PRESENTATION ONLY A. Presentation of Certificates of Recognition to Pack 109 Cub Scouts, Den 1 for their dedication to the community for raising awareness of the need and benefit of recycling. B. Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to Crossing Guards of the Lockhart Independent School District for their dedication to the safety of our children when going to and from school. C. Presentation of a Proclamation declaring April 2016 as Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month. D. Presentation of a Proclamation declaring April 2016 as Child Abuse Prevention & Awareness Month. E. Presentation of a Proclamation declaring April 5, 2016 as National Service Recognition Day".
Demonstration by ezTask and discussion regarding a website redesign for the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discussion about awarding a contract to ezTask of Richmond, Texas in the amount of $7,990 for a website redesign.
Discuss minutes of the City Council meetings of March 12, 2016 and March 15, 2016.
Discuss annual services agreement with Motorola, Inc., in the amount of $128,611.92 of which $53,588.30 is for the 215 City of Lockhart radios to cover maintenance, repairs, and replacement of the 700/800 mhz radio infrastructure system which supports radio communications for the City of Lockhart, Concessions Group, Caldwell County, City of Luling, and the City of Martindale from October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017 with each entity paying its share of the costs based on the number of radios using the system according to the existing interlocal agreement, and appointing the Mayor to sign contract agreement. [1295-2016-04-05-11]
Discuss major repairs to water well number 11 costing an estimated $120,000 which will extend the life and productivity of the well using 2015 Certificates of Obligation Funds.
Discussion after report by City Manager regarding treated water capacities and wastewater treatment capacities.
Discussion and/or action regarding letter from Ms. Mary Burrier in which she wants changes to Ordinance 2015-20 which amended Chapter 46, Signs, placing restrictions on inflatable signs, tethered balloons, pennants and streamers, and strings of lights and flags.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
PUBLIC HEARING/COUNCIL ACTION A. Hold a public hearing regarding the Curfew Ordinance and discuss adding a daytime juvenile curfew. B. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2016-09 amending Chapter 36 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions", providing a more comprehensive curfew for minors; providing for parent responsibility; providing for enforcement; and providing for penalty for violations.
CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve minutes of the City Council meetings of March 12, 2016 and March 15, 2016. B. Acknowledge Proclamation declaring April 2016 as Fair Housing Month. C. Approve annual services agreement with Motorola, Inc., in the amount of $128,611.92 of which $53,588.30 is for the 215 City of Lockhart radios to cover maintenance, repairs, and replacement of the 700/800 mhz radio infrastructure system which supports radio communications for the City of Lockhart, Concessions Group, Caldwell County, City of Luling, and the City of Martindale from October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017 with each entity paying its share of the costs based on the number of radios using the system according to the existing interlocal agreement, and appointing the Mayor to sign contract agreement. [1295-2016-04-05-11] D. Approve major repairs to water well number 11 costing an estimated $120,000 which will extend the life and productivity of the well using 2015 Certificates of Obligation Funds.
Discussion and/or action regarding letter from Ms. Mary Burrier in which she wants changes to Ordinance 2015-20 which amended Chapter 46, Signs, placing restrictions on inflatable signs, tethered balloons, pennants and streamers, and strings of lights and flags.
Demonstration by ezTask and discussion about a website redesign for the City of Lockhart, and discussion and/or action to consider awarding a contract to ezTask of Richmond, Texas in the amount of $7,990 for a website redesign.
Discussion and/or action after report by City Manager regarding treated water capacities and wastewater treatment capacities.
Discussion and/or action to consider use of unrestricted fund balances as recommended by the City Manager during the goals meeting for the purchase of two police cars, two pickup trucks in public works, and a one time payment of $1,500 to each full time non-civil service employee and a $750 one time payment to each part-time non-civil service employee that is employed by the City on April 22, 2016.
Discussion and/or possible action regarding letter from the Lockhart Historical Preservation Commission (LHPC) requesting a change in the current ordinance to allow their review and/or participation in changes or improvements in the public street right of way and to other public property in the Historic District.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2016-11 amending Chapter 10 of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, captioned "Animals and Beekeeping" to provide for restrictions on type, size and locations for keeping certain livestock and fowl.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2016-10 amending Chapter 18, Article III, captioned "Nuisances" of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, adding a division entitled "Residential Outdoor Storage", prohibiting the storage of unscreened items and material in residential districts within the city.
