1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
The Muscular Dystrophy Association to present a plaque to the Lockhart Fire Department for their participation in the 2018 "MDA Fill the Boot" drive.
Presentation of a proclamation to the Hays-Caldwell Women's Center declaring October as "National Domestic Violence Awareness Month".
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Discussion and/or action to consider the minutes of the September 18, 2018 City Council meeting.
Discussion and/or action regarding recommendation to approve Change Order No. 1 to Blackrock Construction of Mansfield, Texas in the amount of $7,587.50 increasing the contract to $468,188.50 for the installation of 125 feet of 18-inch ductile iron water main on MLK Jr. Industrial Blvd and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents.
Discussion and/or action regarding recommendation to award bid to Nighthawk Construction of Lockhart, Texas in the amount of $217,666.00 for the installation of approximately 2,585 feet of 18-inch PVC water main along SH 130 from West San Antonio Street north towards Silent Valley Road and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents.
Discussion and/or action to consider approval of Ordinance 2018-28 amending Chapter 58 to add Section 58-45 titled "Good Neighbor Utility Contribution Program" whereby City utility customers may voluntarily contribute $1 or more in whole dollars to this fund on their utility bill or contribute otherwise to the fund to help other City utility customers that need assistance from time to time paying their utility bill.
Discussion and/or action to consider approval of a Worksite Training Agreement with Workforce Solutions of Rural Capital Area whereby they would provide funding for a person to work and train at the Library for 320 hours, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved.
F. Discussion and/or action to consider approval of a Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) purchase of a "Initial Attack Pumper" in the amount of $218,200 for the Fire Department from HME, Incorporated of Wyoming, Michigan, and appointing the Mayor to sign all required documents if approved. G. Discussion and/or action to consider approval of the purchase of fire equipment in the amount of $11,600 to deploy on the "Initial Attack Pumper" being purchased from HME, Incorporated of Wyoming, Michigan.
Discussion and/or action to consider request from Michael Mann of Caracara Brewing Company for financial support in the amount of $3,307.95 and in-kind support for a Locktoberfest Event to be held downtown on Saturday, October 13, 2018.
Discussion and/or action to consider approval of staff to pursue a 2018 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and to select one elected official to work with two City employees recommended by the City Manager to serve on an evaluation team to review qualified vendor applications and proposals to be the Grant Administrator for an application funded under the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA).
Discussion and/or action to consider approval of new negotiated Ambulance (EMS) Billing and Related Professional Services agreement with K&P Associates, Inc. dba Specialized Billing & Collection Systems of Texas for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provided by the City of Lockhart with new lower rate, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved.
Discussion and/or action to consider approval of a Business Associate Agreement with Specialized Billing and Collection Systems of Texas whereby it agrees to protect the privacy of certain individually identifiable health information or Protected Health Information (PHI) in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) and as required by the US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Privacy Standards, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved.
Discussion and/or action to consider proposed Clear Fork Ranch Municipal Utility District (MUD) on Borchert Loop south of SH 142 which according to the Texas Water Code requires approval from the City of Lockhart because a portion of the MUD is in the City of Lockhart Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ).
Discussion and/or action regarding recommendation by City Manager and Public Works Director to proceed with the process required to abate the asbestos and lead for both structures and based on the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee to proceed with demolition of the parish hall at the donated 728 South Main Street property if funds are available and to continue working with Meals on Wheels of Central Texas regarding possible use of the sanctuary building.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: The contractor has completed about 75% of the new 18" water main on West Martin Luther King Jr Industrial Blvd. that will connect to the large main on State Park Road at Patton. Rain delays. • Update: The Stanton Apartments construction is well underway. Rain Delays. • Update: The new Valero Store and strip center just south of Stanton Apartments has its permits and preconstruction meeting has been held. Rain Delay. • Update: Vintage Springs Development is back on track and has requested that the City allow them to start their dirt work. • Update: A grant application to St. David's Hospital Group seeking funds to extend the sidewalk from Commerce Street into City Park and further connecting the schools has been submitted; should hear about a decision within the next 60-90 days. • Reminder: Hill County Championship BBQ Cook-off Event to be held Friday and Saturday, October 12-13 in Lockhart City Park. • Report: Texas Swing Festival event held September 28 and 29 downtown. • City Manager comments.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
The Muscular Dystrophy Association to present a plaque to the Lockhart Fire Department for their participation in the 2018 "MDA Fill the Boot" drive.
