Presentation by Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority and HDR Engineers regarding update on Carrizo Groundwater Project.
Discuss Joint Election Interlocal Government Contract with the Caldwell County Elections Administrator to conduct election services for the City of Lockhart's General Election on November 5, 2019.
Discuss Ordinance 2019-14 ordering a General Election on November 5, 2019 for the purpose of electing One Councilmember District 1; One Councilmember District 2; and Two Councilmembers At-Large; providing for joint election with Caldwell County; establishing early voting location and polling places; ordering notice of election to be given as prescribed by law; and making provisions for the conduct of the election.
Discuss Resolution 2019-14 approving the submission of the grant application to the Office of the Governor for the body-worn camera program.
Discuss Resolution 2019-15 authorizing the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Transportation for the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program / Safe Routes to School grant to partially fund public improvements in the 100 block of East San Antonio (SH 142).
*This item was joined in progress* 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
PUBLIC HEARING/COUNCIL ACTION Hold a public hearing on request by Thomas Blauvelt on behalf of Richard Blauvelt for a Zoning Change from AO Agricultural-Open Space District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on 2.749 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey. Abstract No. 17, located at 1621 North Pecos Street [ZC-19-05]
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2019-13 amending the Official Zoning Map to reclassify the property known as 2.749 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17, located at 1621 North Pecos Street, from AO Agricultural-Open Space District to RMD Residential Medium Density District.
B Approve Joint Election Interlocal Government Contract with the Caldwell County Elections Administrator to conduct election services for the City of Lockhart's General Election on November 5, 2019. C Approve Ordinance 2019-14 ordering a General Election on November 5, 2019 for the purpose of electing One Councilmember District 1; One Councilmember District 2; and Two Councilmembers At-Large; providing for joint election with Caldwell County; establishing early voting location and polling places; ordering notice of election to be given as prescribed by law; and making provisions for the conduct of the election. D Accept 3rd Quarter Fiscal Year 2019 Investment Report. E Approve Resolution 2019-14 approving the submission of an application of the Grant application to the Office of the Governor for the body-worn camera program. F Approve Resolution 2019-15 authorizing the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Transportation for the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program / Safe Routes to School grant to partially fund public improvements in the 100 block of East San Antonio (SH 142).
Approve Resolution 2019-16 establishing and adopting fees for City Engineer review of construction plans submitted for subdivision and building site development.
Discussion and/or action regarding the possibility of bringing back the Kart Races to Lockhart 2020 with organizer P1 Promotions and considering a date for the event.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION Movies in the Park August 10: Small Foot Review of the 3rd Budget / Financial Report. Police Entrance Exam scheduled for July 26th. Public Works Updates: The City pool will be open until August 11th. St. David's Grant Funding - Phase 1 of the City Park Trail System is being finalized by the City Engineer and will be ready to bid in the upcoming weeks. City staff is working with Lone Star Paving to complete the 2019 Street Improvement Plan. Crews are scheduled to mobilize on July 22nd. Work around the schools will be completed before LISD returns for Orientation on August 12th. Brush Chipping crews finishing up District 1 over the past week. They will start District 2 on July 17th. Animal Shelter update. Fire Department: Fire Department stood by for fireworks on July 3, 2019. No incidents or injuries reported from fireworks. Fire entrance exam was held on June 29, 2019 and resulted in nine candidates. (Five vacancies exist) Fire Station No. 2 construction update. Update concerning bills approved in the 2019 Texas Legislature on City operations. Depository Banking Services - Requests for Proposals will be released soon.
9. EXECUTIVE SESSION in accordance with provisions of the Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 551.072 - to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person. A. Discussion regarding possible land acquisition. 10. OPEN SESSION A. Discussion and/or action regarding possible land acquisition. 11. ADJOURNMENT
Presentation by Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority and HDR Engineers regarding update on Carrizo Groundwater Project.
Discuss Joint Election Interlocal Government Contract with the Caldwell County Elections Administrator to conduct election services for the City of Lockhart's General Election on November 5, 2019.
Discuss Ordinance 2019-14 ordering a General Election on November 5, 2019 for the purpose of electing One Councilmember District 1; One Councilmember District 2; and Two Councilmembers At-Large; providing for joint election with Caldwell County; establishing early voting location and polling places; ordering notice of election to be given as prescribed by law; and making provisions for the conduct of the election.
Discuss Resolution 2019-14 approving the submission of the grant application to the Office of the Governor for the body-worn camera program.
Discuss Resolution 2019-15 authorizing the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Transportation for the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program / Safe Routes to School grant to partially fund public improvements in the 100 block of East San Antonio (SH 142).
*This item was joined in progress* 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
PUBLIC HEARING/COUNCIL ACTION Hold a public hearing on request by Thomas Blauvelt on behalf of Richard Blauvelt for a Zoning Change from AO Agricultural-Open Space District to RMD Residential Medium Density District on 2.749 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey. Abstract No. 17, located at 1621 North Pecos Street [ZC-19-05]
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2019-13 amending the Official Zoning Map to reclassify the property known as 2.749 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17, located at 1621 North Pecos Street, from AO Agricultural-Open Space District to RMD Residential Medium Density District.
B Approve Joint Election Interlocal Government Contract with the Caldwell County Elections Administrator to conduct election services for the City of Lockhart's General Election on November 5, 2019. C Approve Ordinance 2019-14 ordering a General Election on November 5, 2019 for the purpose of electing One Councilmember District 1; One Councilmember District 2; and Two Councilmembers At-Large; providing for joint election with Caldwell County; establishing early voting location and polling places; ordering notice of election to be given as prescribed by law; and making provisions for the conduct of the election. D Accept 3rd Quarter Fiscal Year 2019 Investment Report. E Approve Resolution 2019-14 approving the submission of an application of the Grant application to the Office of the Governor for the body-worn camera program. F Approve Resolution 2019-15 authorizing the submission of an application to the Texas Department of Transportation for the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program / Safe Routes to School grant to partially fund public improvements in the 100 block of East San Antonio (SH 142).
Approve Resolution 2019-16 establishing and adopting fees for City Engineer review of construction plans submitted for subdivision and building site development.
Discussion and/or action regarding the possibility of bringing back the Kart Races to Lockhart 2020 with organizer P1 Promotions and considering a date for the event.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION Movies in the Park August 10: Small Foot Review of the 3rd Budget / Financial Report. Police Entrance Exam scheduled for July 26th. Public Works Updates: The City pool will be open until August 11th. St. David's Grant Funding - Phase 1 of the City Park Trail System is being finalized by the City Engineer and will be ready to bid in the upcoming weeks. City staff is working with Lone Star Paving to complete the 2019 Street Improvement Plan. Crews are scheduled to mobilize on July 22nd. Work around the schools will be completed before LISD returns for Orientation on August 12th. Brush Chipping crews finishing up District 1 over the past week. They will start District 2 on July 17th. Animal Shelter update. Fire Department: Fire Department stood by for fireworks on July 3, 2019. No incidents or injuries reported from fireworks. Fire entrance exam was held on June 29, 2019 and resulted in nine candidates. (Five vacancies exist) Fire Station No. 2 construction update. Update concerning bills approved in the 2019 Texas Legislature on City operations. Depository Banking Services - Requests for Proposals will be released soon.
9. EXECUTIVE SESSION in accordance with provisions of the Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Section 551.072 - to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person. A. Discussion regarding possible land acquisition. 10. OPEN SESSION A. Discussion and/or action regarding possible land acquisition. 11. ADJOURNMENT