PRESENTATION ONLY Presentation of a proclamation declaring October 15-19, 2018 as "Chamber of Commerce Week".
DISCUSSION ONLY Discuss minutes of the City Council meeting of September 25, 2018 and October 2, 2018.
Discuss Resolution 2018-19 adopting an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between Caldwell County and the City of Lockhart for the regulation of subdivisions within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Lockhart, pursuant to Section 242.001(d)(1) of the Texas Local Government Code.
Discuss the effective date of the Lockhart Airport Fixed Based Operator (FBO) Lease Agreement from Mr. Stanley Martin to Martin & Martin Aviation, Inc., comprised of John Cyrier, Keith Uhls, and Reine (Ken) Smith, from October 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019 because of extenuating circumstances.
Discuss Ordinance 2018-29, on a request by Commerce Park 183, LLC, to release 100.367 acres located between US 183/SH 130 and Homannville Trail (CR 179) in the Isaac Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 157, in Caldwell County, Texas, from the City of Lockhart extended (voluntary) Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.
Discussion after presentation by Mark and/or Gina French about the possibility of bringing the Kart Races back to Lockhart.
Discussion regarding the Texas Gas Service collections Reconciliation Audit under the Cost of Gas Clause in the contract that requires the return of excess revenues to gas rate payers in Lockhart; this appears to lower the average customer's bill by 3 to 5 percent beginning in October 2018 and continuing through June 2019.
Discussion regarding not opposing Texas Gas Service tariff changes related to the proposed revised Conservation Adjustment Clause which the company anticipates will lower gas rates for the average residential gas customer.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
B. Approve Resolution 2018-19 adopting an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between Caldwell County and the City of Lockhart for the regulation of subdivisions within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Lockhart, pursuant to Section 242.001(d)(1) of the Texas Local Government Code. C. Approve the effective date of the Lockhart Airport Fixed Based Operator (FBO) Lease Agreement from Mr. Stanley Martin to Martin & Martin Aviation, Inc., comprised of John Cyrier, Keith Uhls, and Reine (Ken) Smith, from October 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019 because of extenuating circumstances.
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS A. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2018-29, on a request by Commerce Park 183, LLC, to release 100.367 acres located between US 183 / SH 130 and Homannville Trail (CR 179) in the Isaac Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 157, in Caldwell County, Texas, from the City of Lockhart extended (voluntary) Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.
Discussion and/or action after presentation by Mark and/or Gina French about the possibility of bringing the Kart Races back to Lockhart.
Discussion and/or action regarding the Texas Gas Service collections Reconciliation Audit under the Cost of Gas Clause in the contract that requires the return of excess revenues to gas rate payers in Lockhart; this appears to lower the average customer's bill by 3 to 5 percent beginning in October 2018 and continuing through June 2019.
Discussion and/or action to consider not opposing Texas Gas Service tariff changes related to the proposed revised Conservation Adjustment Clause which the company anticipates will lower gas rates for the average residential gas customer.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: GBRA is reviewing bids for the Well # 9 Rehabilitation project. This well was underproducing and will have to have an aggressive screen cleaning. Project funded out of the 2015 Certificates of Obligation Funds. Item proposed to be presented to Council during November 6 meeting. • Update: The contractor has completed about 90% of the new 18" water main on West Martin Luther King Jr. Industrial Blvd. that connects the water main on State Park Road at Patton Road. • Update: Good Utility Neighbor Contribution Program Fund/Donation Form have been sent out in the October 5th and 20th utility bills. The flyer has also been posted on the City website and Facebook. The Utility Customer Service Department is set up to start receiving donations. • Report: Hill Country Championship BBQ Cook-Off held at the City Park on October 12 and 13. • Report: Locktoberfest held downtown on October 13. • Report: Last Emergency Warning Siren test for 2018 - Monday, October 15 at 1:00 pm. • Reminder: 15th Annual Speaking of the Dead - Night Ramblings from Texas Graveyards at City Cemetery, October 19 & 20 hosted by the Caldwell County Historical Commission. • Reminder: Feria de Culturas - Annual Dia de Los Muertos event downtown square - Friday, November 2 from 6-9 pm, • Police Chiefs Forum - Oct. 18, 6:30 pm Police Dept. Training Room. • Domestic Violence Walk - October 27 9:30 am to 10:30 am Eastsideof the Court House. • Mental Health Stakeholders Meeting - October 26 11:30 at the Caldwell County Criminal Justice Center. • Officers wearing Purple Uniform Shirts every Friday this month to bring awareness to Domestic Violence. • Reminder: Keep Lockhart Beautiful - 11th Annual Clean-up, Saturday, November 3, 9:00 am at City Park Pavilion. • Reminder: November 6 Election information - early voting will be held at 1403 Blackjack Street as follows: o Oct 22 - 26, 8am-5pm o Sat, Oct 27, 10am-6pm o Sun, Oct 28, 10am-3pm o Oct 29-Nov 2, 7am-7pm Election Day is Tuesday, November 6.
