Presentation of a proclamation declaring February 2017 as "Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month".
Discussion with and update by the Greater San Marcos Partnership (GSMP) about the benefits that the City of Lockhart receives as a member.
Discuss Ordinance 2017-03 amending Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks" of the Code of Ordinances, Section 28-20 "Tax abatement for preservation of historic properties", Section 28-21 "General criteria and guidelines of tax abatement program"; and Section 28-23 "Certification for tax abatement".
Discuss Resolution 2017-03 authorizing the submission of a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for the Community Development Fund; and authorizing the Mayor to act as the City's Executive Officer and authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the City's participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program.
Discuss selling Lockhart Fire Units 2006 F-550 Rescue Truck and 1995 Engine-3 using the public notice process to receive bids.
Discuss the Caldwell Valley Development Agreement proposed by Walton Texas, LP, and authorize the Mayor to sign the document.
Discuss Resolution 2017-04 requested by Walton, LP for consent to annex land within the Lockhart Extraterritorial Jurisdiction into one or more Municipal Utility Districts for the proposed Caldwell Valley development.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of January 17, 2017. B. Approve Resolution 2017-03 authorizing the submission of a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for the Community Development Fund; and authorizing the Mayor to act as the City's Executive Officer and authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the City's participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program. C. Approve selling Lockhart Fire Units 2006 F-550 Rescue Truck and 1995 Engine-3 using the public notice process to receive bids. D. Approve Ordinance 2017-03 amending Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks" of the Code of Ordinances, Section 28-20 "Tax abatement for preservation of historic properties", Section 28-21 "General criteria and guidelines of tax abatement program"; and Section 28-23 "Certification for tax abatement".
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Discussion and/or action to approve the Caldwell Valley Development Agreement proposed by Walton Texas, LP, and authorize the Mayor to sign the document.
Discussion and/or action to approve Resolution 2017-04 requested by Walton, LP for consent to annex land within the Lockhart Extraterritorial Jurisdiction into one or more Municipal Utility Districts for the proposed Caldwell Valley development.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project, Blackjack to Wal-Mart; the last design puts all drainage waters on the west side until it gets down to the ditch between Smith Supply and Walmart. • Update: Drainage work continues on Mesquite, Braden, Wichita, and Vega Street areas; detention ponds and other work about 95% complete; patching and paving of streets should be completed within the next 30 days, weatherpermitting. • Update: E. Walnut Street Neighborhood Drainage Project, utility clearance work almost completed; still waiting on telephone clearances; contractor has started pipe work. • Update: Bid advertisements for the Ash, Comal, and Pine Street Drainage Project are planned this month; utility clearances by the gas company are pending. We will wait on bidding out to conflict with City crews working on water/sewer clearances; a neighborhood meeting will be set up after the bidding but before the project starts. • Report: Lockhart Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet held Saturday, January 28, at Embassy Suites in San Marcos. • Report: Hot Rods and Hatters Car Show Event. • Report: Black Heritage Banquet held Saturday, Feb 4 at the Fountains. • Reminder: Annual Progressive Club Event, Saturday, February 18, 2017, at the Lions Club.
7. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 8. ADJOURNMENT
Presentation of a proclamation declaring February 2017 as "Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month".
Discussion with and update by the Greater San Marcos Partnership (GSMP) about the benefits that the City of Lockhart receives as a member.
Discuss Ordinance 2017-03 amending Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks" of the Code of Ordinances, Section 28-20 "Tax abatement for preservation of historic properties", Section 28-21 "General criteria and guidelines of tax abatement program"; and Section 28-23 "Certification for tax abatement".
Discuss Resolution 2017-03 authorizing the submission of a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for the Community Development Fund; and authorizing the Mayor to act as the City's Executive Officer and authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the City's participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program.
Discuss selling Lockhart Fire Units 2006 F-550 Rescue Truck and 1995 Engine-3 using the public notice process to receive bids.
Discuss the Caldwell Valley Development Agreement proposed by Walton Texas, LP, and authorize the Mayor to sign the document.
Discuss Resolution 2017-04 requested by Walton, LP for consent to annex land within the Lockhart Extraterritorial Jurisdiction into one or more Municipal Utility Districts for the proposed Caldwell Valley development.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of January 17, 2017. B. Approve Resolution 2017-03 authorizing the submission of a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Application to the Texas Department of Agriculture for the Community Development Fund; and authorizing the Mayor to act as the City's Executive Officer and authorized Representative in all matters pertaining to the City's participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program. C. Approve selling Lockhart Fire Units 2006 F-550 Rescue Truck and 1995 Engine-3 using the public notice process to receive bids. D. Approve Ordinance 2017-03 amending Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks" of the Code of Ordinances, Section 28-20 "Tax abatement for preservation of historic properties", Section 28-21 "General criteria and guidelines of tax abatement program"; and Section 28-23 "Certification for tax abatement".
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Discussion and/or action to approve the Caldwell Valley Development Agreement proposed by Walton Texas, LP, and authorize the Mayor to sign the document.
Discussion and/or action to approve Resolution 2017-04 requested by Walton, LP for consent to annex land within the Lockhart Extraterritorial Jurisdiction into one or more Municipal Utility Districts for the proposed Caldwell Valley development.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project, Blackjack to Wal-Mart; the last design puts all drainage waters on the west side until it gets down to the ditch between Smith Supply and Walmart. • Update: Drainage work continues on Mesquite, Braden, Wichita, and Vega Street areas; detention ponds and other work about 95% complete; patching and paving of streets should be completed within the next 30 days, weatherpermitting. • Update: E. Walnut Street Neighborhood Drainage Project, utility clearance work almost completed; still waiting on telephone clearances; contractor has started pipe work. • Update: Bid advertisements for the Ash, Comal, and Pine Street Drainage Project are planned this month; utility clearances by the gas company are pending. We will wait on bidding out to conflict with City crews working on water/sewer clearances; a neighborhood meeting will be set up after the bidding but before the project starts. • Report: Lockhart Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet held Saturday, January 28, at Embassy Suites in San Marcos. • Report: Hot Rods and Hatters Car Show Event. • Report: Black Heritage Banquet held Saturday, Feb 4 at the Fountains. • Reminder: Annual Progressive Club Event, Saturday, February 18, 2017, at the Lions Club.
7. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 8. ADJOURNMENT