Discuss water and sewer extensions and oversizing of lines, and associated costs for the Maple Park Phase I Development.
Discuss possible future ordinance addressing possible offensive conditions in . residential yards and front porches that are used for storage of items that are offensive to neighbors.
Discuss possible future ordinance addressing the keeping of large animals such as, but not limited to, emus, llamas, sheep, goats, horses, and cattle on properties that are not at least two acres or more in size and prohibiting more than two such large animals per acre.
Discuss appointment of an elected City official to Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) Regional Review Committee (RRC) which reviews and scores grant applications.
Discussion after report by City Manager regarding the Caldwell County Commissioners' Court decision regarding purchase of a new ambulance.
Discuss rescheduling the date to host the Texas Municipal League Region 10 meeting in Lockhart in September 2016 and discuss any other aspects pertaining to the meeting.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
Hold a public hearing to consider amending Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Code of Ordinances, Section 64-2 "Definitions", to add a definition of "Limited industrial manufacturing"; Sections 64-196(i) "Commercial medium business district (CMB) and 64-196(j) "Commercial heavy business district (CHB), to add uses allowed by-right or as a specific use; and to rename Section 64-204 from "Reserved" to "Transport containers", and add appropriate standards.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2016-08 amending Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Code of Ordinances, Section 64-2 "Definitions", to add a definition of "Limited industrial manufacturing"; Sections 64-196(i) "Commercial medium business district (CMB) and 64-196(j) "Commercial heavy business district (CHB), to add uses allowed by-right or as a specific use; and to rename Section 64-204 from "Reserved" to "Transport containers", and add appropriate standards.
A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of March 1, 2016. B. Approve water and sewer extensions and oversizing of lines, and associated costs for the Maple Park Phase I Development.
Discussion and/or action regarding possible future ordinance addressing possible offensive conditions in residential yards and front porches that are used for storage of items that are offensive to neighbors.
Discussion and/or action regarding possible future ordinance addressing the keeping of large animals such as, but not limited to, emus, llamas, sheep, goats, horses, and cattle on properties that are not at least two acres or more in size and prohibiting more than two such large animals per acre.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointment of an elected City official to Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) Regional Review Committee (RRC) which reviews and scores grant applications.
Discussion and/or action after report by City Manager regarding the Caldwell County Commissioners' Court decision regarding purchase of a new ambulance.
Discussion and/or action to consider rescheduling the date to host the Texas Municipal League Region 10 meeting in Lockhart in September 2016 and discuss any other aspects pertaining to the meeting.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees, including Charter Review Commission.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update- US 183 widening project, Hickory to Blackjack: east side drainage truck main complete; inlet tops, slotted drains, and curbing being installed; will start on west side within same limits next week; rain delays; first two sections look great...compliments continue to come in! • Update: Water-Wastewater crews replacing bad clay sewer main lines on Frio Street and on E Market east of railroad track. • Update: Contracts with Qro-Mex Construction should be signed within next 10 days and a pre-construction meeting to follow to start the Wichita-Braden-Mesquite and Richland Drive drainage projects. Meetings with neighborhoods will be set up once we have the working schedule. • Update: Electric Crew installed 400 watt equivalent LED street lights on the north portion of the US 183 widening project; others on the project will be replaced as timing permits. • Update: City Manager has been contact by another kart racing group promotor to begin talks about another possible street kart race in Lockhart in 2017. • Update: The Planning Department and utility departments are working with 6 possible developments much of which will be single family residences and multi-family units. • Update: Public bids should go out within the next 30-45 days for the CDBG Grant Project placing a new 18" water transmission main from Water Plant to near Serta. • Update: FY 16-17 Budget preparations will begin in April. • Update: Warrant Round Up- Preliminary data: 95 warrants, + $ 25,000 collected of which about $12,000 is local funds; final information will be available next week. • Report: Friday, March 11, a Texas Workforce Center job fair will held at the Dr. Eugene Clark Library between 1 and 4 pm. • Reminder: Annual Welcome Spring Event and Lockhart Chamber's Tolbert Chili Cook Off Competition event in City Park on Saturday, March 19, with Kid Fish, free hot dogs, kite flying, horseshoes, pitching washers, etc.... • Reminder: Semi-Annual City Cemetery Clean Up scheduled week of March 28. • Reminder: 5th Annual Sip and Stroll event, Saturday, April 2. • Reminder: Don't Mess with Texas Annual Trash Off Event to be held in City Park at main pavilion on Saturday, April 9; volunteers needs to help Keep Lockhart Beautiful. • Reminder: Annual Residential Spring Clean Up Event each Wednesday in April. • Reminder: SpecialResidential Household Hazardous Waste Collection event to be held Saturday, May 14, at City Park from 9 am until noon for Lockhart residents only.
8. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 9. ADJOURNMENT
Discuss water and sewer extensions and oversizing of lines, and associated costs for the Maple Park Phase I Development.
Discuss possible future ordinance addressing possible offensive conditions in . residential yards and front porches that are used for storage of items that are offensive to neighbors.
Discuss possible future ordinance addressing the keeping of large animals such as, but not limited to, emus, llamas, sheep, goats, horses, and cattle on properties that are not at least two acres or more in size and prohibiting more than two such large animals per acre.
Discuss appointment of an elected City official to Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) Regional Review Committee (RRC) which reviews and scores grant applications.
Discussion after report by City Manager regarding the Caldwell County Commissioners' Court decision regarding purchase of a new ambulance.
Discuss rescheduling the date to host the Texas Municipal League Region 10 meeting in Lockhart in September 2016 and discuss any other aspects pertaining to the meeting.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
Hold a public hearing to consider amending Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Code of Ordinances, Section 64-2 "Definitions", to add a definition of "Limited industrial manufacturing"; Sections 64-196(i) "Commercial medium business district (CMB) and 64-196(j) "Commercial heavy business district (CHB), to add uses allowed by-right or as a specific use; and to rename Section 64-204 from "Reserved" to "Transport containers", and add appropriate standards.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2016-08 amending Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Code of Ordinances, Section 64-2 "Definitions", to add a definition of "Limited industrial manufacturing"; Sections 64-196(i) "Commercial medium business district (CMB) and 64-196(j) "Commercial heavy business district (CHB), to add uses allowed by-right or as a specific use; and to rename Section 64-204 from "Reserved" to "Transport containers", and add appropriate standards.
A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of March 1, 2016. B. Approve water and sewer extensions and oversizing of lines, and associated costs for the Maple Park Phase I Development.
Discussion and/or action regarding possible future ordinance addressing possible offensive conditions in residential yards and front porches that are used for storage of items that are offensive to neighbors.
Discussion and/or action regarding possible future ordinance addressing the keeping of large animals such as, but not limited to, emus, llamas, sheep, goats, horses, and cattle on properties that are not at least two acres or more in size and prohibiting more than two such large animals per acre.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointment of an elected City official to Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) Regional Review Committee (RRC) which reviews and scores grant applications.
Discussion and/or action after report by City Manager regarding the Caldwell County Commissioners' Court decision regarding purchase of a new ambulance.
Discussion and/or action to consider rescheduling the date to host the Texas Municipal League Region 10 meeting in Lockhart in September 2016 and discuss any other aspects pertaining to the meeting.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees, including Charter Review Commission.
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update- US 183 widening project, Hickory to Blackjack: east side drainage truck main complete; inlet tops, slotted drains, and curbing being installed; will start on west side within same limits next week; rain delays; first two sections look great...compliments continue to come in! • Update: Water-Wastewater crews replacing bad clay sewer main lines on Frio Street and on E Market east of railroad track. • Update: Contracts with Qro-Mex Construction should be signed within next 10 days and a pre-construction meeting to follow to start the Wichita-Braden-Mesquite and Richland Drive drainage projects. Meetings with neighborhoods will be set up once we have the working schedule. • Update: Electric Crew installed 400 watt equivalent LED street lights on the north portion of the US 183 widening project; others on the project will be replaced as timing permits. • Update: City Manager has been contact by another kart racing group promotor to begin talks about another possible street kart race in Lockhart in 2017. • Update: The Planning Department and utility departments are working with 6 possible developments much of which will be single family residences and multi-family units. • Update: Public bids should go out within the next 30-45 days for the CDBG Grant Project placing a new 18" water transmission main from Water Plant to near Serta. • Update: FY 16-17 Budget preparations will begin in April. • Update: Warrant Round Up- Preliminary data: 95 warrants, + $ 25,000 collected of which about $12,000 is local funds; final information will be available next week. • Report: Friday, March 11, a Texas Workforce Center job fair will held at the Dr. Eugene Clark Library between 1 and 4 pm. • Reminder: Annual Welcome Spring Event and Lockhart Chamber's Tolbert Chili Cook Off Competition event in City Park on Saturday, March 19, with Kid Fish, free hot dogs, kite flying, horseshoes, pitching washers, etc.... • Reminder: Semi-Annual City Cemetery Clean Up scheduled week of March 28. • Reminder: 5th Annual Sip and Stroll event, Saturday, April 2. • Reminder: Don't Mess with Texas Annual Trash Off Event to be held in City Park at main pavilion on Saturday, April 9; volunteers needs to help Keep Lockhart Beautiful. • Reminder: Annual Residential Spring Clean Up Event each Wednesday in April. • Reminder: SpecialResidential Household Hazardous Waste Collection event to be held Saturday, May 14, at City Park from 9 am until noon for Lockhart residents only.
8. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 9. ADJOURNMENT