Presentation of Certificates of Recognition to participants of the Keep Lockhart Beautiful programs, planting, and clean-up activities.
Discuss Joint Election Interlocal Government Contract with the Caldwell County Elections Administrator to conduct Election Services for the City of Lockhart's General Election on November 8, 2016.
Discuss Ordinance 2016-14 ordering a General Election on November 8, 2016 for the purpose of electing one Councilmember District 1; one Councilmember District 2; and two Councilmembers At-Large; providing for Joint Election with Caldwell County; establishing early voting locations and polling places; ordering Notice of Election to be given as prescribed by law; and making provisions for the conduct of the election.
Discuss the Caldwell County Uniform Truancy Plan as recommended by the Caldwell County Truancy Committee.
Discussion after presentation by City Manager regarding detention ponds requiring Council approval to be constructed in SH 130 right of way to reduce adverse drainage conditions downstream.
Discuss Resolution 2016-07 rescinding Resolution No. 2014-13 funding a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, amended, for funding of the Pure Castings Company project in an amount not to exceed $464,966.43 including the cost of land and improvements, infrastructure improvements, development and impact fees, and/or building permit fees that are required or suitable for the development, retention, or expansion of manufacturing and industrial facilities to promote or develop new or expanded business enterprises, and to create and maintain an average of at least 75 new primary jobs during the initial five year period.
Discuss Resolution 2016-08 of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, regarding a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. in an amount not to exceed $483,250 including the cost of improvements to the property and/or equipment infrastructure costs and professional services.
Discuss Chapter 380 Rebate of City Property Tax to Pure Castings Company on their new facility located in the City of Lockhart at 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. proposed to be offered to the company for locating their facility in Lockhart and crating 48 primary jobs to stimulate business and commercial activity in the City, and to appoint the Mayor to sign all contracts for the Council.
Discuss Resolution 2016-09 of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, regarding a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd., in an amount not to exceed $268,550 including the lease of the property, infrastructure costs, and professional services.
Discuss Chapter 380 Rebate of City Property Tax to Pure Castings Company on their new facility located in the City of Lockhart at 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. proposed to be offered to the company for locating their facility in Lockhart and creating 14 primary jobs to stimulate business and commercial activity in the City, and to appoint the Mayor to sign all contracts for the Council.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
Hold public hearing in regards to amending Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks", Section 28-3 "Historical Preservation Commission", to authorize the Commission to review and submit recommendations pertaining to proposed public streetscape elements in historic districts.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2016-13 amending Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks", of the Code of Ordinances, Section 28-3 "Historical Preservation Commission", to provide for Commission review of public streetscape elements in historic districts.
Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2016-07 of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, rescinding Resolution No. 2014-13 funding a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, amended, for funding of the Pure Castings Company project in an amount not to exceed $464,966.43 including the cost of land and improvements, infrastructure improvements, development and impact fees, and/or building permit fees that are required or suitable for the development, retention, or expansion of manufacturing and industrial facilities to promote or develop new or expanded business enterprises, and to create and maintain an average of at least 75 new primary jobs during the initial five year period.
Conduct the first of two required readings of Resolution 2016-08, in its entirety, of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discuss approving a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. in an amount not to exceed $483,250 including the cost of improvements to the property and/or equipment infrastructure costs and professional services.
Conduct the first of two required readings of Resolution 2016-09, in its entirety, of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discuss approving a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd., in an amount not to exceed $268,550 including the lease of the property, infrastructure costs, and professional services.
CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of May 3, 2016. B. Approve Joint Election Interlocal Government Contract with the Caldwell County Elections Administrator to conduct Election Services for the City of Lockhart's General Election on November 8, 2016. C. Approve Ordinance 2016-14 ordering a General Election on November 8, 2016 for the purpose of electing one Councilmember District 1; one Councilmember District 2; and two Councilmembers At-Large; providing for Joint Election with Caldwell County; establishing early voting locations and polling places; ordering Notice of Election to be given as prescribed by law; and making provisions for the conduct of the election. D. Approve the Caldwell County Uniform Truancy Plan as recommended by the Caldwell County Truancy Committee. E. Approve detention ponds requiring Council approval to be constructed in SH 130 right of way to reduce adverse drainage conditions downstream.
Conduct the second of two required readings of Resolution 2016-08, in its entirety, of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discussion and/or action to consider approving a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. in an amount not to exceed $483,250 including the cost of improvements to the property and/or equipment infrastructure costs and professional services.
Discussion and/or action to consider Chapter 380 Rebate of City Property Tax to Pure Castings Company on their new facility located in the City of Lockhart at 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. proposed to be offered to the company for locating their facility in Lockhart and crating 48 primary jobs to stimulate business and commercial activity in the City, and to appoint the Mayor to sign all contracts for the Council.
