PRESENTATION ONLY A. Presentation of a Proclamation declaring September 18, 2018 as "Susan Smith Day" in honor of her retirement after 24 years of dedicated service and leadership as Executive Director of the Texas Municipal League MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool.
DISCUSSION ONLY Discuss minutes of the City Council meetings of August 28, 2018 and September 4, 2018.
Discuss Resolution 2018-15 approving Investment Policy for the City of Lockhart, Texas.
Discuss Resolution 2018-16 authorizing the Bank OZK to accept Steven Lewis as a designated signatory for the City of Lockhart; and removing Vance Rodgers and Benny Hilburn from the Corporate Authorization Resolution to be effective October 8, 2018.
Discuss Resolution 2018-17 amending TexPool's Authorized Representatives effective October 8, 2018.
Discuss proposal by 4J Security Services to provide unarmed, uniformed, state licensed security officer services at the City of Lockhart Dr. Eugene Clark Library at a cost of $17.90 per hour and authorizing the City Manager to finalize the contract with review by the City Attorney and for the Mayor to sign the contract for the services.
Discuss purchase of cell phone forensic extraction device and related training in the amount of $18,204 from Cellebrite, Inc.
Discuss in the interest of a public purpose, an Assignment of Lease with minor adjustments to the existing lease from Stanely B. Martin to Martin & Martin Aviation, LLC, comprised of members John Cyrier, Ken (Reine) Smith, and Keith Uhls, and appointing the Mayor to sign the lease if approved.
Discuss in the interest of a public purpose of an Extension of Lease Agreement regarding a ground lease, a new structure lease and new rates with Mr. H.L. Baker at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved.
Discuss in the interest of a public purpose of an Assignment and Release of a lease agreement with Mr. Ted Jones and it being assigned to Mr. Phillip Cline, and regarding an Extension of Lease Agreement for a ground lease and a new structure lease, and new rates with Mr. Phillip Cline at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreements if approved.
Discuss setting up a "Good Utility Neighbor Contribution Program" whereby utility customers can donate funds to go into a special account for other customers that need help in paying their utility bill from time to time; the funds would be deposited into a special account with Community Action, Inc., of Central Texas which would distribute the funds based on their criteria.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
Hold the second of two public hearings on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding year by 5.648878 percent. Announce that the date of the vote on the tax rate will be September 25, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Clark Library Annex - Council Chambers, 217 South Main Street, 3rd Floor, Lockhart, TX 78644.
Hold a public hearing on application ZC-18-11 by Brooks Calavan on behalf of BPCH, LLC for a Zoning Change from MH Manufactured Home District to AO Agricultural-Open Space District for 5.052 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17, located at 1500 North Pecos Street.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2018-20 amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Lockhart, Texas, to recfassify the property known as 5.052 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17, and located at 1500 North Pecos Street, from MH Manufactured Home District to AO Agricultural-Open Space District.
Hold a public hearing regarding adopting the Historical Zoning Overlay Map as a supplement to the Official Zoning Map, and designating eleven properties as historic landmarks with the "HL" zoning classification.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2018-21 adopting the Historic Zoning Overlay Map as a supplement to the Official Zoning Map, as established in Article II, Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances; and designating Historic Landmarks with the "HL" zoning classification, as provided in Section 64-196(n), Chapter 64 "Zoning", and in Section 28-6, Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks" of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances.
