Discuss Resolution 2018-12 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Visionary Fiber Technologies (Project Oklahoma) in an amount not to exceed $427,500 based on a $6.75 million capital investment in the project that will create at minimum 70 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $75,000 and a Chapter 380 Economic Development Incentive Agreement with Visionary Fiber Technologies (Project Oklahoma) which reflects a project investment of $6.75 million capital investment in the project with a minimum of 70 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $75,000 to be created over a five (5) year period and retained for the ensuing five (5) year period.
Discuss Resolution 2018-13 amending Resolution 2018-11 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Crop One Holdings, Inc. (Project Soar) in an amount not to exceed $491,049 based on a $15 million capital investment in the project that will create at minimum 50 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $35,000.
Discuss Resolution 2018-14 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, approving the purchase by the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) of 13.682 acres from Centerpoint Business Park East for $1.50 per square foot along the east frontage road of SH 130 just north of the railroad and to secure sufficient funds for the purchase of this property and to construct an access easement to satisfy the requirements of the minor plat process on which to attract the expansion of Project Soar (Crop One Holdings) and other industrial users.
Discuss Ordinance 2018-19 repealing uncodified Ordinance 2018-02 in its entirety and adopting this Ordinance regarding establishing the classifications within the Police Department and authorizing the number of employees in each classification; establishing that the position immediately below the Police Chief will be appointed.
Discuss proposal by Texas Regional Protective Services to provide unarmed, uniformed, state licensed security officer services at the City of Lockhart Dr. Eugene Clark Library at a cost of $17.00 per hour and authorizing the City Manager to finalize the contract with review by the City Attorney and for the Mayor to sign the contract for the services.
Discuss Memorandum of Understanding Agreement between the City of Lockhart and Connections which is a non-profit individual and family counseling agency funded by the United Way and Texas Network of Youth Services and appointing the City Manager to sign the agreements, if approved.
Discuss update by City Manager regarding the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) long term water supply, the payment schedule for the initial revenue bond issuance by GBRA, the associated land lease costs, maintenance/operational costs, and how he recommends that they be funded.
Discuss a Continuing Disclosure Agreement with the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) in connection with the issuance of GBRA revenue bonds known as the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Contract Revenue Bonds, Series 2018A (Deferred Financing) and Series 2018B (Low Interest Financing) for the Carrizo Groundwater Supply Project whereby the City of Lockhart is to provide annual financial statements and other common financial information normally provided under such agreements and authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement.
Discuss after presentation by City Manager regarding proposed Fiscal Year 2018- 2019 budgets.
Discussion regarding adoption of the 2018 combined maintenance and operation and interest and sinking proposed property tax rate for the City of Lockhart. If proposed tax rate exceeds the rollback rate or the effective tax rate (whichever is lower), a record vote must be taken to place a proposal to adopt the rate on the agenda of a future Council meeting. If motion passes, Council must schedule and announce date, time and place of two (2) public hearings regarding the proposed tax rate.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
Conduct the first reading and discussion regarding Resolution 2018-12 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Visionary Fiber Technologies (Project Oklahoma) in an amount not to exceed $427,500 based on a $6.75 million capital investment in the project that will create at minimum 70 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $75,000.
Conduct the first reading and discussion regarding Resolution 2018-13 amending Resolution 2018-11 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Crop One Holdings, Inc. (Project Soar) in an amount not to exceed $491,049 based on a $15 million capital investment in the project that will create at minimum 50 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $35,000.
Conduct the first reading and discussion regarding Resolution 2018-14 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, approving the purchase by the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) of 13.682 acres from Centerpoint Business Park East for $1.50 per square foot along the east frontage road of SH 130 just north of the railroad and to secure sufficient funds for the purchase of this property and to construct an access easement to satisfy the requirements of the minor plat process on which to attract the expansion of Project Soar (Crop One Holdings) and other industrial users.
A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of August 9, 2018. B. Approve Ordinance 2018-19 repealing uncodified Ordinance 2018-02 in its entirety and adopting this Ordinance regarding establishing the classifications within the Police Department and authorizing the number of employees in each classification; establishing that the position immediately below the Police Chief will be appointed. C. Approve proposal by Texas Regional Protective Services to provide unarmed, uniformed, state licensed security officer services at the City of Lockhart Dr. Eugene Clark Library at a cost of $17.00 per hour and authorizing the City Manager to finalize the contract with review by the City Attorney and for the Mayor to sign the contract for the services. D. Approve Memorandum of Understanding Agreement between the City of Lockhart and Connections which is a non-profit individual and family counseling agency funded by the United Way and Texas Network of Youth Services and appointing the City Manager to sign the agreements, if approved.
Conduct second reading and discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2018- 12 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Visionary Fiber Technologies (Project Oklahoma) in an amount not to exceed $427,500 based on a $6.75 million capital investment in the project that will create at minimum 70 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $75,000.
Discussion and/or action regarding a Chapter 380 Economic Development Incentive Agreement with Visionary Fiber Technologies (Project Oklahoma) which reflects a project investment of $6.75 million capital investment in the project with a minimum of 70 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $75,000 to be created over a five (5) year period and retained for the ensuing five (5) year period.
