DISCUSSION ONLY Discuss Resolution 2018-09 rescinding Resolution 2017-10 related to the Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC project and associated Performance Agreement funding up to $393,000 for land, infrastructure, improvements and related development costs that are required or suitable for the development, retention or expansion of facilities to promote or develop new or expanded business enterprises, and to create and maintain new jobs.
Discuss Resolution 2018-10 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC in an amount not to exceed $466,000 based on a $11.3 million capital investment (includes $1.3 million of land purchase) in the project with a minimum of 30 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average hourly wage of $30.00 to be created and retained for a minimum often (10) years.
Discuss rescinding the Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Agreement dated October 17, 2017 and to replace with the proposed Chapter 380 Agreement dated May 15, 2018 between the City of Lockhart and Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC, whereby the company agrees to expand its business into the City of Lockhart and to invest an estimated $10 million in building, equipment and infrastructure, excluding land, and to employ a minimum of thirty (30) new full-time equivalent jobs with an average wage of $30.00 per hour throughout the term of the agreement in exchange for property tax rebates potentially amounting to $458,250 over a ten (10) year period.
Discuss recommendation to award bid to Fuquay, Inc., of New Braunfels, Texas, in the amount of $148,071.20 for street repairs and paving consisting of 980 SY of 10" Mill, 980 SY of 8" Type B Black Base, 8,280 SY of 2" HMAC, 7,300 SY of Underseal on Mockingbird Lane, San Jacinto Street, Cibilo Street and Prairie Lea Street, and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents.
Discuss a Buy Board purchase of a Case 590SN Backhoe for a price of $103,725.64 to be paid with 2015 Capital Outlay Funds. This backhoe would replace a unit that is more than 20 years old.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
PUBLIC HEARING/COUNCIL ACTION Hold a public hearing on application ZC-18-07 by HMT Engineering & Surveying on behalf of Cottonwood Commons, LLC for a Zoning Change from RLD Residential Low Density District to PDD Planned Development District, including application PDD-18-02, a Planned Development District Development Plan for Vintage Springs Subdivision, PDD, a proposed replat of Lot 1, Block 2, and Lot 2, Block 1, Texas Heritage Subdivision, consisting of a total of 67.17 acres located at 300 and 411 Mockingbird Lane.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2018-11 amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Lockhart, Texas, to reclassify the property known as Lot 1, Block 2, and Lot 2, Block 1, Texas Heritage Subdivision, consisting of a total of 67.17 acres located at 300 and 411 Mockingbird Lane, from RLD Residential Low Density District to PDD Planned Development District, including a Planned Development District Development Plan for Vintage Springs Subdivision Planned Development District (PDD).
DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2018-09 rescinding Resolution 2017-10 related to the Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC project and associated Performance Agreement funding up to $393,000 for land, infrastructure, improvements and related development costs that are required or suitable for the development, retention or expansion of facilities to promote or develop new or expanded business enterprises, and to create and maintain new jobs.
Conduct first reading and discussion regarding Resolution 2018-10 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC in an amount not to exceed $466,000 based on a $11.3 million capital investment (includes $1.3 million of land purchase) in the project with a minimum of 30 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average hourly wage of $30.00 to be created and retained for a minimum often (10) years.
A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of May 1, 2018. B. Accept 2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Investment Report. C. Approve recommendation to award bid to Fuquay, Inc., of New Braunfels, Texas, in the amount of $148,071.20 for street repairs and paving consisting of 980 SY of 10" Mill, 980 SY of 8" Type B Black Base, 8,280 SY of 2" HMAC, 7,300 SY of Underseal on Mockingbird Lane, San Jacinto Street, Cibilo Street and Prairie Lea Street, and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents.
Approve a Buy Board purchase of a Case 590SN Backhoe for a price of $103,725.64 to be paid with 2015 Capital Outlay Funds. This backhoe would replace a unit that is more than 20 years old.
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Conduct second reading and discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2018- 10 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC in an amount not to exceed $466,000 based on a $11.3 million capital investment (includes $1.3 million of land purchase) in the project with a minimum of 30 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average hourly wage of $30.00 to be created and retained for a minimum often (10) years.
Discussion and/or action regarding rescinding the Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Agreement dated October 17, 2017 and to replace with the proposed Chapter 380 Agreement dated May 15, 2018 between the City of Lockhart and Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC, whereby the company agrees to expand its business into the City of Lockhart and to invest an estimated $10 million in building, equipment and infrastructure, excluding land, and to employ a minimum of thirty (30) new full-time equivalent jobs with an average wage of $30.00 per hour throughout the term of the agreement in exchange for property tax rebates potentially amounting to $458,250 over a ten (10) year period.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: City Wastewater Crew is completing reroute of new sewer main on N. Church Street north of Pecan Street which was planned when the two sewer lift stations in the area were eliminated on previous projects. • Update: Library personnel have started preparation for the popular Summer Reading Program. • Update: Beginning June 1, Utility payments will be accepted at the Municipal Court drive-thru; all other utility related services will still be at City Hall or on line. • Update: Preparation meetings for CTR events have begun. • Update: City Pool will open June 12; Splash Pad opened on May 1. • Update: Clearfork Meadows Phase III infrastructure is now complete and KB Homes has started two units. • Update: The City will again have the Summer Fan Program; donations are welcomed. • Update: Bids will go out soon for new large water mains on the west side of town that will feed the new water tower to be placed near SH 130 and FM 2001 and on FM 2720 to extend water main south. • Update: Staff has been meeting with GBRA engineers about connectivity options for the planned new large water main coming from the new well field area near the Bastrop County Line. • Report: Cinco de Mayo event downtown.
