Discuss minutes of the City Council meetings of July 13, 2017 and July 18, 2017.
Discuss Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) contract 16-12-06 amendment #1 accepting an additional $3,205.40 for unanticipated overages realized while hosting a household hazardous waste collection event on May 14, 2016 to represent final payment available under the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 CAPCOG Solid Waste Program, and appointing the Mayor to sign all required documents.
Discuss recommended bid award to CK Enterprises of Bulverde, Texas, in the amount of $33,724 for a maintenance project replacing approximately 3,100 linear feet of 18-inch raw water transmission pipe in the well field and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents. [Form 1295 2017-08-01-25]
Discuss recommended bid award in the amount of $118,767.02 to TNT Farms and Landscaping, Inc. for construction of approximately 9,000 linear feet of earthen channel and a culvert crossing on W. Martin Luther King, Jr., Industrial Blvd. and appointing the Mayor to sign the contractual documents. [Form 1295 2017-08-01-26]
Discuss bid award to Vegetation Management Services of Seguin, Texas, in the amount of $16,007.03 for tree trimming services and appointing the Mayor to sign the contract agreement. [Form 1295 2017-08-01-27]
Discuss request by the Lockhart Area Senior Activity Center at 901 Bois D'arc Street to renew the current lease agreement in the interest of a public purpose since the Center provides a public service to Senior Citizens for their comfort, health, safety, and entertainment at a City facility.
Discuss Ordinance 2017-21 vacating .009 acres of the north right ofway adjacent to 607 Garcia Street and approving a deed without warranty whereby Ms. Karen Scott becomes the owner of the .009 acres in the interest of a public purpose.
Discuss Resolution 2017-09 authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Office of the Governor of the State of Texas, Criminal Justice Division, for assistance in the purchase of rifle-resistant body armor for Lockhart Police Officers, and authorizing the Mayor to act as the City's Chief Executive Officer and authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the City's participation in the program.
Discuss proposed street closure for the February 2018 Hot Rods and Hatters Event to be held in Lockhart.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
PUBLIC HEARING/COUNCIL ACTION Hold a public hearing on application SUP-17-07 by Brenda Galvan, and discussion and/or action to consider an appeal of the failure of the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 12, 2017, to approve her request for a Specific Use Permit to allow a Manufactured home on 0.103 acre in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17, zoned RMD Residential Medium Density District and located at 516 Sabine Street.
Hold a public hearing on application SUP-17-08 by Brenda Galvan, and discussion and/or action to consider an appeal of the failure of the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 12, 2017, to approve her request for a Specific Use Permit to allow a Manufactured home on 0.103 acre in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17 zoned RMD Residential Medium Density District and located at 515 Monument Street.
CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve minutes of the City Council meetings of July 13, 2017 and July 18, 2017. B. Approve Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) contract 16-12-06 amendment#1 accepting an additional $3,205.40 for unanticipated overages realized while hosting a household hazardous waste collection event on May 14, 2016 to represent final payment available under the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 CAPCOG Solid Waste Program, and appointing the Mayor to sign all required documents. C. Approve recommended bid award to CK Enterprises of Bulverde, Texas, in the amount of $33,724 for a maintenance project replacing approximately 3,100 linear feet of 18-inch raw water transmission pipe in the well field and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents. D. Approve recommended bid award in the amount of $118,767.02 to TNT Farms and Landscaping, Inc. for construction of approximately 9,000 linear feet of earthen channel and a culvert crossing on W. Martin Luther King, Jr., Industrial Blvd. and appointing the Mayor to sign the contractual documents. E. Approve bid award to Vegetation Management Services of Seguin, Texas, in the amount of $16,007.03 for tree trimming services and appointing the Mayor to sign the contract agreement. F. Approve request by the Lockhart Area Senior Activity Center at 901 Bois D'arc Street to renew the current lease agreement in the interest of a public purpose since the Center provides a public service to Senior Citizens for their comfort, health, safety, and entertainment at a City facility. G. Approve Ordinance 2017-21 vacating .009 acres of the north right of way adjacent to 607 Garcia Street and approving a deed without warranty whereby Ms. Karen Scott becomes the owner of the .009 acres in the interest of a public purpose. H. Approve Resolution 2017-09 authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Office of the Governor of the State of Texas, Criminal Justice Division, for assistance in the purchase of rifle-resistant body armor for Lockhart Police Officers, and authorizing the Mayor to act as the City's Chief Executive Officer and authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the City's participation in the program.
