Discus bid to Nighthawk Construction of Lockhart, Texas in the amount of $294,685.50 for the construction of an 18" water main as part of Community Development Block Grant #7219231, as recommended by the project Engineer
Discuss Extension of Lease Agreement with Martin & Martin Aviation, LLC as the Lockhart Municipal Airport Fixed Based Operator (FBO) comprised of Keith Uhls and Reine Smith until December 31, 2020 and authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved.
Discuss confirmation of Civil Service Commission member reappointment of Ms. Yolanda Strey for a three year term as recommended by the City Manager.
Discuss a request by Ronda Reagan for a determination of eligibility for a Tax Abatement (TA-20-01) pursuant to Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks", Division 2 "Tax Abatement", of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, for interior and exterior improvements to a registered Historical Landmark single-family dwelling located at 412 West San Antonio Street.
Discuss amending guidelines and eligibility requirements and to extend the Emergency Utility Bill Relief Grant Program to the City of Lockhart's inside-City residential utility customers who are experiencing financial hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of September 15, 2020. B. Award bid to Nighthawk Construction of Lockhart, Texas in the amount of $294,685.50 for the construction of an 18" water main as part of Community Development Block Grant #7219231, as recommended by the project Engineer. C. Approve Extension of Lease Agreement with Martin & Martin Aviation, LLC as the Lockhart Municipal Airport Fixed Based Operator (FBO) comprised of Keith Uhls and Reine Smith until December 31, 2020 and authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved. D. Approve confirmation of Civil Service Commission member reappointment of Ms. Yolanda Strey for a three year term as recommended by the City Manager. E. Accept 4th Quarter Fiscal Year 2020 Investment Report.
Discussion and/or action to consider a request by Ronda Reagan for a determination of eligibility for a Tax Abatement (TA-20-01) pursuant to Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks", Division 2 "Tax Abatement", of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, for interior and exterior improvements to a registered Historical Landmark single-family dwelling located at 412 West San Antonio Street.
Discussion and/or action to consider amending guidelines and eligibility requirements and to extend the Emergency Utility Bill Relief Grant Program to the City of Lockhart's inside-City residential utility customers who are experiencing financial hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Discussion and/or action to consider the Mayor's declaration of local disaster regarding requiring face coverings, and addressing other matters related to COVID-19, if necessary.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
• Library Updates: o 2020 Virtual Evening with the Authors was a success. o Library staff will begin preparations for Dickens Christmas decorations. • Public Works Updates: o Update regarding booster pump improvements at the Maple Street elevated water storage tank. o The SH 130 elevated water storage tank will be substantially complete by the end of October. o The Town Branch Trail Phase II and the South Colorado Street sidewalk projects are expected to begin in November. o City staff recently repaved the intersection of Torres Street near Blackjack Street. o The bid due date for the 2020 Street Paving projects is October 29th. • Fire Department Updates: o Update regarding renovation analysis for the Lockhart Fire Station No. 1. o Firefighter entrance exam and physical agility test is scheduled for October 24, 2020. The fire department currently has 4 open positions. • Update regarding citizens Wayfinding Committee. • Early voting for the November 3, 2020 General Election began on October 13th and continues until October 30th at the Scott Annex, 1403 Blackjack Street. • 2020 U.S. Census update. • The Lockhart Police Department participated in Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October and in Purple Thursday on October 15.
Discus bid to Nighthawk Construction of Lockhart, Texas in the amount of $294,685.50 for the construction of an 18" water main as part of Community Development Block Grant #7219231, as recommended by the project Engineer
Discuss Extension of Lease Agreement with Martin & Martin Aviation, LLC as the Lockhart Municipal Airport Fixed Based Operator (FBO) comprised of Keith Uhls and Reine Smith until December 31, 2020 and authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved.
Discuss confirmation of Civil Service Commission member reappointment of Ms. Yolanda Strey for a three year term as recommended by the City Manager.
Discuss a request by Ronda Reagan for a determination of eligibility for a Tax Abatement (TA-20-01) pursuant to Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks", Division 2 "Tax Abatement", of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, for interior and exterior improvements to a registered Historical Landmark single-family dwelling located at 412 West San Antonio Street.
Discuss amending guidelines and eligibility requirements and to extend the Emergency Utility Bill Relief Grant Program to the City of Lockhart's inside-City residential utility customers who are experiencing financial hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of September 15, 2020. B. Award bid to Nighthawk Construction of Lockhart, Texas in the amount of $294,685.50 for the construction of an 18" water main as part of Community Development Block Grant #7219231, as recommended by the project Engineer. C. Approve Extension of Lease Agreement with Martin & Martin Aviation, LLC as the Lockhart Municipal Airport Fixed Based Operator (FBO) comprised of Keith Uhls and Reine Smith until December 31, 2020 and authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved. D. Approve confirmation of Civil Service Commission member reappointment of Ms. Yolanda Strey for a three year term as recommended by the City Manager. E. Accept 4th Quarter Fiscal Year 2020 Investment Report.
Discussion and/or action to consider a request by Ronda Reagan for a determination of eligibility for a Tax Abatement (TA-20-01) pursuant to Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks", Division 2 "Tax Abatement", of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, for interior and exterior improvements to a registered Historical Landmark single-family dwelling located at 412 West San Antonio Street.
Discussion and/or action to consider amending guidelines and eligibility requirements and to extend the Emergency Utility Bill Relief Grant Program to the City of Lockhart's inside-City residential utility customers who are experiencing financial hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Discussion and/or action to consider the Mayor's declaration of local disaster regarding requiring face coverings, and addressing other matters related to COVID-19, if necessary.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
• Library Updates: o 2020 Virtual Evening with the Authors was a success. o Library staff will begin preparations for Dickens Christmas decorations. • Public Works Updates: o Update regarding booster pump improvements at the Maple Street elevated water storage tank. o The SH 130 elevated water storage tank will be substantially complete by the end of October. o The Town Branch Trail Phase II and the South Colorado Street sidewalk projects are expected to begin in November. o City staff recently repaved the intersection of Torres Street near Blackjack Street. o The bid due date for the 2020 Street Paving projects is October 29th. • Fire Department Updates: o Update regarding renovation analysis for the Lockhart Fire Station No. 1. o Firefighter entrance exam and physical agility test is scheduled for October 24, 2020. The fire department currently has 4 open positions. • Update regarding citizens Wayfinding Committee. • Early voting for the November 3, 2020 General Election began on October 13th and continues until October 30th at the Scott Annex, 1403 Blackjack Street. • 2020 U.S. Census update. • The Lockhart Police Department participated in Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October and in Purple Thursday on October 15.