Conduct the second of two required readings of Resolution 2016-09, in its entirety, of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discussion and/or action to consider approving a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd., in an amount not to exceed $268,550 including the lease of the property, infrastructure costs, and professional services.
Conduct the second of two required readings of Resolution 2016-08, in its entirety, of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discussion and/or action to consider approving a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. in an amount not to exceed $483,250 including the cost of improvements to the property and/or equipment infrastructure costs and professional services.
Conduct the second of two required readings of Resolution 2016-09, in its entirety, of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discussion and/or action to consider approving a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd., in an amount not to exceed $268,550 including the lease of the property, infrastructure costs, and professional services.
Discussion and/or action to consider Chapter 380 Rebate of City Property Tax to Pure Castings Company on their new facility located in the City of Lockhart at 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. proposed to be offered to the company for locating their facility in Lockhart and creating 14 primary jobs to stimulate business and commercial activity in the City, and to appoint the Mayor to sign all contracts for the Council.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update- US 183 widening project, Hickory to Blackjack: west side drainage truck main started between Hickory and Blackjack; some rain delays; some challenges for driveways. • Update: Contracts with Qro-Mex Construction on Richland Drive. • Update: Preparation for Chisholm Trail Annual Event. • Report: Leftovers group. • Report: Cinco de Mayo Celebration with 5k and 10k events held May 6th & 7th. • Report: Special Residential Household Hazardous Waste Collection event held Saturday, May 14, at City Park from 9 am until noon for Lockhart residents only, • Reminder: Fireworks Display in the City Park to be held Sunday, July 3rd. • Report: Splash Pad to open Saturday, May 21st, 11 am - 8 pm; closed on all Mondays and closed May 31 - June 13. • Report: City Pool to open Memorial Day weekend, 12pm - 8 pm; closed on all Mondays and closed May 31 - June 13. • Report: Movies in the Park to be held June 18th, July 16th, and August 13th. • New faces since April 2016: Madalyn Voight - promoted from part-time Library Clerk to full-time Library Assistant, Jimmy Bowen - Water/Wastewater Dept.
9. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 10. ADJOURNMENT
Presentation of Certificates of Recognition to participants of the Keep Lockhart Beautiful programs, planting, and clean-up activities.
Discuss Joint Election Interlocal Government Contract with the Caldwell County Elections Administrator to conduct Election Services for the City of Lockhart's General Election on November 8, 2016.
Discuss Ordinance 2016-14 ordering a General Election on November 8, 2016 for the purpose of electing one Councilmember District 1; one Councilmember District 2; and two Councilmembers At-Large; providing for Joint Election with Caldwell County; establishing early voting locations and polling places; ordering Notice of Election to be given as prescribed by law; and making provisions for the conduct of the election.
Discuss the Caldwell County Uniform Truancy Plan as recommended by the Caldwell County Truancy Committee.
Discussion after presentation by City Manager regarding detention ponds requiring Council approval to be constructed in SH 130 right of way to reduce adverse drainage conditions downstream.
Discuss Resolution 2016-07 rescinding Resolution No. 2014-13 funding a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, amended, for funding of the Pure Castings Company project in an amount not to exceed $464,966.43 including the cost of land and improvements, infrastructure improvements, development and impact fees, and/or building permit fees that are required or suitable for the development, retention, or expansion of manufacturing and industrial facilities to promote or develop new or expanded business enterprises, and to create and maintain an average of at least 75 new primary jobs during the initial five year period.
Discuss Resolution 2016-08 of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, regarding a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. in an amount not to exceed $483,250 including the cost of improvements to the property and/or equipment infrastructure costs and professional services.
Discuss Chapter 380 Rebate of City Property Tax to Pure Castings Company on their new facility located in the City of Lockhart at 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. proposed to be offered to the company for locating their facility in Lockhart and crating 48 primary jobs to stimulate business and commercial activity in the City, and to appoint the Mayor to sign all contracts for the Council.
Discuss Resolution 2016-09 of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, regarding a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd., in an amount not to exceed $268,550 including the lease of the property, infrastructure costs, and professional services.
Discuss Chapter 380 Rebate of City Property Tax to Pure Castings Company on their new facility located in the City of Lockhart at 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. proposed to be offered to the company for locating their facility in Lockhart and creating 14 primary jobs to stimulate business and commercial activity in the City, and to appoint the Mayor to sign all contracts for the Council.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
Hold public hearing in regards to amending Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks", Section 28-3 "Historical Preservation Commission", to authorize the Commission to review and submit recommendations pertaining to proposed public streetscape elements in historic districts.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2016-13 amending Chapter 28 "Historic Districts and Landmarks", of the Code of Ordinances, Section 28-3 "Historical Preservation Commission", to provide for Commission review of public streetscape elements in historic districts.
Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2016-07 of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, rescinding Resolution No. 2014-13 funding a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, amended, for funding of the Pure Castings Company project in an amount not to exceed $464,966.43 including the cost of land and improvements, infrastructure improvements, development and impact fees, and/or building permit fees that are required or suitable for the development, retention, or expansion of manufacturing and industrial facilities to promote or develop new or expanded business enterprises, and to create and maintain an average of at least 75 new primary jobs during the initial five year period.
Conduct the first of two required readings of Resolution 2016-08, in its entirety, of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discuss approving a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. in an amount not to exceed $483,250 including the cost of improvements to the property and/or equipment infrastructure costs and professional services.
Conduct the first of two required readings of Resolution 2016-09, in its entirety, of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discuss approving a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd., in an amount not to exceed $268,550 including the lease of the property, infrastructure costs, and professional services.
CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of May 3, 2016. B. Approve Joint Election Interlocal Government Contract with the Caldwell County Elections Administrator to conduct Election Services for the City of Lockhart's General Election on November 8, 2016. C. Approve Ordinance 2016-14 ordering a General Election on November 8, 2016 for the purpose of electing one Councilmember District 1; one Councilmember District 2; and two Councilmembers At-Large; providing for Joint Election with Caldwell County; establishing early voting locations and polling places; ordering Notice of Election to be given as prescribed by law; and making provisions for the conduct of the election. D. Approve the Caldwell County Uniform Truancy Plan as recommended by the Caldwell County Truancy Committee. E. Approve detention ponds requiring Council approval to be constructed in SH 130 right of way to reduce adverse drainage conditions downstream.
Conduct the second of two required readings of Resolution 2016-08, in its entirety, of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discussion and/or action to consider approving a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. in an amount not to exceed $483,250 including the cost of improvements to the property and/or equipment infrastructure costs and professional services.
Discussion and/or action to consider Chapter 380 Rebate of City Property Tax to Pure Castings Company on their new facility located in the City of Lockhart at 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. proposed to be offered to the company for locating their facility in Lockhart and crating 48 primary jobs to stimulate business and commercial activity in the City, and to appoint the Mayor to sign all contracts for the Council.
Conduct the second of two required readings of Resolution 2016-09, in its entirety, of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discussion and/or action to consider approving a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd., in an amount not to exceed $268,550 including the lease of the property, infrastructure costs, and professional services.
Conduct the second of two required readings of Resolution 2016-08, in its entirety, of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discussion and/or action to consider approving a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 112 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. in an amount not to exceed $483,250 including the cost of improvements to the property and/or equipment infrastructure costs and professional services.
Conduct the second of two required readings of Resolution 2016-09, in its entirety, of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discussion and/or action to consider approving a Type A Project under Section 4B of the Texas Economic Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended, for Pure Castings Company on 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd., in an amount not to exceed $268,550 including the lease of the property, infrastructure costs, and professional services.
Discussion and/or action to consider Chapter 380 Rebate of City Property Tax to Pure Castings Company on their new facility located in the City of Lockhart at 119 E. MLK, Jr. Industrial Blvd. proposed to be offered to the company for locating their facility in Lockhart and creating 14 primary jobs to stimulate business and commercial activity in the City, and to appoint the Mayor to sign all contracts for the Council.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update- US 183 widening project, Hickory to Blackjack: west side drainage truck main started between Hickory and Blackjack; some rain delays; some challenges for driveways. • Update: Contracts with Qro-Mex Construction on Richland Drive. • Update: Preparation for Chisholm Trail Annual Event. • Report: Leftovers group. • Report: Cinco de Mayo Celebration with 5k and 10k events held May 6th & 7th. • Report: Special Residential Household Hazardous Waste Collection event held Saturday, May 14, at City Park from 9 am until noon for Lockhart residents only, • Reminder: Fireworks Display in the City Park to be held Sunday, July 3rd. • Report: Splash Pad to open Saturday, May 21st, 11 am - 8 pm; closed on all Mondays and closed May 31 - June 13. • Report: City Pool to open Memorial Day weekend, 12pm - 8 pm; closed on all Mondays and closed May 31 - June 13. • Report: Movies in the Park to be held June 18th, July 16th, and August 13th. • New faces since April 2016: Madalyn Voight - promoted from part-time Library Clerk to full-time Library Assistant, Jimmy Bowen - Water/Wastewater Dept.
9. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 10. ADJOURNMENT