Discussion and/or action regarding proposed street closure for the February 2018 Hot Rods and Hatters Event to be held in Lockhart.
Discussion and/or action to consider accepting the City of Lockhart's 2017 Certified Property Tax Roll.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
D. Discussion and/or action after presentation of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2017-2018 General Fund, Enterprise Fund, Debt Budgets, Proposed Funding sources. E. Discussion and/or action regarding Budget and Tax Rate Adoption Calendar, if necessary. Reminder: Date to set tax rate is August 15, 2017 and public hearing on budget and tax rate is September 5, 2017 and if necessary, September 19, 2017 regarding the tax rate.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project, Blackjack to Wal-Mart; final paving complete striping; finishing up sidewalks, clean-up and correcting some drainage issues. • Update: Work has begun by Smith Contracting on Ash, Comal, Pine Street drainage project putting in storm water system first. • Update: Work will begin soon by Evans Constructions installation of the large wastewater main along the north side of the railroad tracks near SH 130, north of SH 142. • Update: Design/engineering work for the Jason K. LaFleur Sports Complex parking and field lighting is complete; City crew will do much of the parking lot work. • Update: The three phase primary electric line extension from Mapte Street to the park has begun. • Update: Lockhart Plant Electrical improvements continue to replace sections of systems that have been in place since 1952. • Update: Utility Customer Service has 3 employees out due to health issues; other personnel filling in; patience is respectfully requested. • Update: Preparation for the Diez y Seis Celebration underway. • Reminder: Movies in the Park August 12, Finding Dory Sept 23, The Jungle Book (rescheduled from July rainout) • Announcement: Still taking City Pool Lifeguard Applications. • Announcement new employees: Sebastian Gerena, PD Dispatch Zacharie Castilleja, Police Officer Janie Santos, Police Officer
8. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 9. ADJOURNMENT
Discuss minutes of the City Council meetings of July 13, 2017 and July 18, 2017.
Discuss Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) contract 16-12-06 amendment #1 accepting an additional $3,205.40 for unanticipated overages realized while hosting a household hazardous waste collection event on May 14, 2016 to represent final payment available under the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 CAPCOG Solid Waste Program, and appointing the Mayor to sign all required documents.
Discuss recommended bid award to CK Enterprises of Bulverde, Texas, in the amount of $33,724 for a maintenance project replacing approximately 3,100 linear feet of 18-inch raw water transmission pipe in the well field and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents. [Form 1295 2017-08-01-25]
Discuss recommended bid award in the amount of $118,767.02 to TNT Farms and Landscaping, Inc. for construction of approximately 9,000 linear feet of earthen channel and a culvert crossing on W. Martin Luther King, Jr., Industrial Blvd. and appointing the Mayor to sign the contractual documents. [Form 1295 2017-08-01-26]
Discuss bid award to Vegetation Management Services of Seguin, Texas, in the amount of $16,007.03 for tree trimming services and appointing the Mayor to sign the contract agreement. [Form 1295 2017-08-01-27]
Discuss request by the Lockhart Area Senior Activity Center at 901 Bois D'arc Street to renew the current lease agreement in the interest of a public purpose since the Center provides a public service to Senior Citizens for their comfort, health, safety, and entertainment at a City facility.
Discuss Ordinance 2017-21 vacating .009 acres of the north right ofway adjacent to 607 Garcia Street and approving a deed without warranty whereby Ms. Karen Scott becomes the owner of the .009 acres in the interest of a public purpose.
Discuss Resolution 2017-09 authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Office of the Governor of the State of Texas, Criminal Justice Division, for assistance in the purchase of rifle-resistant body armor for Lockhart Police Officers, and authorizing the Mayor to act as the City's Chief Executive Officer and authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the City's participation in the program.
Discuss proposed street closure for the February 2018 Hot Rods and Hatters Event to be held in Lockhart.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
PUBLIC HEARING/COUNCIL ACTION Hold a public hearing on application SUP-17-07 by Brenda Galvan, and discussion and/or action to consider an appeal of the failure of the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 12, 2017, to approve her request for a Specific Use Permit to allow a Manufactured home on 0.103 acre in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17, zoned RMD Residential Medium Density District and located at 516 Sabine Street.
