Discuss Ordinance 2016-01 authorizing the Lockhart Municipal Court to employ one or more Juvenile Case Managers and establishing a Juvenile Case Manager fee and fund.
Discuss Resolution 2016-01 adopting ethical and training standards for Juvenile Case Managers employed by the City, and providing for the implementation and review of the standards.
Discuss recommended fuels bid award to Schmidt & Sons, Inc. of Lockhart with a profit margin of 4 cents for gasoline and 5 cents for diesel over the Oil Price Information Services (OPIS) price from Austin, Texas, RACK, posted weekly.
Discuss the City Manager's recommended step pay plan increases estimated at $144,909 for the Police and Fire Departments to help attract new hires and retain employees to be effective last payroll period in February, 2016.
Discuss Ordinance 2016-03 repealing un-codified Ordinance 2014-20 in its entirety and adopting this Ordinance regarding the City Personnel Policy Manual removing Performance or Merit Pay for Police and Fire Personnel and adopting a step pay plan for Police and Fire Departments under Civil Service with adjustments as approved by the City Council during the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget of the City of Lockhart.
Discuss formal request from the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) for the City Council to consider under Texas Local Government Code, Sec. 253.012 conveying Lots 12-A and 12-B in Block 1, Replat of Lot 12, of the Lockhart Industrial Park II (approx. 2.5 acres) to LEDC with a requirement that LEDC use the property to primarily promote a public purpose by benefiting economic development within the City or be subject o reversion back to the City, instructing the City Manager to work with the City Attorney to prepare the necessary conveyance legal documents that shall include the reversion language, and appointing the Mayor to sign all final legal documents.
Discuss Ordinance 2016-02 amending the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, Chapter 32, Article II, Caption "Eugene Clark Library" to create a quiet zone in the interest of a public purpose.
Discussion regarding $200,000 in federal funds through Capital Area Metropolitan Organization (CAMPO) allocated by Caldwell County Commissioners' Court for engineering, design, and surveying costs involved with the reconstruction of City Line Road between SH 142 and Clearfork Street.
Discussion regarding City Manager's proposed policy prohibiting City employees from carrying guns, concealed or otherwise, while on duty or in a City vehicle or private vehicle used for City business, unless the employee is a certified licensed peace officer.
Discussion regarding a proposed 5-year contract with the Hill Country Cook-Off Association for use of City Park for its annual event to be held each 2nd weekend in October beginning in 2016.
Discussion after update report by City Manager regarding 2015 Certificates of Obligation projects.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of December 15, 2015. B. Approve Ordinance 2016-01 authorizing the Lockhart Municipal Court to employ one or more Juvenile Case Managers and establishing a Juvenile Case Manager fee and fund. C. Approve Resolution 2016-01 adopting ethical and training standards for Juvenile Case Managers employed by the City, and providing for the implementation and review of the standards. D. Approve recommended fuels bid award to Schmidt & Sons, Inc. of Lockhart with a profit margin of 4 cents for gasoline and 5 cents for diesel over the Oil Price Information Services (OPIS) price from Austin, Texas, RACK, posted weekly. E. Approve the City Manager's recommended step pay plan increases estimated at $144,909 for the Police and Fire Departments to help attract new hires and retain employees to be effective last payroll period in February, 2016. F. Approve Ordinance 2016-03 repealing un-codified Ordinance 2014-20 in its entirety and adopting this Ordinance regarding the City Personnel Policy Manual removing Performance or Merit Pay for Police and Fire Personnel and adopting a step pay plan for Police and Fire Departments under Civil Service with adjustments as approved by the City Council during the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget of the City of Lockhart. G. Approve formal request from the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) for the City Council to consider under Texas Local Government Code, Sec. 253.012 conveying Lots 12-A and 12-B in Block 1, Replat of Lot 12, of the Lockhart Industrial Park II (approx. 2.5 acres) to LEDC with a requirement that LEDC use the property to primarily promote a public purpose by benefiting economic development within the City or be subject o reversion back to the City, instructing the City Manager to work with the City Attorney to prepare the necessary conveyance legal documents that shall include the reversion language, and appointing the Mayor to sign all final legal documents. H. Approve Ordinance 2016-02 amending the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, Chapter 32, Article II, Caption "Eugene Clark Library" to create a quiet zone in the interest of a publip purpose.
Discussion and/or action regarding $200,000 in federal funds through Capital Area Metropolitan Organization (CAMPO) allocated by Caldwell County Commissioners' Court for engineering, design, and surveying costs involved with the reconstruction of City Line Road between SH 142 and Clearfork Street.
Discussion and/or action regarding City Manager's proposed policy prohibiting City employees from carrying guns, concealed or otherwise, while on duty or in a City vehicle or private vehicle used for City business, unless the employee is a certified licensed peace officer.
Discussion and/or action regarding a proposed 5-year contract with the Hill Country Cook-Off Association for use of City Park for its annual event to be held each 2nd weekend in October beginning in 2016.
Discussion and/or action after update report by City Manager regarding 2015 Certificates of Obligation projects.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
6. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update- US 183 widening project. • Update- Police Officer training regarding new firearm laws. 7. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (*ltems of Community Interest defined below) 8. ADJOURNMENT
Discuss Ordinance 2016-01 authorizing the Lockhart Municipal Court to employ one or more Juvenile Case Managers and establishing a Juvenile Case Manager fee and fund.
