Discuss agreement with Germer Electronics, Lie., Christopher Germer of Kyle, to provide mobile and hand radio repairs, maintenance, removals, programming, and installations for the City of Lockhart, and assigning the City Manager to sign the agreement if approved.
Discuss Resolution 2016-02 increasing the existing drainage utility fees to provide street sweeping services to improve rain run-off water quality that ends up in area creeks and eventually in local aquifers, and at the same time make Lockhart a cleaner City; it is proposed that the residential per unit drainage fee of $2.00 be raised 50 cents and the non-residential per unit drainage fee of $4.00 be raised $1.25 per month.
Discuss agreement with Sweep Across Texas of Austin, Texas, to provide monthly sweeping services for up to 100 miles of curbed streets for $3, 120 per month including workers' compensation and general liability insurance and allowing the City Manager to sign the agreement.
Discuss Ordinance 2016-05 "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of City of Lockhart, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds; Providing for the Security For and Payment of Said Bonds; Prescribing the Form of Said Bonds; Approving the Official Statement, Bond Purchase Agreement, Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and Escrow Agreement; Establishing the Procedures for Selling and Delivering the Bonds; and Enacting Other Provi.sions Relating to the Subject".
Discuss Variance Request from a business property owner's representative at 119 W. San Antonio Street that desires to have the right to have "on premise consumption of alcohol" at a possible restaurant that would be within 300' of churches or public or private schools; a bar would not be allowed at this location without an approved Specific Use Permit.
1. REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
CITIZENSNISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the . citizen/visitor comment)
Discussion and/or action regarding Variance Request from a business property owner's representative at 119 W. San Antonio Street that desires to have the right to have "on premise consumption of alcohol" at a possible restaurant that would be within 300' of churches or public or private schools; a bar would not be allowed at this location without an approved Specific Use Permit.
CONSENT AGENDA A Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of January 19, 2016. B. Approve Lockhart Police Department - 2015 Racial Profiling Report. C. Approve agreement with Germer Electronics, Lie., Christopher Germer of Kyle, to provide mobile and hand radio repairs, maintenance, removals, programming, and installations for the City of Lockhart, and assigning the City Manager to sign the agreement if approved. D. Approve Resolution 2016~02 increasing the existing drainage utility fees to provide street sweeping services to improve rain run-off water quality that ends up in area creeks and eventually in local aquifers, and at the same time make Lockhart a cleaner City; it is proposed that the residential per unit drainage fee of $2.00 be raised 50 cents and the non-residential per unit drainage fee of $4.00 be raised $1.25 per month. E. Approve agreement with Sweep Across Texas of Austin, Texas, to provide monthly sweeping services for up to 100 miles of curbed streets for $3, 120 per month including workers' compensation and general liability insurance and allowing the City Manager to sign the agreement.
Discussion and/or action with respect to Ordinance 2016-05 "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of City of Lockhart, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds; Providing for the Security For and Payment of Said Bonds; Prescribing the Form of Said Bonds; Approving the Official Statement, Bond Purchase Agreement, Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and Escrow Agreement; Establishing the Procedures for Selling and Delivering the Bonds; and Enacting Other Provisions Relating to the Subject".
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update- US 183 widening project, Hickory to Blackjack: east side drainage truck main complete; inlet tops, slotted drains, and curbing being installed; will start on west side within same limits next week; paving. • Update: Public bids for the Wichita-Braden-Mesquite-Vega and Richland Drive Drainage Projects went out and a recommendation award of a contract is scheduled for Council meeting on March 2. • Update: Meeting with developers of property on Maple east of SH 130. • Update: Staff will be putting out more information to emphasize the hazards of trimming trees/shrubs near City power lines by residents, yard maintenance people, and private contractors. • Report: Annual Lockhart Chamber of Commerce Banquet held Jan 23. • Reminder: Hot Rods and Hatters downtown event, Saturday, Feb 6, Live Music, Vendors, and many beautiful cars. • Reminder: Annual Progressive Club Banquet, Saturday, Feb 20.
COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS- ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST ( .. Items of Community Interest defined below)
Discuss agreement with Germer Electronics, Lie., Christopher Germer of Kyle, to provide mobile and hand radio repairs, maintenance, removals, programming, and installations for the City of Lockhart, and assigning the City Manager to sign the agreement if approved.
Discuss Resolution 2016-02 increasing the existing drainage utility fees to provide street sweeping services to improve rain run-off water quality that ends up in area creeks and eventually in local aquifers, and at the same time make Lockhart a cleaner City; it is proposed that the residential per unit drainage fee of $2.00 be raised 50 cents and the non-residential per unit drainage fee of $4.00 be raised $1.25 per month.
Discuss agreement with Sweep Across Texas of Austin, Texas, to provide monthly sweeping services for up to 100 miles of curbed streets for $3, 120 per month including workers' compensation and general liability insurance and allowing the City Manager to sign the agreement.
Discuss Ordinance 2016-05 "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of City of Lockhart, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds; Providing for the Security For and Payment of Said Bonds; Prescribing the Form of Said Bonds; Approving the Official Statement, Bond Purchase Agreement, Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and Escrow Agreement; Establishing the Procedures for Selling and Delivering the Bonds; and Enacting Other Provi.sions Relating to the Subject".
Discuss Variance Request from a business property owner's representative at 119 W. San Antonio Street that desires to have the right to have "on premise consumption of alcohol" at a possible restaurant that would be within 300' of churches or public or private schools; a bar would not be allowed at this location without an approved Specific Use Permit.
1. REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
CITIZENSNISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the . citizen/visitor comment)
Discussion and/or action regarding Variance Request from a business property owner's representative at 119 W. San Antonio Street that desires to have the right to have "on premise consumption of alcohol" at a possible restaurant that would be within 300' of churches or public or private schools; a bar would not be allowed at this location without an approved Specific Use Permit.
CONSENT AGENDA A Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of January 19, 2016. B. Approve Lockhart Police Department - 2015 Racial Profiling Report. C. Approve agreement with Germer Electronics, Lie., Christopher Germer of Kyle, to provide mobile and hand radio repairs, maintenance, removals, programming, and installations for the City of Lockhart, and assigning the City Manager to sign the agreement if approved. D. Approve Resolution 2016~02 increasing the existing drainage utility fees to provide street sweeping services to improve rain run-off water quality that ends up in area creeks and eventually in local aquifers, and at the same time make Lockhart a cleaner City; it is proposed that the residential per unit drainage fee of $2.00 be raised 50 cents and the non-residential per unit drainage fee of $4.00 be raised $1.25 per month. E. Approve agreement with Sweep Across Texas of Austin, Texas, to provide monthly sweeping services for up to 100 miles of curbed streets for $3, 120 per month including workers' compensation and general liability insurance and allowing the City Manager to sign the agreement.
Discussion and/or action with respect to Ordinance 2016-05 "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Lockhart, Texas, Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of City of Lockhart, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds; Providing for the Security For and Payment of Said Bonds; Prescribing the Form of Said Bonds; Approving the Official Statement, Bond Purchase Agreement, Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and Escrow Agreement; Establishing the Procedures for Selling and Delivering the Bonds; and Enacting Other Provisions Relating to the Subject".
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update- US 183 widening project, Hickory to Blackjack: east side drainage truck main complete; inlet tops, slotted drains, and curbing being installed; will start on west side within same limits next week; paving. • Update: Public bids for the Wichita-Braden-Mesquite-Vega and Richland Drive Drainage Projects went out and a recommendation award of a contract is scheduled for Council meeting on March 2. • Update: Meeting with developers of property on Maple east of SH 130. • Update: Staff will be putting out more information to emphasize the hazards of trimming trees/shrubs near City power lines by residents, yard maintenance people, and private contractors. • Report: Annual Lockhart Chamber of Commerce Banquet held Jan 23. • Reminder: Hot Rods and Hatters downtown event, Saturday, Feb 6, Live Music, Vendors, and many beautiful cars. • Reminder: Annual Progressive Club Banquet, Saturday, Feb 20.
COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS- ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST ( .. Items of Community Interest defined below)