Conduct second reading and discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2018- 13 amending Resolution 2018-11 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Crop One Holdings, Inc. (Project Soar) in an amount not to exceed $491,049 based on a $15 million capital investment in the project that will create at minimum 50 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $35,000.
Conduct second reading and discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2018- 14 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, approving the purchase by the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) of 13.682 acres from Centerpoint Business Park East for $1.50 per square foot along the east frontage road of SH 130 just north of the railroad and to secure sufficient funds for the purchase of this property and to construct an access easement to satisfy the requirements of the minor plat process on which to attract the expansion of Project Soar (Crop One Holdings) and other industrial users.
Discussion and/or action after update by City Manager regarding the Guadalupe- Blanco River Authority (GBRA) long term water supply, the payment schedule for the initial revenue bond issuance by GBRA, the associated land lease costs, maintenance/operational costs, and how he recommends that they be funded.
Discussion and/or action to consider approval of a Continuing Disclosure Agreement with the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) in connection with the issuance of GBRA revenue bonds known as the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Contract Revenue Bonds, Series 2018A (Deferred Financing) and Series 2018B (Low Interest Financing) for the Carrizo Groundwater Supply Project whereby the City of Lockhart is to provide annual financial statements and other common financial information normally provided under such agreements and authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement.
Discussion and/or action after presentation by City Manager regarding proposed Fiscal Year 2018-2019 budgets.
Discussion and/or action regarding adoption of the 2018 combined maintenance and operation and interest and sinking proposed property tax rate for the City of Lockhart. If proposed tax rate exceeds the rollback rate or the effective tax rate (whichever is lower), a record vote must be taken to place a proposal to adopt the rate on the agenda of a future Council meeting. If motion passes, Council must schedule and announce date, time and place of two (2) public hearings regarding the proposed tax rate.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: The contractor has started the new 18" water main on West Martin Luther King, Jr. Industrial Blvd. that will connect to the large main on State Park Road at Patton. • Update: Specifications are complete and bids will be taken soon for the rehabilitation of water well # 9 and emergency work on well #10. • Update: Staff working on Texas Swing Festival with event representatives to be held September 28 and 29. • Report: Staff is working with Greater Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber in preparation of Diez y Seis event in September. • Report: Personnel Changes: Pam Larison will be named Interim Finance Director effective, Monday, September 3, 2018. The Finance Director position will be filled by the new City Manager.
8. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 9. ADJOURNMENT
Discuss Resolution 2018-12 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Visionary Fiber Technologies (Project Oklahoma) in an amount not to exceed $427,500 based on a $6.75 million capital investment in the project that will create at minimum 70 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $75,000 and a Chapter 380 Economic Development Incentive Agreement with Visionary Fiber Technologies (Project Oklahoma) which reflects a project investment of $6.75 million capital investment in the project with a minimum of 70 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $75,000 to be created over a five (5) year period and retained for the ensuing five (5) year period.
Discuss Resolution 2018-13 amending Resolution 2018-11 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Crop One Holdings, Inc. (Project Soar) in an amount not to exceed $491,049 based on a $15 million capital investment in the project that will create at minimum 50 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $35,000.
Discuss Resolution 2018-14 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, approving the purchase by the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) of 13.682 acres from Centerpoint Business Park East for $1.50 per square foot along the east frontage road of SH 130 just north of the railroad and to secure sufficient funds for the purchase of this property and to construct an access easement to satisfy the requirements of the minor plat process on which to attract the expansion of Project Soar (Crop One Holdings) and other industrial users.
Discuss Ordinance 2018-19 repealing uncodified Ordinance 2018-02 in its entirety and adopting this Ordinance regarding establishing the classifications within the Police Department and authorizing the number of employees in each classification; establishing that the position immediately below the Police Chief will be appointed.
Discuss proposal by Texas Regional Protective Services to provide unarmed, uniformed, state licensed security officer services at the City of Lockhart Dr. Eugene Clark Library at a cost of $17.00 per hour and authorizing the City Manager to finalize the contract with review by the City Attorney and for the Mayor to sign the contract for the services.
Discuss Memorandum of Understanding Agreement between the City of Lockhart and Connections which is a non-profit individual and family counseling agency funded by the United Way and Texas Network of Youth Services and appointing the City Manager to sign the agreements, if approved.
Discuss update by City Manager regarding the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) long term water supply, the payment schedule for the initial revenue bond issuance by GBRA, the associated land lease costs, maintenance/operational costs, and how he recommends that they be funded.
Discuss a Continuing Disclosure Agreement with the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) in connection with the issuance of GBRA revenue bonds known as the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Contract Revenue Bonds, Series 2018A (Deferred Financing) and Series 2018B (Low Interest Financing) for the Carrizo Groundwater Supply Project whereby the City of Lockhart is to provide annual financial statements and other common financial information normally provided under such agreements and authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement.
Discuss after presentation by City Manager regarding proposed Fiscal Year 2018- 2019 budgets.
