Discuss five year agreement with the Lockhart Youth Soccer Association (LYSA) for use of the Cpl. Jason K. LaFleur Sports Complex whereby LYSA would take over certain maintenance and operational responsibilities in exchange for defined control of the fields and concession stand, and appointing the City Manager to sign the agreement, if approved by Council.
Discuss implementing the new website of the City of Lockhart, Texas and authorizing staff to proceed with all aspects involved in the transition.
Discuss Ordinance 2017-05 suspending until June 16, 2017, the proposed Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program (GRIP) interim rate adjustment of the Texas Gas Service Company, a division of One Gas, filed March 3, 2017.
Discuss Ordinance 2017-06 amending portions of Chapter 58, Article III, Water, Sewer, Electric Extensions, Division 1, Generally, Chapter 58, Sections 58-171 through 58-174 of the Code of Ordinances providing for a utility main extension application and a pro-rata reimbursement application and process.
Discuss Change Order #2 for Qro-Mex Construction Company, Inc., to increase the current contract by $45,950 making the new contract amount $2,154,615 for utility work on Locust Street to accommodate drainage work to be performed on Pine, Comal, Ash Streets, and for other increased quantities in the current contract, and appointing the Mayor to sign the change order, if approved.
Discussion regarding Resolution 2017-06 rescinding Resolution 2016-12 which approved the 4B economic development project by Hill Country Foodworks, LLC at 215 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. in order to establish 4B projects with the same company.
Discussion regarding Resolution 2017-07 approving a 4A type project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Hill Country Foodworks, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $186,000 to employ a minimum of 20 full time equivalent employees with an average annual wage of $30,250 and an estimated capital investment of $1,475 million over the three-year contractual period for land/building located at 215 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. improvements and professional services.
Discussion regarding an amended Chapter 380 Economic Development Incentive Agreement with Hill Country Foodworks, LLC which reflects a new scope of development including a 5,000 square foot addition to the building at 215 E. MLK Jr. Industrial Blvd. which significantly increases the project investment for the project from $450,000 to $920,000 over the three- year agreement period which includes a minimum of 20 jobs making a minimum annual wage of $30,250.
Discussion after Fiscal Year 2016-2017 City Council Goals update by the City Manager.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2017-06 rescinding Resolution 2016-12 which approved the 4B economic development project by Hill Country Foodworks, LLC at 215 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. in order to establish 4B projects with the same company.
Conduct the first of two required readings of Resolution 2017-07 approving a 4A type project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Hill Country Foodworks, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $186,000 to employ a minimum of 20 full time equivalent employees with an average annual wage of $30,250 and an estimated capital investment of $1,475 million over the three-year contractual period for land/building located at 215 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. improvements and professional services.
A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of March 7, 2017. B. Approve five year agreement with the Lockhart Youth Soccer Association (LYSA) for use of the Cpl. Jason K. LaFleur Sports Complex whereby LYSA would take over certain maintenance and operational responsibilities in exchange for defined control of the fields and concession stand, and appointing the City Manager to sign the agreement, if approved by Council. C. Approve implementing the new website of the City of Lockhart, Texas and authorizing staff to proceed with all aspects involved in the transition. D. Approve Ordinance 2017-05 suspending until June 16, 2017, the proposed Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program (GRIP) interim rate adjustment of the Texas Gas Service Company, a division of One Gas, filed March 3, 2017. E. Approve Ordinance 2017-06 amending portions of Chapter 58, Article III, Water, Sewer, Electric Extensions, Division 1, Generally, Chapter 58, Sections 58-171 through 58-174 of the Code of Ordinances providing for a utility main extension application and a pro-rata reimbursement application and process. F. Approve Change Order #2 for Qro-Mex Construction Company, Inc., to increase the current contract by $45,950 making the new contract amount $2,154,615 for utility work on Locust Street to accommodate drainage work to be performed on Pine, Comal, Ash Streets, and for other increased quantities in the current contract, and appointing the Mayor to sign the change order, if approved.
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Conduct the second of two required readings and discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2017-07 approving a 4A type project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Hill Country Foodworks, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $186,000 to employ a minimum of 20 full time equivalent employees with an average annual wage of $30,250 and an estimated capital investment of $1.475 million over the three-year contractual period for land/building located at 215 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. improvements and professional services.
Discussion and/or action regarding an amended Chapter 380 Economic Development Incentive Agreement with Hill Country Foodworks, LLC which reflects a new scope of development including a 5,000 square foot addition to the building at 215 E. MLK Jr. Industrial Blvd. which significantly increases the project investment for the project from $450,000 to $920,000 over the three-year agreement period which includes a minimum of 20 jobs making a minimum annual wage of $30,250.