Hold a public hearing on application SUP-17-08 by Brenda Galvan, and discussion and/or action to consider an appeal of the failure of the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 12, 2017, to approve her request for a Specific Use Permit to allow a Manufactured home on 0.103 acre in the Byrd Lockhart Survey, Abstract No. 17 zoned RMD Residential Medium Density District and located at 515 Monument Street.
CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve minutes of the City Council meetings of July 13, 2017 and July 18, 2017. B. Approve Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) contract 16-12-06 amendment#1 accepting an additional $3,205.40 for unanticipated overages realized while hosting a household hazardous waste collection event on May 14, 2016 to represent final payment available under the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 CAPCOG Solid Waste Program, and appointing the Mayor to sign all required documents. C. Approve recommended bid award to CK Enterprises of Bulverde, Texas, in the amount of $33,724 for a maintenance project replacing approximately 3,100 linear feet of 18-inch raw water transmission pipe in the well field and appointing the Mayor to sign all contractual documents. D. Approve recommended bid award in the amount of $118,767.02 to TNT Farms and Landscaping, Inc. for construction of approximately 9,000 linear feet of earthen channel and a culvert crossing on W. Martin Luther King, Jr., Industrial Blvd. and appointing the Mayor to sign the contractual documents. E. Approve bid award to Vegetation Management Services of Seguin, Texas, in the amount of $16,007.03 for tree trimming services and appointing the Mayor to sign the contract agreement. F. Approve request by the Lockhart Area Senior Activity Center at 901 Bois D'arc Street to renew the current lease agreement in the interest of a public purpose since the Center provides a public service to Senior Citizens for their comfort, health, safety, and entertainment at a City facility. G. Approve Ordinance 2017-21 vacating .009 acres of the north right of way adjacent to 607 Garcia Street and approving a deed without warranty whereby Ms. Karen Scott becomes the owner of the .009 acres in the interest of a public purpose. H. Approve Resolution 2017-09 authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Office of the Governor of the State of Texas, Criminal Justice Division, for assistance in the purchase of rifle-resistant body armor for Lockhart Police Officers, and authorizing the Mayor to act as the City's Chief Executive Officer and authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the City's participation in the program.
Discussion and/or action regarding proposed street closure for the February 2018 Hot Rods and Hatters Event to be held in Lockhart.
Discussion and/or action to consider accepting the City of Lockhart's 2017 Certified Property Tax Roll.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
D. Discussion and/or action after presentation of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2017-2018 General Fund, Enterprise Fund, Debt Budgets, Proposed Funding sources. E. Discussion and/or action regarding Budget and Tax Rate Adoption Calendar, if necessary. Reminder: Date to set tax rate is August 15, 2017 and public hearing on budget and tax rate is September 5, 2017 and if necessary, September 19, 2017 regarding the tax rate.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project, Blackjack to Wal-Mart; final paving complete striping; finishing up sidewalks, clean-up and correcting some drainage issues. • Update: Work has begun by Smith Contracting on Ash, Comal, Pine Street drainage project putting in storm water system first. • Update: Work will begin soon by Evans Constructions installation of the large wastewater main along the north side of the railroad tracks near SH 130, north of SH 142. • Update: Design/engineering work for the Jason K. LaFleur Sports Complex parking and field lighting is complete; City crew will do much of the parking lot work. • Update: The three phase primary electric line extension from Mapte Street to the park has begun. • Update: Lockhart Plant Electrical improvements continue to replace sections of systems that have been in place since 1952. • Update: Utility Customer Service has 3 employees out due to health issues; other personnel filling in; patience is respectfully requested. • Update: Preparation for the Diez y Seis Celebration underway. • Reminder: Movies in the Park August 12, Finding Dory Sept 23, The Jungle Book (rescheduled from July rainout) • Announcement: Still taking City Pool Lifeguard Applications. • Announcement new employees: Sebastian Gerena, PD Dispatch Zacharie Castilleja, Police Officer Janie Santos, Police Officer
8. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 9. ADJOURNMENT