Discuss Caldwell County Christian Ministries to renew their lease for five years, as provided in the current lease, for portions of the building at 901 Bois D'Arc Street known as the Food Pantry and to include a land lease for the Community Garden.
Discuss Resolution 2020-13 adopting the Caldwell County Hazard Mitigation Action Plan (HMAP) 2020 as developed specifically for Caldwell County as a multi-jurisdictional plan. (The HMAP document will be provided as a dropbox link through e-mail due to the large file size.)
Discuss the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) Grant Terms and Conditions and Designation of Subrecipient Agent documents to participate in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA) Program for Disaster Number DR-4485, Texas COVID-19 Pandemic. The City of Lockhart declared a local disaster declaration on March 17, 2020 and applied for FEMA Public Assistance on March 27, 2020.
Discuss Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Mid-Year Budget review, including COVID-19 impacts and potential responses.
Discuss implementation of additional safety measures at Summerside Subdivision entrance along US 183.
Discuss the City of Lockhart's Mayoral Declaration of Local State of Disaster due to Public Health Emergency order extended on April 7, 2020 and addressing other matters related to COVID-19, if necessary.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
A. Approve Caldwell County Christian Ministries to renew their lease for five years, as provided in the current lease, for portions of the building at 901 Bois D'Arc Street known as the Food Pantry and to include a land lease for the Community Garden. B. Approve Resolution 2020-13 adopting the Caldwell County Hazard Mitigation Action Plan (HMAP) 2020 as developed specifically for Caldwell County as a multi-jurisdictional plan. (The HMAP document will be provided as a dropbox link through e-mail due to the large file size.) C. Approve the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) Grant Terms and Conditions and Designation of Subrecipient Agent documents to participate in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA) Program for Disaster Number DR-4485, Texas COVID-19 Pandemic. The City of Lockhart declared a local disaster declaration on March 17, 2020 and applied for FEMA Public Assistance on March 27, 2020. D. Accept the 2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2020 Investment Report.
Discussion and/or action regarding Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Mid-Year Budget review, including COVID-19 impacts and potential responses.
Discussion regarding implementation of additional safety measures at Summerside Subdivision entrance along US 183.
Discussion and/or action regarding the City of Lockhart's Mayoral Declaration of Local State of Disaster due to Public Health Emergency order extended on April 7, 2020 and addressing other matters related to COVID-19, if necessary.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update regarding potential delays to the U.S. Census timeline. • Construction soon underway of a Rain Garden in the City Park as part of the TCEQ Riparian Restoration Grant. • Preconstruction meeting was held on April 23rd regarding the Phase I Town Branch Trail. • The Library will begin hosting a virtual Q&A session about Technology on April 17. • Library conducting virtual story time.
7. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 8. ADJOURNMENT
Discuss Caldwell County Christian Ministries to renew their lease for five years, as provided in the current lease, for portions of the building at 901 Bois D'Arc Street known as the Food Pantry and to include a land lease for the Community Garden.
Discuss Resolution 2020-13 adopting the Caldwell County Hazard Mitigation Action Plan (HMAP) 2020 as developed specifically for Caldwell County as a multi-jurisdictional plan. (The HMAP document will be provided as a dropbox link through e-mail due to the large file size.)
Discuss the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) Grant Terms and Conditions and Designation of Subrecipient Agent documents to participate in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA) Program for Disaster Number DR-4485, Texas COVID-19 Pandemic. The City of Lockhart declared a local disaster declaration on March 17, 2020 and applied for FEMA Public Assistance on March 27, 2020.
Discuss Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Mid-Year Budget review, including COVID-19 impacts and potential responses.
Discuss implementation of additional safety measures at Summerside Subdivision entrance along US 183.
Discuss the City of Lockhart's Mayoral Declaration of Local State of Disaster due to Public Health Emergency order extended on April 7, 2020 and addressing other matters related to COVID-19, if necessary.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
A. Approve Caldwell County Christian Ministries to renew their lease for five years, as provided in the current lease, for portions of the building at 901 Bois D'Arc Street known as the Food Pantry and to include a land lease for the Community Garden. B. Approve Resolution 2020-13 adopting the Caldwell County Hazard Mitigation Action Plan (HMAP) 2020 as developed specifically for Caldwell County as a multi-jurisdictional plan. (The HMAP document will be provided as a dropbox link through e-mail due to the large file size.) C. Approve the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) Grant Terms and Conditions and Designation of Subrecipient Agent documents to participate in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA) Program for Disaster Number DR-4485, Texas COVID-19 Pandemic. The City of Lockhart declared a local disaster declaration on March 17, 2020 and applied for FEMA Public Assistance on March 27, 2020. D. Accept the 2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2020 Investment Report.
Discussion and/or action regarding Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Mid-Year Budget review, including COVID-19 impacts and potential responses.
Discussion regarding implementation of additional safety measures at Summerside Subdivision entrance along US 183.
Discussion and/or action regarding the City of Lockhart's Mayoral Declaration of Local State of Disaster due to Public Health Emergency order extended on April 7, 2020 and addressing other matters related to COVID-19, if necessary.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update regarding potential delays to the U.S. Census timeline. • Construction soon underway of a Rain Garden in the City Park as part of the TCEQ Riparian Restoration Grant. • Preconstruction meeting was held on April 23rd regarding the Phase I Town Branch Trail. • The Library will begin hosting a virtual Q&A session about Technology on April 17. • Library conducting virtual story time.
7. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 8. ADJOURNMENT