Discussion and/or action after Fiscal Year 2016-2017 City Council Goals update by the City Manager.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project, Blackjack to Wal-Mart; the last design puts all drainage waters on the west side until it gets down to the ditch between Smith Supply and Walmart; West side almost complete. • Update: Drainage work continues on Mesquite, Braden, Wichita, and Vega Street areas; detention ponds and other work about 98% complete; patching and paving of streets should be completed within the next 10 days, weather-permitting. Rain has delayed paving. • Update: E. Walnut Street Neighborhood Drainage Project, utility clearance work completed; contract putting down first course of base soon and then will start the curbing; rain has been a problem. • Update: Bid advertisements for the Ash, Comal, and Pine Street Drainage Project are now planned within the next 30 days; utility clearances are taking longer than anticipated. We will wait on bidding out to conflict with City crews working on water/sewer clearances; a neighborhood meeting will be set up after the bidding but before the project starts. • Update: Utility main extension projects in western corridor are being designed and will be ready for bid in about 60 days. • Report: Welcome Spring Day Event in City Park held on Saturday, March 18 with Kid Fish, Bouncy House, Free Hot Dogs, Petting Zoo, and Chamber Chili Cook-off. • Report: Greater Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Banquet held Sat March 18. • Reminder: Spring Festival at the Lockhart Animal Shelter on Saturday, April 1, starting at 11 am with kids show, food, and prizes showcasing the improvements recently completed at the shelter. • Reminder: Lockhart Cowtown Stroll, Saturday, April 1, Downtown starting at 4 pm. • Reminder: City Wide Residential Spring Clean Up starts first Wednesday in April. • Reminder: Don't Mess with Texas Trash Off on Saturday, April 8th. • Reminder: 11th Annual Lockhart Kiwanis 5K Stampede or 1K Fun Run/Walk, Saturday, April 15th. • Reminder: The Texas Mustang Club will have about 300 Mustangs on display at the First Lockhart Baptist Church Parking lots on W. Prairie Street starting at 1 pm Saturday, April 15, after the Kiwanis events. • Announcement: Taking City Pool Lifeguard Applications. • Announcement: City of Lockhart has received the LCRA Community Grant in the amount of $25,000 to help with lighting at the Cpl. Jason K. LaFleur Sports Complex
8. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 9. ADJOURNMENT
Discuss five year agreement with the Lockhart Youth Soccer Association (LYSA) for use of the Cpl. Jason K. LaFleur Sports Complex whereby LYSA would take over certain maintenance and operational responsibilities in exchange for defined control of the fields and concession stand, and appointing the City Manager to sign the agreement, if approved by Council.
Discuss implementing the new website of the City of Lockhart, Texas and authorizing staff to proceed with all aspects involved in the transition.
Discuss Ordinance 2017-05 suspending until June 16, 2017, the proposed Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program (GRIP) interim rate adjustment of the Texas Gas Service Company, a division of One Gas, filed March 3, 2017.
Discuss Ordinance 2017-06 amending portions of Chapter 58, Article III, Water, Sewer, Electric Extensions, Division 1, Generally, Chapter 58, Sections 58-171 through 58-174 of the Code of Ordinances providing for a utility main extension application and a pro-rata reimbursement application and process.
Discuss Change Order #2 for Qro-Mex Construction Company, Inc., to increase the current contract by $45,950 making the new contract amount $2,154,615 for utility work on Locust Street to accommodate drainage work to be performed on Pine, Comal, Ash Streets, and for other increased quantities in the current contract, and appointing the Mayor to sign the change order, if approved.
Discussion regarding Resolution 2017-06 rescinding Resolution 2016-12 which approved the 4B economic development project by Hill Country Foodworks, LLC at 215 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. in order to establish 4B projects with the same company.
Discussion regarding Resolution 2017-07 approving a 4A type project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Hill Country Foodworks, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $186,000 to employ a minimum of 20 full time equivalent employees with an average annual wage of $30,250 and an estimated capital investment of $1,475 million over the three-year contractual period for land/building located at 215 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. improvements and professional services.
Discussion regarding an amended Chapter 380 Economic Development Incentive Agreement with Hill Country Foodworks, LLC which reflects a new scope of development including a 5,000 square foot addition to the building at 215 E. MLK Jr. Industrial Blvd. which significantly increases the project investment for the project from $450,000 to $920,000 over the three- year agreement period which includes a minimum of 20 jobs making a minimum annual wage of $30,250.
Discussion after Fiscal Year 2016-2017 City Council Goals update by the City Manager.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2017-06 rescinding Resolution 2016-12 which approved the 4B economic development project by Hill Country Foodworks, LLC at 215 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. in order to establish 4B projects with the same company.