Discussion regarding adoption of the 2018 combined maintenance and operation and interest and sinking proposed property tax rate for the City of Lockhart. If proposed tax rate exceeds the rollback rate or the effective tax rate (whichever is lower), a record vote must be taken to place a proposal to adopt the rate on the agenda of a future Council meeting. If motion passes, Council must schedule and announce date, time and place of two (2) public hearings regarding the proposed tax rate.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
Conduct the first reading and discussion regarding Resolution 2018-12 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Visionary Fiber Technologies (Project Oklahoma) in an amount not to exceed $427,500 based on a $6.75 million capital investment in the project that will create at minimum 70 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $75,000.
Conduct the first reading and discussion regarding Resolution 2018-13 amending Resolution 2018-11 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Crop One Holdings, Inc. (Project Soar) in an amount not to exceed $491,049 based on a $15 million capital investment in the project that will create at minimum 50 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $35,000.
Conduct the first reading and discussion regarding Resolution 2018-14 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, approving the purchase by the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) of 13.682 acres from Centerpoint Business Park East for $1.50 per square foot along the east frontage road of SH 130 just north of the railroad and to secure sufficient funds for the purchase of this property and to construct an access easement to satisfy the requirements of the minor plat process on which to attract the expansion of Project Soar (Crop One Holdings) and other industrial users.
A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of August 9, 2018. B. Approve Ordinance 2018-19 repealing uncodified Ordinance 2018-02 in its entirety and adopting this Ordinance regarding establishing the classifications within the Police Department and authorizing the number of employees in each classification; establishing that the position immediately below the Police Chief will be appointed. C. Approve proposal by Texas Regional Protective Services to provide unarmed, uniformed, state licensed security officer services at the City of Lockhart Dr. Eugene Clark Library at a cost of $17.00 per hour and authorizing the City Manager to finalize the contract with review by the City Attorney and for the Mayor to sign the contract for the services. D. Approve Memorandum of Understanding Agreement between the City of Lockhart and Connections which is a non-profit individual and family counseling agency funded by the United Way and Texas Network of Youth Services and appointing the City Manager to sign the agreements, if approved.
Conduct second reading and discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2018- 12 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Visionary Fiber Technologies (Project Oklahoma) in an amount not to exceed $427,500 based on a $6.75 million capital investment in the project that will create at minimum 70 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $75,000.
Discussion and/or action regarding a Chapter 380 Economic Development Incentive Agreement with Visionary Fiber Technologies (Project Oklahoma) which reflects a project investment of $6.75 million capital investment in the project with a minimum of 70 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $75,000 to be created over a five (5) year period and retained for the ensuing five (5) year period.
Conduct second reading and discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2018- 13 amending Resolution 2018-11 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Crop One Holdings, Inc. (Project Soar) in an amount not to exceed $491,049 based on a $15 million capital investment in the project that will create at minimum 50 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average annual wage of $35,000.
Conduct second reading and discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2018- 14 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, approving the purchase by the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) of 13.682 acres from Centerpoint Business Park East for $1.50 per square foot along the east frontage road of SH 130 just north of the railroad and to secure sufficient funds for the purchase of this property and to construct an access easement to satisfy the requirements of the minor plat process on which to attract the expansion of Project Soar (Crop One Holdings) and other industrial users.
Discussion and/or action after update by City Manager regarding the Guadalupe- Blanco River Authority (GBRA) long term water supply, the payment schedule for the initial revenue bond issuance by GBRA, the associated land lease costs, maintenance/operational costs, and how he recommends that they be funded.
Discussion and/or action to consider approval of a Continuing Disclosure Agreement with the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) in connection with the issuance of GBRA revenue bonds known as the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Contract Revenue Bonds, Series 2018A (Deferred Financing) and Series 2018B (Low Interest Financing) for the Carrizo Groundwater Supply Project whereby the City of Lockhart is to provide annual financial statements and other common financial information normally provided under such agreements and authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement.
Discussion and/or action after presentation by City Manager regarding proposed Fiscal Year 2018-2019 budgets.
Discussion and/or action regarding adoption of the 2018 combined maintenance and operation and interest and sinking proposed property tax rate for the City of Lockhart. If proposed tax rate exceeds the rollback rate or the effective tax rate (whichever is lower), a record vote must be taken to place a proposal to adopt the rate on the agenda of a future Council meeting. If motion passes, Council must schedule and announce date, time and place of two (2) public hearings regarding the proposed tax rate.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: The contractor has started the new 18" water main on West Martin Luther King, Jr. Industrial Blvd. that will connect to the large main on State Park Road at Patton. • Update: Specifications are complete and bids will be taken soon for the rehabilitation of water well # 9 and emergency work on well #10. • Update: Staff working on Texas Swing Festival with event representatives to be held September 28 and 29. • Report: Staff is working with Greater Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber in preparation of Diez y Seis event in September. • Report: Personnel Changes: Pam Larison will be named Interim Finance Director effective, Monday, September 3, 2018. The Finance Director position will be filled by the new City Manager.
8. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 9. ADJOURNMENT