Presentation and discussion and/or action regarding the general, utilities, and airport funds' six months revenues, expenditures and fund balance analysis for the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update- US 183 widening project, Hickory to Blackjack: east side drainage truck main complete; inlet tops, slotted drains, and curbing being installed; will start on west side within same limits next week; rain delays; first two sections look great...compliments continue to come in! • Update: Water-Wastewater crews replacing bad clay sewer main line on East Market east of railroad track. • Update: Contracts with Qro-Mex Construction signed and a pre-construction meeting to held to start the Richland Drive and the Wichita-Braden-Mesquite projects. Meeting with Richland neighborhood held Monday, March 28, with good attendance. Another neighborhood meeting will be held in July for the other project. Starting on Richland because there is only one detention pond on that project whereas the other project has two large detention ponds to construct. • Update: Public bids should go out within the next 30-45 days for the CDBG Grant Project placing a new 18" water transmission main from Water Plant to near Serta. • Report: Annual Welcome Spring Event and Lockhart Chamber's Tolbert Chili Cook Off Competition event in City Park held on Saturday, March 19. • Report: 5th Annual Sip and Stroll event, Saturday, April 2. • Report: Cesar Chavez Day of Service and Learning held Saturday, April 2. • Report: Kiwanis Annual Stampede Event, April 2. • Reminder: Don't Mess with Texas Annual Trash Off Event to be held in City Park at main pavilion on Saturday, April 9; volunteers needed to help Keep Lockhart Beautiful. • Reminder: Annual Residential Spring Clean Up Event each Wednesday in April. • Reminder: Special Residential Household Hazardous Waste Collection event to be held Saturday, May 14, at City Park from 9 am until noon for Lockhart residents only. • Reminder: Semi-Annual City Cemetery Clean Up began this week on March 28.
PRESENTATION ONLY A. Presentation of Certificates of Recognition to Pack 109 Cub Scouts, Den 1 for their dedication to the community for raising awareness of the need and benefit of recycling. B. Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to Crossing Guards of the Lockhart Independent School District for their dedication to the safety of our children when going to and from school. C. Presentation of a Proclamation declaring April 2016 as Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month. D. Presentation of a Proclamation declaring April 2016 as Child Abuse Prevention & Awareness Month. E. Presentation of a Proclamation declaring April 5, 2016 as National Service Recognition Day".
Demonstration by ezTask and discussion regarding a website redesign for the City of Lockhart, Texas, and discussion about awarding a contract to ezTask of Richmond, Texas in the amount of $7,990 for a website redesign.
Discuss minutes of the City Council meetings of March 12, 2016 and March 15, 2016.
Discuss annual services agreement with Motorola, Inc., in the amount of $128,611.92 of which $53,588.30 is for the 215 City of Lockhart radios to cover maintenance, repairs, and replacement of the 700/800 mhz radio infrastructure system which supports radio communications for the City of Lockhart, Concessions Group, Caldwell County, City of Luling, and the City of Martindale from October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017 with each entity paying its share of the costs based on the number of radios using the system according to the existing interlocal agreement, and appointing the Mayor to sign contract agreement. [1295-2016-04-05-11]
Discuss major repairs to water well number 11 costing an estimated $120,000 which will extend the life and productivity of the well using 2015 Certificates of Obligation Funds.
Discussion after report by City Manager regarding treated water capacities and wastewater treatment capacities.
Discussion and/or action regarding letter from Ms. Mary Burrier in which she wants changes to Ordinance 2015-20 which amended Chapter 46, Signs, placing restrictions on inflatable signs, tethered balloons, pennants and streamers, and strings of lights and flags.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
PUBLIC HEARING/COUNCIL ACTION A. Hold a public hearing regarding the Curfew Ordinance and discuss adding a daytime juvenile curfew. B. Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2016-09 amending Chapter 36 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions", providing a more comprehensive curfew for minors; providing for parent responsibility; providing for enforcement; and providing for penalty for violations.
CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve minutes of the City Council meetings of March 12, 2016 and March 15, 2016. B. Acknowledge Proclamation declaring April 2016 as Fair Housing Month. C. Approve annual services agreement with Motorola, Inc., in the amount of $128,611.92 of which $53,588.30 is for the 215 City of Lockhart radios to cover maintenance, repairs, and replacement of the 700/800 mhz radio infrastructure system which supports radio communications for the City of Lockhart, Concessions Group, Caldwell County, City of Luling, and the City of Martindale from October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017 with each entity paying its share of the costs based on the number of radios using the system according to the existing interlocal agreement, and appointing the Mayor to sign contract agreement. [1295-2016-04-05-11] D. Approve major repairs to water well number 11 costing an estimated $120,000 which will extend the life and productivity of the well using 2015 Certificates of Obligation Funds.
Discussion and/or action regarding letter from Ms. Mary Burrier in which she wants changes to Ordinance 2015-20 which amended Chapter 46, Signs, placing restrictions on inflatable signs, tethered balloons, pennants and streamers, and strings of lights and flags.
Demonstration by ezTask and discussion about a website redesign for the City of Lockhart, and discussion and/or action to consider awarding a contract to ezTask of Richmond, Texas in the amount of $7,990 for a website redesign.
Discussion and/or action after report by City Manager regarding treated water capacities and wastewater treatment capacities.
Discussion and/or action to consider use of unrestricted fund balances as recommended by the City Manager during the goals meeting for the purchase of two police cars, two pickup trucks in public works, and a one time payment of $1,500 to each full time non-civil service employee and a $750 one time payment to each part-time non-civil service employee that is employed by the City on April 22, 2016.
Discussion and/or possible action regarding letter from the Lockhart Historical Preservation Commission (LHPC) requesting a change in the current ordinance to allow their review and/or participation in changes or improvements in the public street right of way and to other public property in the Historic District.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2016-11 amending Chapter 10 of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, captioned "Animals and Beekeeping" to provide for restrictions on type, size and locations for keeping certain livestock and fowl.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2016-10 amending Chapter 18, Article III, captioned "Nuisances" of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, adding a division entitled "Residential Outdoor Storage", prohibiting the storage of unscreened items and material in residential districts within the city.
Presentation and discussion and/or action regarding the general, utilities, and airport funds' six months revenues, expenditures and fund balance analysis for the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update- US 183 widening project, Hickory to Blackjack: east side drainage truck main complete; inlet tops, slotted drains, and curbing being installed; will start on west side within same limits next week; rain delays; first two sections look great...compliments continue to come in! • Update: Water-Wastewater crews replacing bad clay sewer main line on East Market east of railroad track. • Update: Contracts with Qro-Mex Construction signed and a pre-construction meeting to held to start the Richland Drive and the Wichita-Braden-Mesquite projects. Meeting with Richland neighborhood held Monday, March 28, with good attendance. Another neighborhood meeting will be held in July for the other project. Starting on Richland because there is only one detention pond on that project whereas the other project has two large detention ponds to construct. • Update: Public bids should go out within the next 30-45 days for the CDBG Grant Project placing a new 18" water transmission main from Water Plant to near Serta. • Report: Annual Welcome Spring Event and Lockhart Chamber's Tolbert Chili Cook Off Competition event in City Park held on Saturday, March 19. • Report: 5th Annual Sip and Stroll event, Saturday, April 2. • Report: Cesar Chavez Day of Service and Learning held Saturday, April 2. • Report: Kiwanis Annual Stampede Event, April 2. • Reminder: Don't Mess with Texas Annual Trash Off Event to be held in City Park at main pavilion on Saturday, April 9; volunteers needed to help Keep Lockhart Beautiful. • Reminder: Annual Residential Spring Clean Up Event each Wednesday in April. • Reminder: Special Residential Household Hazardous Waste Collection event to be held Saturday, May 14, at City Park from 9 am until noon for Lockhart residents only. • Reminder: Semi-Annual City Cemetery Clean Up began this week on March 28.