B. Approve Resolution 2018-15 approving Investment Policy for the City of Lockhart, Texas. C. Approve Resolution 2018-16 authorizing the Bank OZK to accept Steven Lewis as a designated signatory for the City of Lockhart; and removing Vance Rodgers and Benny Hilburn from the Corporate Authorization Resolution to be effective October 8,2018. D. Approve Resolution 2018-17 amending TexPool's Authorized Representatives effective October 8, 2018. E. Approve proposal by 4J Security Services to provide unarmed, uniformed, state licensed security officer services at the City of Lockhart Dr. Eugene Clark Library at a cost of $17.90 per hour and authorizing the City Manager to finalize the contract with review by the City Attorney and for the Mayor to sign the contract for the services. F. Approve purchase of ceil phone forensic extraction device and related training in the amount of $18,204 from Cellebrite, Inc. G. Approve in the interest of a public purpose, an Assignment of Lease with minor adjustments to the existing lease from Stanely B. Martin to Martin & Martin Aviation, LLC, comprised of members John Cyrier, Ken (Reine) Smith, and Keith Uhls, and appointing the Mayor to sign the lease if approved. H. Approve in the interest of a public purpose of an Extension of Lease Agreement regarding a ground lease, a new structure lease and new rates with Mr. H.L. Baker at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved. I. Approve in the interest of a public purpose of an Assignment and Release of a lease agreement with Mr. Ted Jones and it being assigned to Mr. Phillip Cline, and regarding an Extension of Lease Agreement for a ground lease and a new structure lease, and new rates with Mr. Phillip Cline at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreements if approved.
B. Approve Resolution 2018-15 approving Investment Policy for the City of Lockhart, Texas. C. Approve Resolution 2018-16 authorizing the Bank OZK to accept Steven Lewis as a designated signatory for the City of Lockhart; and removing Vance Rodgers and Benny Hilburn from the Corporate Authorization Resolution to be effective October 8,2018. D. Approve Resolution 2018-17 amending TexPool's Authorized Representatives effective October 8, 2018. E. Approve proposal by 4J Security Services to provide unarmed, uniformed, state licensed security officer services at the City of Lockhart Dr. Eugene Clark Library at a cost of $17.90 per hour and authorizing the City Manager to finalize the contract with review by the City Attorney and for the Mayor to sign the contract for the services. F. Approve purchase of ceil phone forensic extraction device and related training in the amount of $18,204 from Cellebrite, Inc. G. Approve in the interest of a public purpose, an Assignment of Lease with minor adjustments to the existing lease from Stanely B. Martin to Martin & Martin Aviation, LLC, comprised of members John Cyrier, Ken (Reine) Smith, and Keith Uhls, and appointing the Mayor to sign the lease if approved. H. Approve in the interest of a public purpose of an Extension of Lease Agreement regarding a ground lease, a new structure lease and new rates with Mr. H.L. Baker at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved. I. Approve in the interest of a public purpose of an Assignment and Release of a lease agreement with Mr. Ted Jones and it being assigned to Mr. Phillip Cline, and regarding an Extension of Lease Agreement for a ground lease and a new structure lease, and new rates with Mr. Phillip Cline at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreements if approved.
Discussion and/or action regarding setting up a "Good Utility Neighbor Contribution Program" whereby utility customers can donate funds to go into a special account for other customers that need help in paying their utility bill from time to time; the funds would be deposited into a special account with Community Action, Inc., of Central Texas which would distribute the funds based on their criteria.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
Discussion and/or action regarding the proposed Fiscal Year 2018-2019 General Fund, Enterprise Fund, Debt Fund Budgets, and Proposed Funding Sources and, discussion and/or action regarding the Budget and Tax Rate Adoption Calendar, if necessary.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: The contractor has completed about 75% of the new 18" water main on West Martin Luther King Jr. Industrial Blvd. that will connect to the large main on State Park Road at Patton. • Update: The Stanton Apartments construction is well underway. • Update: The new Valero Store and strip center just south of Stanton Apartments has its permits and preconstruction meeting has been held. • Update: Vintage Springs Developer has requested that the City Manager allow them to start their dirt work. • Report: Greater Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber Diez y Seis event. • Report: Staff working on Texas Swing Festival with event representatives to be held September 28 and 29. • Reminder: Staff will be presenting rate ordinances for new water costs and trash collections services at the September 25 meeting at which the Tax Rate and the FY 18-19 Budget will considered for adoption.
8. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 9. ADJOURNMENT
PRESENTATION ONLY A. Presentation of a Proclamation declaring September 18, 2018 as "Susan Smith Day" in honor of her retirement after 24 years of dedicated service and leadership as Executive Director of the Texas Municipal League MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool.
DISCUSSION ONLY Discuss minutes of the City Council meetings of August 28, 2018 and September 4, 2018.
Discuss Resolution 2018-15 approving Investment Policy for the City of Lockhart, Texas.
Discuss Resolution 2018-16 authorizing the Bank OZK to accept Steven Lewis as a designated signatory for the City of Lockhart; and removing Vance Rodgers and Benny Hilburn from the Corporate Authorization Resolution to be effective October 8, 2018.
Discuss Resolution 2018-17 amending TexPool's Authorized Representatives effective October 8, 2018.
Discuss proposal by 4J Security Services to provide unarmed, uniformed, state licensed security officer services at the City of Lockhart Dr. Eugene Clark Library at a cost of $17.90 per hour and authorizing the City Manager to finalize the contract with review by the City Attorney and for the Mayor to sign the contract for the services.
Discuss purchase of cell phone forensic extraction device and related training in the amount of $18,204 from Cellebrite, Inc.
Discuss in the interest of a public purpose, an Assignment of Lease with minor adjustments to the existing lease from Stanely B. Martin to Martin & Martin Aviation, LLC, comprised of members John Cyrier, Ken (Reine) Smith, and Keith Uhls, and appointing the Mayor to sign the lease if approved.
Discuss in the interest of a public purpose of an Extension of Lease Agreement regarding a ground lease, a new structure lease and new rates with Mr. H.L. Baker at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved.
Discuss in the interest of a public purpose of an Assignment and Release of a lease agreement with Mr. Ted Jones and it being assigned to Mr. Phillip Cline, and regarding an Extension of Lease Agreement for a ground lease and a new structure lease, and new rates with Mr. Phillip Cline at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreements if approved.
Discuss setting up a "Good Utility Neighbor Contribution Program" whereby utility customers can donate funds to go into a special account for other customers that need help in paying their utility bill from time to time; the funds would be deposited into a special account with Community Action, Inc., of Central Texas which would distribute the funds based on their criteria.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
Hold the second of two public hearings on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding year by 5.648878 percent. Announce that the date of the vote on the tax rate will be September 25, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Clark Library Annex - Council Chambers, 217 South Main Street, 3rd Floor, Lockhart, TX 78644.
Hold a public hearing on application ZC-18-11 by Brooks Calavan on behalf of BPCH, LLC for a Zoning Change from MH Manufactured Home District to AO Agricultural-Open Space District for 5.052 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17, located at 1500 North Pecos Street.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2018-20 amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Lockhart, Texas, to recfassify the property known as 5.052 acres in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17, and located at 1500 North Pecos Street, from MH Manufactured Home District to AO Agricultural-Open Space District.
Hold a public hearing regarding adopting the Historical Zoning Overlay Map as a supplement to the Official Zoning Map, and designating eleven properties as historic landmarks with the "HL" zoning classification.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2018-21 adopting the Historic Zoning Overlay Map as a supplement to the Official Zoning Map, as established in Article II, Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances; and designating Historic Landmarks with the "HL" zoning classification, as provided in Section 64-196(n), Chapter 64 "Zoning", and in Section 28-6, Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks" of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances.
