Discuss semi-annual report from the Impact Fee Advisory Committee concerning the status of implementation of Chapter 31 "Impact Fees" of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances with regard to water, wastewater, and road impact fees.
Discuss recommendation by City Manager to award bid to Jimmy Evans Company of Austin, Texas, in the amount of $616,476.10 for installation on the north side of the railroad tracks of 5900 linear feet of 12" sanitary sewer and 600 feet of 18" mains in 24" bore casings under the railroad tracks of which two bore casings are water related between the Windridge Subdivision and the west side of SH 130, and appointing the Mayor to sign the contract if approved. [Form 1295: 2017-05-16-23]
Discuss recommendation by City Manager to award bid to MA Smith Contracting Co., Inc. of Austin, Texas, in the amount of $767,255 for drainage and street improvements on Ash (Pecos to N. Blanco), Comal (Ash to Pine), and Pine St. (Comal to N. Blanco) and authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract if approved. [Form 1295: 2017-05-16-24]
Discuss request by City Manager to use up to $128,459 from Unrestricted Wastewater Fund Balance to help fund the wastewater main project along the north side of the railroad tracks from near the Windridge Subdivision to near FM 2720.
Discussion after report by City Manager regarding installation of hazardous weather early warning siren system.
Discussion after report by City Manager regarding broad overview of Code Enforcement and Demolition of Dilapidated Structures in mainly residential areas this far in this fiscal year.
Discussion after presentation of the City Council Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Goals in category and priority order.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
CONSENT AGENDA B. Accept semi-annual report from the Impact Fee Advisory Committee concerning the status of implementation of Chapter 31 "Impact Fees" of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances with regard to water, wastewater, and road impact fees. C. Approve recommendation by City Manager to award bid to Jimmy Evans Company of Austin, Texas, in the amount of $616,476.10 for installation on the north side of the railroad tracks of 5900 linear feet of 12" sanitary sewer and 600 feet of 18" mains in 24" bore casings under the railroad tracks of which two bore casings are water related between the Windridge Subdivision and the west side of SH 130, and appointing the Mayor to sign the contract if approved. [Form 1295: 2017-05-16-23] D. Approve recommendation by City Manager to award bid to MA Smith Contracting Co., Inc. of Austin, Texas, in the amount of $767,255 for drainage and street improvements on Ash (Pecos to N. Blanco), Comal (Ash to Pine), and Pine St. (Comal to N. Blanco) and authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract if approved. [Form 1295: 2017-05-16-24] E. Approve request by City Manager to use up to $128,459 from Unrestricted Wastewater Fund Balance to help fund the wastewater main project along the north side of the railroad tracks from near the Windridge Subdivision to near FM 2720.
Discussion and/or action after report by City Manager regarding installation of hazardous weather early warning siren system.
Discussion and/or action after report by City Manager regarding broad overview of Code Enforcement and Demolition of Dilapidated Structures in mainly residential areas this far in this fiscal year.
Discussion and/or action after presentation of the City Council Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Goals in category and priority order.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project, Blackjack to Wal-Mart; the last design puts all drainage waters on the west side until it gets down to the ditch between Smith Supply and Walmart; West side almost complete. Transition to east side construction completed. • Update: Water/Wastewater Dept. crews will finish water and wastewater main work on Blanco and Pine Streets. • Update: Parks and Street crews starting preparation for the Chisholm Trail Roundup event. • Update: City Electric crew continues to work on repairs and improvements at the City Water Treatment; working with contractors, all the 1952 main transformers and feeder lines were replaced in about 10 hours using large generators to keep the Water Plant going and the Animal Shelter going. • Update: The compactor unit to accept single stream recyclables at the Recycling Center is about complete. • Update: Pure Castings, which purchased 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. and has a lease purchase for 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd has almost completed all construction plans for improvements to the properties. • Update: Development review meeting for Benny Boyd Lockhart Car Dealership has been held and construction should start within the next 90 days. • Update: Bids will be advertised within the next 45-60 days for expansion and improvements at Fire Station # 3 on Borchert Lane; the idea is to finish it, move crews there, and then start major renovations of Fire Station # 1. • Update: Budgets delivered to Department Heads and Finance Director Hinson meeting with them individually at their offices. • Report: A neighborhood meeting for the Ash, Comal, and Pine Street project was held Tuesday, May 9, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. All people living on these streets had been mailed an invitation letter the week before. • Report: Diez Y Seis event held downtown. Commendations to the Parks, Streets and Electric Department for help with this event. • Reminder: Library Happenings Report emailed and will be posted. • Announcement: Still taking City Pool Lifeguard Applications.
7. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 8. ADJOURNMENT
Discuss semi-annual report from the Impact Fee Advisory Committee concerning the status of implementation of Chapter 31 "Impact Fees" of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances with regard to water, wastewater, and road impact fees.
Discuss recommendation by City Manager to award bid to Jimmy Evans Company of Austin, Texas, in the amount of $616,476.10 for installation on the north side of the railroad tracks of 5900 linear feet of 12" sanitary sewer and 600 feet of 18" mains in 24" bore casings under the railroad tracks of which two bore casings are water related between the Windridge Subdivision and the west side of SH 130, and appointing the Mayor to sign the contract if approved. [Form 1295: 2017-05-16-23]
Discuss recommendation by City Manager to award bid to MA Smith Contracting Co., Inc. of Austin, Texas, in the amount of $767,255 for drainage and street improvements on Ash (Pecos to N. Blanco), Comal (Ash to Pine), and Pine St. (Comal to N. Blanco) and authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract if approved. [Form 1295: 2017-05-16-24]
Discuss request by City Manager to use up to $128,459 from Unrestricted Wastewater Fund Balance to help fund the wastewater main project along the north side of the railroad tracks from near the Windridge Subdivision to near FM 2720.
Discussion after report by City Manager regarding installation of hazardous weather early warning siren system.
Discussion after report by City Manager regarding broad overview of Code Enforcement and Demolition of Dilapidated Structures in mainly residential areas this far in this fiscal year.
Discussion after presentation of the City Council Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Goals in category and priority order.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
CONSENT AGENDA B. Accept semi-annual report from the Impact Fee Advisory Committee concerning the status of implementation of Chapter 31 "Impact Fees" of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances with regard to water, wastewater, and road impact fees. C. Approve recommendation by City Manager to award bid to Jimmy Evans Company of Austin, Texas, in the amount of $616,476.10 for installation on the north side of the railroad tracks of 5900 linear feet of 12" sanitary sewer and 600 feet of 18" mains in 24" bore casings under the railroad tracks of which two bore casings are water related between the Windridge Subdivision and the west side of SH 130, and appointing the Mayor to sign the contract if approved. [Form 1295: 2017-05-16-23] D. Approve recommendation by City Manager to award bid to MA Smith Contracting Co., Inc. of Austin, Texas, in the amount of $767,255 for drainage and street improvements on Ash (Pecos to N. Blanco), Comal (Ash to Pine), and Pine St. (Comal to N. Blanco) and authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract if approved. [Form 1295: 2017-05-16-24] E. Approve request by City Manager to use up to $128,459 from Unrestricted Wastewater Fund Balance to help fund the wastewater main project along the north side of the railroad tracks from near the Windridge Subdivision to near FM 2720.
Discussion and/or action after report by City Manager regarding installation of hazardous weather early warning siren system.
Discussion and/or action after report by City Manager regarding broad overview of Code Enforcement and Demolition of Dilapidated Structures in mainly residential areas this far in this fiscal year.
Discussion and/or action after presentation of the City Council Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Goals in category and priority order.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project, Blackjack to Wal-Mart; the last design puts all drainage waters on the west side until it gets down to the ditch between Smith Supply and Walmart; West side almost complete. Transition to east side construction completed. • Update: Water/Wastewater Dept. crews will finish water and wastewater main work on Blanco and Pine Streets. • Update: Parks and Street crews starting preparation for the Chisholm Trail Roundup event. • Update: City Electric crew continues to work on repairs and improvements at the City Water Treatment; working with contractors, all the 1952 main transformers and feeder lines were replaced in about 10 hours using large generators to keep the Water Plant going and the Animal Shelter going. • Update: The compactor unit to accept single stream recyclables at the Recycling Center is about complete. • Update: Pure Castings, which purchased 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. and has a lease purchase for 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd has almost completed all construction plans for improvements to the properties. • Update: Development review meeting for Benny Boyd Lockhart Car Dealership has been held and construction should start within the next 90 days. • Update: Bids will be advertised within the next 45-60 days for expansion and improvements at Fire Station # 3 on Borchert Lane; the idea is to finish it, move crews there, and then start major renovations of Fire Station # 1. • Update: Budgets delivered to Department Heads and Finance Director Hinson meeting with them individually at their offices. • Report: A neighborhood meeting for the Ash, Comal, and Pine Street project was held Tuesday, May 9, at 6:00 pm at City Hall. All people living on these streets had been mailed an invitation letter the week before. • Report: Diez Y Seis event held downtown. Commendations to the Parks, Streets and Electric Department for help with this event. • Reminder: Library Happenings Report emailed and will be posted. • Announcement: Still taking City Pool Lifeguard Applications.
7. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 8. ADJOURNMENT