Discuss Resolution 2016-01 adopting ethical and training standards for Juvenile Case Managers employed by the City, and providing for the implementation and review of the standards.
Discuss recommended fuels bid award to Schmidt & Sons, Inc. of Lockhart with a profit margin of 4 cents for gasoline and 5 cents for diesel over the Oil Price Information Services (OPIS) price from Austin, Texas, RACK, posted weekly.
Discuss the City Manager's recommended step pay plan increases estimated at $144,909 for the Police and Fire Departments to help attract new hires and retain employees to be effective last payroll period in February, 2016.
Discuss Ordinance 2016-03 repealing un-codified Ordinance 2014-20 in its entirety and adopting this Ordinance regarding the City Personnel Policy Manual removing Performance or Merit Pay for Police and Fire Personnel and adopting a step pay plan for Police and Fire Departments under Civil Service with adjustments as approved by the City Council during the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget of the City of Lockhart.
Discuss formal request from the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) for the City Council to consider under Texas Local Government Code, Sec. 253.012 conveying Lots 12-A and 12-B in Block 1, Replat of Lot 12, of the Lockhart Industrial Park II (approx. 2.5 acres) to LEDC with a requirement that LEDC use the property to primarily promote a public purpose by benefiting economic development within the City or be subject o reversion back to the City, instructing the City Manager to work with the City Attorney to prepare the necessary conveyance legal documents that shall include the reversion language, and appointing the Mayor to sign all final legal documents.
Discuss Ordinance 2016-02 amending the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, Chapter 32, Article II, Caption "Eugene Clark Library" to create a quiet zone in the interest of a public purpose.
Discussion regarding $200,000 in federal funds through Capital Area Metropolitan Organization (CAMPO) allocated by Caldwell County Commissioners' Court for engineering, design, and surveying costs involved with the reconstruction of City Line Road between SH 142 and Clearfork Street.
Discussion regarding City Manager's proposed policy prohibiting City employees from carrying guns, concealed or otherwise, while on duty or in a City vehicle or private vehicle used for City business, unless the employee is a certified licensed peace officer.
Discussion regarding a proposed 5-year contract with the Hill Country Cook-Off Association for use of City Park for its annual event to be held each 2nd weekend in October beginning in 2016.
Discussion after update report by City Manager regarding 2015 Certificates of Obligation projects.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting of December 15, 2015. B. Approve Ordinance 2016-01 authorizing the Lockhart Municipal Court to employ one or more Juvenile Case Managers and establishing a Juvenile Case Manager fee and fund. C. Approve Resolution 2016-01 adopting ethical and training standards for Juvenile Case Managers employed by the City, and providing for the implementation and review of the standards. D. Approve recommended fuels bid award to Schmidt & Sons, Inc. of Lockhart with a profit margin of 4 cents for gasoline and 5 cents for diesel over the Oil Price Information Services (OPIS) price from Austin, Texas, RACK, posted weekly. E. Approve the City Manager's recommended step pay plan increases estimated at $144,909 for the Police and Fire Departments to help attract new hires and retain employees to be effective last payroll period in February, 2016. F. Approve Ordinance 2016-03 repealing un-codified Ordinance 2014-20 in its entirety and adopting this Ordinance regarding the City Personnel Policy Manual removing Performance or Merit Pay for Police and Fire Personnel and adopting a step pay plan for Police and Fire Departments under Civil Service with adjustments as approved by the City Council during the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget of the City of Lockhart. G. Approve formal request from the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) for the City Council to consider under Texas Local Government Code, Sec. 253.012 conveying Lots 12-A and 12-B in Block 1, Replat of Lot 12, of the Lockhart Industrial Park II (approx. 2.5 acres) to LEDC with a requirement that LEDC use the property to primarily promote a public purpose by benefiting economic development within the City or be subject o reversion back to the City, instructing the City Manager to work with the City Attorney to prepare the necessary conveyance legal documents that shall include the reversion language, and appointing the Mayor to sign all final legal documents. H. Approve Ordinance 2016-02 amending the Lockhart Code of Ordinances, Chapter 32, Article II, Caption "Eugene Clark Library" to create a quiet zone in the interest of a publip purpose.
Discussion and/or action regarding $200,000 in federal funds through Capital Area Metropolitan Organization (CAMPO) allocated by Caldwell County Commissioners' Court for engineering, design, and surveying costs involved with the reconstruction of City Line Road between SH 142 and Clearfork Street.
Discussion and/or action regarding City Manager's proposed policy prohibiting City employees from carrying guns, concealed or otherwise, while on duty or in a City vehicle or private vehicle used for City business, unless the employee is a certified licensed peace officer.
Discussion and/or action regarding a proposed 5-year contract with the Hill Country Cook-Off Association for use of City Park for its annual event to be held each 2nd weekend in October beginning in 2016.
Discussion and/or action after update report by City Manager regarding 2015 Certificates of Obligation projects.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
6. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update- US 183 widening project. • Update- Police Officer training regarding new firearm laws. 7. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (*ltems of Community Interest defined below) 8. ADJOURNMENT