B. Approve Resolution 2018-15 approving Investment Policy for the City of Lockhart, Texas. C. Approve Resolution 2018-16 authorizing the Bank OZK to accept Steven Lewis as a designated signatory for the City of Lockhart; and removing Vance Rodgers and Benny Hilburn from the Corporate Authorization Resolution to be effective October 8,2018. D. Approve Resolution 2018-17 amending TexPool's Authorized Representatives effective October 8, 2018. E. Approve proposal by 4J Security Services to provide unarmed, uniformed, state licensed security officer services at the City of Lockhart Dr. Eugene Clark Library at a cost of $17.90 per hour and authorizing the City Manager to finalize the contract with review by the City Attorney and for the Mayor to sign the contract for the services. F. Approve purchase of ceil phone forensic extraction device and related training in the amount of $18,204 from Cellebrite, Inc. G. Approve in the interest of a public purpose, an Assignment of Lease with minor adjustments to the existing lease from Stanely B. Martin to Martin & Martin Aviation, LLC, comprised of members John Cyrier, Ken (Reine) Smith, and Keith Uhls, and appointing the Mayor to sign the lease if approved. H. Approve in the interest of a public purpose of an Extension of Lease Agreement regarding a ground lease, a new structure lease and new rates with Mr. H.L. Baker at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved. I. Approve in the interest of a public purpose of an Assignment and Release of a lease agreement with Mr. Ted Jones and it being assigned to Mr. Phillip Cline, and regarding an Extension of Lease Agreement for a ground lease and a new structure lease, and new rates with Mr. Phillip Cline at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreements if approved.
B. Approve Resolution 2018-15 approving Investment Policy for the City of Lockhart, Texas. C. Approve Resolution 2018-16 authorizing the Bank OZK to accept Steven Lewis as a designated signatory for the City of Lockhart; and removing Vance Rodgers and Benny Hilburn from the Corporate Authorization Resolution to be effective October 8,2018. D. Approve Resolution 2018-17 amending TexPool's Authorized Representatives effective October 8, 2018. E. Approve proposal by 4J Security Services to provide unarmed, uniformed, state licensed security officer services at the City of Lockhart Dr. Eugene Clark Library at a cost of $17.90 per hour and authorizing the City Manager to finalize the contract with review by the City Attorney and for the Mayor to sign the contract for the services. F. Approve purchase of ceil phone forensic extraction device and related training in the amount of $18,204 from Cellebrite, Inc. G. Approve in the interest of a public purpose, an Assignment of Lease with minor adjustments to the existing lease from Stanely B. Martin to Martin & Martin Aviation, LLC, comprised of members John Cyrier, Ken (Reine) Smith, and Keith Uhls, and appointing the Mayor to sign the lease if approved. H. Approve in the interest of a public purpose of an Extension of Lease Agreement regarding a ground lease, a new structure lease and new rates with Mr. H.L. Baker at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreement if approved. I. Approve in the interest of a public purpose of an Assignment and Release of a lease agreement with Mr. Ted Jones and it being assigned to Mr. Phillip Cline, and regarding an Extension of Lease Agreement for a ground lease and a new structure lease, and new rates with Mr. Phillip Cline at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, and appointing the Mayor to sign the agreements if approved.
Discussion and/or action regarding setting up a "Good Utility Neighbor Contribution Program" whereby utility customers can donate funds to go into a special account for other customers that need help in paying their utility bill from time to time; the funds would be deposited into a special account with Community Action, Inc., of Central Texas which would distribute the funds based on their criteria.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
Discussion and/or action regarding the proposed Fiscal Year 2018-2019 General Fund, Enterprise Fund, Debt Fund Budgets, and Proposed Funding Sources and, discussion and/or action regarding the Budget and Tax Rate Adoption Calendar, if necessary.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: The contractor has completed about 75% of the new 18" water main on West Martin Luther King Jr. Industrial Blvd. that will connect to the large main on State Park Road at Patton. • Update: The Stanton Apartments construction is well underway. • Update: The new Valero Store and strip center just south of Stanton Apartments has its permits and preconstruction meeting has been held. • Update: Vintage Springs Developer has requested that the City Manager allow them to start their dirt work. • Report: Greater Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber Diez y Seis event. • Report: Staff working on Texas Swing Festival with event representatives to be held September 28 and 29. • Reminder: Staff will be presenting rate ordinances for new water costs and trash collections services at the September 25 meeting at which the Tax Rate and the FY 18-19 Budget will considered for adoption.
8. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 9. ADJOURNMENT