Discussion regarding naming an individual as the City of Lockhart's nominee to fill a vacant position to the Board of Directors of the Caldwell County Appraisal District.
Discussion regarding using up to $4,500 of Downtown Promotions funds to help support the planned 2017 Hot Rods and Hatters Car Show by paying some expenses directly to vendors providing services for the event.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
PUBLIC HEARING/COUNCIL ACTION Hold a public hearing on amending Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Code of Ordinances, Article VII "Zoning Districts and Standards," Section 64-196 "Establishment of Zoning Districts," to add "Warehousing for local sales and distribution" in the list of specific uses in subsection (i) Commercial Medium Business District (CMB), and to delete "Warehousing for local sales and distribution" in Subsection (j) Commercial Heavy Business District (CHB).
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2017-01 amending Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Code of Ordinances, Article VII "Zoning Districts and Standards," Section 64-196 "Establishment of Zoning Districts," to add "Warehousing for local sales and distribution" in the list of specific uses in subsection (i) Commercial Medium Business District (CMB), and to delete "Warehousing for local sales and distribution" in Subsection (j) Commercial Heavy Business District (CHB).
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Discussion and/or action to consider approval of the minutes of the City Council meeting of December 20, 2016.
Discussion and/or action regarding naming an individual as the City of Lockhart's nominee to fill a vacant position to the Board of Directors of the Caldwell County Appraisal District.
Discussion and/or action regarding using up to $4,500 of Downtown Promotions funds to help support the planned 2017 Hot Rods and Hatters Car Show by paying some expenses directly to vendors providing services for the event.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project, Blackjack to Wal-Mart; drainage design. • Update: Drainage work continues on Mesquite, Braden, Wichita, and Vega Street areas; detention ponds and other work about 85% complete; patching and paving of streets should be completed within the next 30 days, weather-permitting. • Update: E Walnut Street Neighborhood Drainage Project, utility clearance work almost completed; waiting on telephone and gas. • Update: Bid advertisements for the Ash, Comal and Pine Street Drainage Project will be done this month; neighborhood meeting will be set up before the project starts. • Update: Police Chief position interviews complete; City Mgr will be interviewing top two candidates this week if their schedule allows. • Update: As LEDC President, I am working with 7 prospects in the SH 130 and SH 142 area; when companies are ready to announce, I will provide more detail. • Update: 112 E MLK has been purchased for Pure Castings operations and Pure Castings has signed a lease/purchase at 119 E MLK; job potential to start. • Update: Hill Country Food Works has submitted plans to expand 215 E MLK by 90%; closing on the LEDC property should be within next 30 days. • Reminder: Lockhart Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet is Saturday, January 28, at Embassy Suites in San Marcos. • Welcome to new employees: Monica Parra - Library Services Dept Kaylee Goerlitz - Animal Services Dept Austin Mueller - Fire Dept Zachary Castilleja - Library Services Dept Datron Plummer - Parks Dept
7. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 8. ADJOURNMENT
Discussion regarding naming an individual as the City of Lockhart's nominee to fill a vacant position to the Board of Directors of the Caldwell County Appraisal District.
Discussion regarding using up to $4,500 of Downtown Promotions funds to help support the planned 2017 Hot Rods and Hatters Car Show by paying some expenses directly to vendors providing services for the event.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
PUBLIC HEARING/COUNCIL ACTION Hold a public hearing on amending Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Code of Ordinances, Article VII "Zoning Districts and Standards," Section 64-196 "Establishment of Zoning Districts," to add "Warehousing for local sales and distribution" in the list of specific uses in subsection (i) Commercial Medium Business District (CMB), and to delete "Warehousing for local sales and distribution" in Subsection (j) Commercial Heavy Business District (CHB).
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2017-01 amending Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Code of Ordinances, Article VII "Zoning Districts and Standards," Section 64-196 "Establishment of Zoning Districts," to add "Warehousing for local sales and distribution" in the list of specific uses in subsection (i) Commercial Medium Business District (CMB), and to delete "Warehousing for local sales and distribution" in Subsection (j) Commercial Heavy Business District (CHB).
DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Discussion and/or action to consider approval of the minutes of the City Council meeting of December 20, 2016.
Discussion and/or action regarding naming an individual as the City of Lockhart's nominee to fill a vacant position to the Board of Directors of the Caldwell County Appraisal District.
Discussion and/or action regarding using up to $4,500 of Downtown Promotions funds to help support the planned 2017 Hot Rods and Hatters Car Show by paying some expenses directly to vendors providing services for the event.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project, Blackjack to Wal-Mart; drainage design. • Update: Drainage work continues on Mesquite, Braden, Wichita, and Vega Street areas; detention ponds and other work about 85% complete; patching and paving of streets should be completed within the next 30 days, weather-permitting. • Update: E Walnut Street Neighborhood Drainage Project, utility clearance work almost completed; waiting on telephone and gas. • Update: Bid advertisements for the Ash, Comal and Pine Street Drainage Project will be done this month; neighborhood meeting will be set up before the project starts. • Update: Police Chief position interviews complete; City Mgr will be interviewing top two candidates this week if their schedule allows. • Update: As LEDC President, I am working with 7 prospects in the SH 130 and SH 142 area; when companies are ready to announce, I will provide more detail. • Update: 112 E MLK has been purchased for Pure Castings operations and Pure Castings has signed a lease/purchase at 119 E MLK; job potential to start. • Update: Hill Country Food Works has submitted plans to expand 215 E MLK by 90%; closing on the LEDC property should be within next 30 days. • Reminder: Lockhart Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet is Saturday, January 28, at Embassy Suites in San Marcos. • Welcome to new employees: Monica Parra - Library Services Dept Kaylee Goerlitz - Animal Services Dept Austin Mueller - Fire Dept Zachary Castilleja - Library Services Dept Datron Plummer - Parks Dept
7. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 8. ADJOURNMENT