Conduct the first of two required readings of Resolution 2017-07 approving a 4A type project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Hill Country Foodworks, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $186,000 to employ a minimum of 20 full time equivalent employees with an average annual wage of $30,250 and an estimated capital investment of $1,475 million over the three-year contractual period for land/building located at 215 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. improvements and professional services.
A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of March 7, 2017. B. Approve five year agreement with the Lockhart Youth Soccer Association (LYSA) for use of the Cpl. Jason K. LaFleur Sports Complex whereby LYSA would take over certain maintenance and operational responsibilities in exchange for defined control of the fields and concession stand, and appointing the City Manager to sign the agreement, if approved by Council. C. Approve implementing the new website of the City of Lockhart, Texas and authorizing staff to proceed with all aspects involved in the transition. D. Approve Ordinance 2017-05 suspending until June 16, 2017, the proposed Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program (GRIP) interim rate adjustment of the Texas Gas Service Company, a division of One Gas, filed March 3, 2017. E. Approve Ordinance 2017-06 amending portions of Chapter 58, Article III, Water, Sewer, Electric Extensions, Division 1, Generally, Chapter 58, Sections 58-171 through 58-174 of the Code of Ordinances providing for a utility main extension application and a pro-rata reimbursement application and process. F. Approve Change Order #2 for Qro-Mex Construction Company, Inc., to increase the current contract by $45,950 making the new contract amount $2,154,615 for utility work on Locust Street to accommodate drainage work to be performed on Pine, Comal, Ash Streets, and for other increased quantities in the current contract, and appointing the Mayor to sign the change order, if approved.
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Conduct the second of two required readings and discussion and/or action regarding Resolution 2017-07 approving a 4A type project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for funding of Hill Country Foodworks, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $186,000 to employ a minimum of 20 full time equivalent employees with an average annual wage of $30,250 and an estimated capital investment of $1.475 million over the three-year contractual period for land/building located at 215 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. improvements and professional services.
Discussion and/or action regarding an amended Chapter 380 Economic Development Incentive Agreement with Hill Country Foodworks, LLC which reflects a new scope of development including a 5,000 square foot addition to the building at 215 E. MLK Jr. Industrial Blvd. which significantly increases the project investment for the project from $450,000 to $920,000 over the three-year agreement period which includes a minimum of 20 jobs making a minimum annual wage of $30,250.
Discussion and/or action after Fiscal Year 2016-2017 City Council Goals update by the City Manager.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project, Blackjack to Wal-Mart; the last design puts all drainage waters on the west side until it gets down to the ditch between Smith Supply and Walmart; West side almost complete. • Update: Drainage work continues on Mesquite, Braden, Wichita, and Vega Street areas; detention ponds and other work about 98% complete; patching and paving of streets should be completed within the next 10 days, weather-permitting. Rain has delayed paving. • Update: E. Walnut Street Neighborhood Drainage Project, utility clearance work completed; contract putting down first course of base soon and then will start the curbing; rain has been a problem. • Update: Bid advertisements for the Ash, Comal, and Pine Street Drainage Project are now planned within the next 30 days; utility clearances are taking longer than anticipated. We will wait on bidding out to conflict with City crews working on water/sewer clearances; a neighborhood meeting will be set up after the bidding but before the project starts. • Update: Utility main extension projects in western corridor are being designed and will be ready for bid in about 60 days. • Report: Welcome Spring Day Event in City Park held on Saturday, March 18 with Kid Fish, Bouncy House, Free Hot Dogs, Petting Zoo, and Chamber Chili Cook-off. • Report: Greater Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Banquet held Sat March 18. • Reminder: Spring Festival at the Lockhart Animal Shelter on Saturday, April 1, starting at 11 am with kids show, food, and prizes showcasing the improvements recently completed at the shelter. • Reminder: Lockhart Cowtown Stroll, Saturday, April 1, Downtown starting at 4 pm. • Reminder: City Wide Residential Spring Clean Up starts first Wednesday in April. • Reminder: Don't Mess with Texas Trash Off on Saturday, April 8th. • Reminder: 11th Annual Lockhart Kiwanis 5K Stampede or 1K Fun Run/Walk, Saturday, April 15th. • Reminder: The Texas Mustang Club will have about 300 Mustangs on display at the First Lockhart Baptist Church Parking lots on W. Prairie Street starting at 1 pm Saturday, April 15, after the Kiwanis events. • Announcement: Taking City Pool Lifeguard Applications. • Announcement: City of Lockhart has received the LCRA Community Grant in the amount of $25,000 to help with lighting at the Cpl. Jason K. LaFleur Sports Complex
8. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 9. ADJOURNMENT