Presentation of a proclamation to the Hays-Caldwell Women's Center declaring October as "National Domestic Violence Awareness Month".
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Discussion and/or action to consider the minutes of the September 18, 2018 City Council meeting.
Discussion and/or action regarding recommendation to approve Change Order No. 1 to Blackrock Construction of Mansfield, Texas in the amount of $7,587.50 increasing the contract to $468,188.50 for the installation of 125 feet of 18-inch ductile iron water main on MLK Jr. Industrial Blvd and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents.
Discussion and/or action regarding recommendation to award bid to Nighthawk Construction of Lockhart, Texas in the amount of $217,666.00 for the installation of approximately 2,585 feet of 18-inch PVC water main along SH 130 from West San Antonio Street north towards Silent Valley Road and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents.
Discussion and/or action to consider approval of Ordinance 2018-28 amending Chapter 58 to add Section 58-45 titled "Good Neighbor Utility Contribution Program" whereby City utility customers may voluntarily contribute $1 or more in whole dollars to this fund on their utility bill or contribute otherwise to the fund to help other City utility customers that need assistance from time to time paying their utility bill.
Discussion and/or action to consider approval of a Worksite Training Agreement with Workforce Solutions of Rural Capital Area whereby they would provide funding for a person to work and train at the Library for 320 hours, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved.
F. Discussion and/or action to consider approval of a Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) purchase of a "Initial Attack Pumper" in the amount of $218,200 for the Fire Department from HME, Incorporated of Wyoming, Michigan, and appointing the Mayor to sign all required documents if approved. G. Discussion and/or action to consider approval of the purchase of fire equipment in the amount of $11,600 to deploy on the "Initial Attack Pumper" being purchased from HME, Incorporated of Wyoming, Michigan.
Discussion and/or action to consider request from Michael Mann of Caracara Brewing Company for financial support in the amount of $3,307.95 and in-kind support for a Locktoberfest Event to be held downtown on Saturday, October 13, 2018.
Discussion and/or action to consider approval of staff to pursue a 2018 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and to select one elected official to work with two City employees recommended by the City Manager to serve on an evaluation team to review qualified vendor applications and proposals to be the Grant Administrator for an application funded under the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA).
Discussion and/or action to consider approval of new negotiated Ambulance (EMS) Billing and Related Professional Services agreement with K&P Associates, Inc. dba Specialized Billing & Collection Systems of Texas for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provided by the City of Lockhart with new lower rate, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved.
Discussion and/or action to consider approval of a Business Associate Agreement with Specialized Billing and Collection Systems of Texas whereby it agrees to protect the privacy of certain individually identifiable health information or Protected Health Information (PHI) in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) and as required by the US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Privacy Standards, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved.
Discussion and/or action to consider proposed Clear Fork Ranch Municipal Utility District (MUD) on Borchert Loop south of SH 142 which according to the Texas Water Code requires approval from the City of Lockhart because a portion of the MUD is in the City of Lockhart Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ).
Discussion and/or action regarding recommendation by City Manager and Public Works Director to proceed with the process required to abate the asbestos and lead for both structures and based on the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee to proceed with demolition of the parish hall at the donated 728 South Main Street property if funds are available and to continue working with Meals on Wheels of Central Texas regarding possible use of the sanctuary building.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: The contractor has completed about 75% of the new 18" water main on West Martin Luther King Jr Industrial Blvd. that will connect to the large main on State Park Road at Patton. Rain delays. • Update: The Stanton Apartments construction is well underway. Rain Delays. • Update: The new Valero Store and strip center just south of Stanton Apartments has its permits and preconstruction meeting has been held. Rain Delay. • Update: Vintage Springs Development is back on track and has requested that the City allow them to start their dirt work. • Update: A grant application to St. David's Hospital Group seeking funds to extend the sidewalk from Commerce Street into City Park and further connecting the schools has been submitted; should hear about a decision within the next 60-90 days. • Reminder: Hill County Championship BBQ Cook-off Event to be held Friday and Saturday, October 12-13 in Lockhart City Park. • Report: Texas Swing Festival event held September 28 and 29 downtown. • City Manager comments.