PRESENTATION ONLY Presentation of a proclamation declaring October 15-19, 2018 as "Chamber of Commerce Week".
DISCUSSION ONLY Discuss minutes of the City Council meeting of September 25, 2018 and October 2, 2018.
Discuss Resolution 2018-19 adopting an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between Caldwell County and the City of Lockhart for the regulation of subdivisions within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Lockhart, pursuant to Section 242.001(d)(1) of the Texas Local Government Code.
Discuss the effective date of the Lockhart Airport Fixed Based Operator (FBO) Lease Agreement from Mr. Stanley Martin to Martin & Martin Aviation, Inc., comprised of John Cyrier, Keith Uhls, and Reine (Ken) Smith, from October 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019 because of extenuating circumstances.
Discuss Ordinance 2018-29, on a request by Commerce Park 183, LLC, to release 100.367 acres located between US 183/SH 130 and Homannville Trail (CR 179) in the Isaac Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 157, in Caldwell County, Texas, from the City of Lockhart extended (voluntary) Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.
Discussion after presentation by Mark and/or Gina French about the possibility of bringing the Kart Races back to Lockhart.
Discussion regarding the Texas Gas Service collections Reconciliation Audit under the Cost of Gas Clause in the contract that requires the return of excess revenues to gas rate payers in Lockhart; this appears to lower the average customer's bill by 3 to 5 percent beginning in October 2018 and continuing through June 2019.
Discussion regarding not opposing Texas Gas Service tariff changes related to the proposed revised Conservation Adjustment Clause which the company anticipates will lower gas rates for the average residential gas customer.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
B. Approve Resolution 2018-19 adopting an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between Caldwell County and the City of Lockhart for the regulation of subdivisions within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Lockhart, pursuant to Section 242.001(d)(1) of the Texas Local Government Code. C. Approve the effective date of the Lockhart Airport Fixed Based Operator (FBO) Lease Agreement from Mr. Stanley Martin to Martin & Martin Aviation, Inc., comprised of John Cyrier, Keith Uhls, and Reine (Ken) Smith, from October 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019 because of extenuating circumstances.
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS A. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2018-29, on a request by Commerce Park 183, LLC, to release 100.367 acres located between US 183 / SH 130 and Homannville Trail (CR 179) in the Isaac Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 157, in Caldwell County, Texas, from the City of Lockhart extended (voluntary) Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.
Discussion and/or action after presentation by Mark and/or Gina French about the possibility of bringing the Kart Races back to Lockhart.
Discussion and/or action regarding the Texas Gas Service collections Reconciliation Audit under the Cost of Gas Clause in the contract that requires the return of excess revenues to gas rate payers in Lockhart; this appears to lower the average customer's bill by 3 to 5 percent beginning in October 2018 and continuing through June 2019.
Discussion and/or action to consider not opposing Texas Gas Service tariff changes related to the proposed revised Conservation Adjustment Clause which the company anticipates will lower gas rates for the average residential gas customer.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: GBRA is reviewing bids for the Well # 9 Rehabilitation project. This well was underproducing and will have to have an aggressive screen cleaning. Project funded out of the 2015 Certificates of Obligation Funds. Item proposed to be presented to Council during November 6 meeting. • Update: The contractor has completed about 90% of the new 18" water main on West Martin Luther King Jr. Industrial Blvd. that connects the water main on State Park Road at Patton Road. • Update: Good Utility Neighbor Contribution Program Fund/Donation Form have been sent out in the October 5th and 20th utility bills. The flyer has also been posted on the City website and Facebook. The Utility Customer Service Department is set up to start receiving donations. • Report: Hill Country Championship BBQ Cook-Off held at the City Park on October 12 and 13. • Report: Locktoberfest held downtown on October 13. • Report: Last Emergency Warning Siren test for 2018 - Monday, October 15 at 1:00 pm. • Reminder: 15th Annual Speaking of the Dead - Night Ramblings from Texas Graveyards at City Cemetery, October 19 & 20 hosted by the Caldwell County Historical Commission. • Reminder: Feria de Culturas - Annual Dia de Los Muertos event downtown square - Friday, November 2 from 6-9 pm, • Police Chiefs Forum - Oct. 18, 6:30 pm Police Dept. Training Room. • Domestic Violence Walk - October 27 9:30 am to 10:30 am Eastsideof the Court House. • Mental Health Stakeholders Meeting - October 26 11:30 at the Caldwell County Criminal Justice Center. • Officers wearing Purple Uniform Shirts every Friday this month to bring awareness to Domestic Violence. • Reminder: Keep Lockhart Beautiful - 11th Annual Clean-up, Saturday, November 3, 9:00 am at City Park Pavilion. • Reminder: November 6 Election information - early voting will be held at 1403 Blackjack Street as follows: o Oct 22 - 26, 8am-5pm o Sat, Oct 27, 10am-6pm o Sun, Oct 28, 10am-3pm o Oct 29-Nov 2, 7am-7pm Election Day is Tuesday, November 6.