO Agricultural-Open Space District and RLD Residential Low Density District to AO Agricultural-Open Space District on 5.1 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17, located at 921 Silent Valley Road (FM 2001).
4.B. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2021-12 amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Lockhart, Texas, to reclassify the property known as 5.1 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17, located at 921 Silent Valley Road (FM 2001), from AO Agricultural-Open Space District and RLD Residential Low Density District, to AO Agricultural-Open Space District.
4.C. Hold a public hearing on application ZC-21-06 by Keith Shauer, P.E. of Doucet & Associates, Inc., on behalf of Robert A. Schmidt for a Zoning Change from AO Agricultural-Open Space District to 10.62 acres CHB Commercial Heavy Business District and 91.09 acres RMD Residential Medium Density District on 101.71 acres in the Esther Berry Survey, Abstract No. 1, located at 2300 South Colorado Street (US 183).
4.D. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2021-13 amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Lockhart, Texas, to reclassify the property known as 101.71 acres in the Esther Berry Survey, Abstract No. 1, located at 2300 South Colorado Street (US 183), from AO Agricultural-Open Space District to 10.62 acres CHB Commercial Heavy Business District and 91.09 acres RMD Residential Medium Density District.
5.A. Discussion and/or action to consider minutes of the City Council meeting of May 18, 2021.
5.B. Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2021-08 authorizing the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Transportation for a Transportation Alternatives Grant to fund public improvements in the 100 block of East San Antonio Street (SH 142).
5.C. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2021-14 granting to West Texas Gas, Inc., the right, privilege and franchise to construct, install, extend, remove, replace, abandon, operate and maintain its facilities within the public rights-of-way of the City of Lockhart, Texas for the transportation, delivery, sale and distribution of natural gas; containing other provisions relating to the foregoing subject; providing for severability and providing an effective date.
5.D. Discussion and/or action to consider a request by Arnold and Marcia Proctor for a determination of eligibility for a Tax Abatement (TA-21-01) pursuant to Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks", Division 2 "Tax Abatement", of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, for exterior improvements to a registered Historic Landmark single-family dwelling located at 515 South Main Street.
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