DISCUSSION ONLY Discuss Resolution 2018-09 rescinding Resolution 2017-10 related to the Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC project and associated Performance Agreement funding up to $393,000 for land, infrastructure, improvements and related development costs that are required or suitable for the development, retention or expansion of facilities to promote or develop new or expanded business enterprises, and to create and maintain new jobs.
Discuss Resolution 2018-10 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC in an amount not to exceed $466,000 based on a $11.3 million capital investment (includes $1.3 million of land purchase) in the project with a minimum of 30 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average hourly wage of $30.00 to be created and retained for a minimum often (10) years.
Discuss rescinding the Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Agreement dated October 17, 2017 and to replace with the proposed Chapter 380 Agreement dated May 15, 2018 between the City of Lockhart and Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC, whereby the company agrees to expand its business into the City of Lockhart and to invest an estimated $10 million in building, equipment and infrastructure, excluding land, and to employ a minimum of thirty (30) new full-time equivalent jobs with an average wage of $30.00 per hour throughout the term of the agreement in exchange for property tax rebates potentially amounting to $458,250 over a ten (10) year period.
Discuss recommendation to award bid to Fuquay, Inc., of New Braunfels, Texas, in the amount of $148,071.20 for street repairs and paving consisting of 980 SY of 10" Mill, 980 SY of 8" Type B Black Base, 8,280 SY of 2" HMAC, 7,300 SY of Underseal on Mockingbird Lane, San Jacinto Street, Cibilo Street and Prairie Lea Street, and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents.
Discuss a Buy Board purchase of a Case 590SN Backhoe for a price of $103,725.64 to be paid with 2015 Capital Outlay Funds. This backhoe would replace a unit that is more than 20 years old.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
PUBLIC HEARING/COUNCIL ACTION Hold a public hearing on application ZC-18-07 by HMT Engineering & Surveying on behalf of Cottonwood Commons, LLC for a Zoning Change from RLD Residential Low Density District to PDD Planned Development District, including application PDD-18-02, a Planned Development District Development Plan for Vintage Springs Subdivision, PDD, a proposed replat of Lot 1, Block 2, and Lot 2, Block 1, Texas Heritage Subdivision, consisting of a total of 67.17 acres located at 300 and 411 Mockingbird Lane.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2018-11 amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Lockhart, Texas, to reclassify the property known as Lot 1, Block 2, and Lot 2, Block 1, Texas Heritage Subdivision, consisting of a total of 67.17 acres located at 300 and 411 Mockingbird Lane, from RLD Residential Low Density District to PDD Planned Development District, including a Planned Development District Development Plan for Vintage Springs Subdivision Planned Development District (PDD).
DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2018-09 rescinding Resolution 2017-10 related to the Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC project and associated Performance Agreement funding up to $393,000 for land, infrastructure, improvements and related development costs that are required or suitable for the development, retention or expansion of facilities to promote or develop new or expanded business enterprises, and to create and maintain new jobs.
Conduct first reading and discussion regarding Resolution 2018-10 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC in an amount not to exceed $466,000 based on a $11.3 million capital investment (includes $1.3 million of land purchase) in the project with a minimum of 30 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average hourly wage of $30.00 to be created and retained for a minimum often (10) years.
A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of May 1, 2018. B. Accept 2nd Quarter Fiscal Year 2018 Investment Report. C. Approve recommendation to award bid to Fuquay, Inc., of New Braunfels, Texas, in the amount of $148,071.20 for street repairs and paving consisting of 980 SY of 10" Mill, 980 SY of 8" Type B Black Base, 8,280 SY of 2" HMAC, 7,300 SY of Underseal on Mockingbird Lane, San Jacinto Street, Cibilo Street and Prairie Lea Street, and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents.
Approve a Buy Board purchase of a Case 590SN Backhoe for a price of $103,725.64 to be paid with 2015 Capital Outlay Funds. This backhoe would replace a unit that is more than 20 years old.
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Conduct second reading and discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2018- 10 approving a Type B project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC in an amount not to exceed $466,000 based on a $11.3 million capital investment (includes $1.3 million of land purchase) in the project with a minimum of 30 new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs at an average hourly wage of $30.00 to be created and retained for a minimum often (10) years.
Discussion and/or action regarding rescinding the Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Agreement dated October 17, 2017 and to replace with the proposed Chapter 380 Agreement dated May 15, 2018 between the City of Lockhart and Lockhart Emergency Care Center, LLC, whereby the company agrees to expand its business into the City of Lockhart and to invest an estimated $10 million in building, equipment and infrastructure, excluding land, and to employ a minimum of thirty (30) new full-time equivalent jobs with an average wage of $30.00 per hour throughout the term of the agreement in exchange for property tax rebates potentially amounting to $458,250 over a ten (10) year period.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: City Wastewater Crew is completing reroute of new sewer main on N. Church Street north of Pecan Street which was planned when the two sewer lift stations in the area were eliminated on previous projects. • Update: Library personnel have started preparation for the popular Summer Reading Program. • Update: Beginning June 1, Utility payments will be accepted at the Municipal Court drive-thru; all other utility related services will still be at City Hall or on line. • Update: Preparation meetings for CTR events have begun. • Update: City Pool will open June 12; Splash Pad opened on May 1. • Update: Clearfork Meadows Phase III infrastructure is now complete and KB Homes has started two units. • Update: The City will again have the Summer Fan Program; donations are welcomed. • Update: Bids will go out soon for new large water mains on the west side of town that will feed the new water tower to be placed near SH 130 and FM 2001 and on FM 2720 to extend water main south. • Update: Staff has been meeting with GBRA engineers about connectivity options for the planned new large water main coming from the new well field area near the Bastrop County Line. • Report: Cinco de Mayo event downtown.