6:30 P.M. WORK SESSION (No Action) Work session will be held to receive briefings and to initially discuss all items contained on the Agenda posted for 7:30 p.m. Generally, this work session is to simplify issues as it relates to the agenda items. No vote will be taken on any issue discussed or reviewed during the work session. DISCUSSION ONLY A. Presentation by and discussion with entities requesting Hotel Occupancy Tax for Fiscal Year 2015-2016.
Discuss site plan for the removal of two protected trees to build a new commercial building at 700 S. Colorado Street.
Discuss confirmation of Civil Service Commission member reappointment of Ms. Worlanda Neal for a three (3) year term as recommended by the City Manager.
Discuss Resolution 2015-14 authorizing the filing of grant applications with the Capital Area Council of Governments for Regional Solid Waste Grants Program Grants; authorizing the Mayor to act on behalf of the City of Lockhart, Texas in all matters related to the applications; and pledging that if a grant is received, the City of Lockhart, Texas will comply with the grant requirements of the Capital Area Council of Governments, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the State of Texas.
Discuss bid to purchase a new brush chipper through the Buy Board from Bandit Industries, Inc. in the amount of $46,096.30 to replace the current old unit.
Discuss the purchase of a used street chip seal spreader machine for chip seal operations through Buy Board from Cooper Equipment Company in the amount of $46,250 including delivery and training.
Discuss awarding bid to Billy Houston of Lockhart, Texas, to provide mowing maintenance services for the Lockhart Municipal Airport during the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year.
Discuss renewal of interlocal agreement with Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) to continue use of City facility to monitor air quality and appointing the City Manager to sign the agreement, if approved.
Discuss request by the Greater Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to amend their 2015 hotel tax budget and to amend the contract for the year to reflect the amendment, if approved.
Discuss re-scheduling the August 2, 2016 Council meeting (National Night Out) and any other Council meeting(s) in 2016 due to a possible conflict with other events.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
PRESENTATION A. Presentation by and discussion with entities requesting Hotel Occupancy Tax for Fiscal Year 2015-2016.
CONSENT AGENDA D. Approve Resolution 2015-14 authorizing the filing of grant applications with the Capital Area Council of Governments for Regional Solid Waste Grants Program Grants; authorizing the Mayor to act on behalf of the City of Lockhart, Texas in all matters related to the applications; and pledging that if a grant is received, the City of Lockhart, Texas will comply with the grant requirements of the Capital Area Council of Governments, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the State of Texas. E. Approve bid to purchase a new brush chipper through the Buy Board from Bandit Industries, Inc. in the amount of $46,096.30 to replace the current old unit. F. Approve the purchase of a used street chip seal spreader machine for chip seal operations through Buy Board from Cooper Equipment Company in the amount of $46,250 including delivery and training. G. Approve awarding bid to Billy Houston of Lockhart, Texas, to provide mowing maintenance services for the Lockhart Municipal Airport during the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year. H. Approve renewal of interlocal agreement with Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) to continue use of City facility to monitor air quality and appointing the City Manager to sign the agreement, if approved.
Approve site plan for the removal of two protected trees to build a new commercial building at 700 S. Colorado Street.
Approve confirmation of Civil Service Commission member reappointment of Ms. Worlanda Neal for a three (3) year term as recommended by the City Manager.
Discussion and/or action to consider a request by the Greater Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to amend their 2015 hotel tax budget and to amend the contract for the year to reflect the amendment, if approved.
Discussion and/or action to consider re-scheduling the August 2, 2016 Council meeting (National Night Out) and any other Council meeting(s) in 2016 due to a possible conflict with other events.
Discussion, after report by City Manager, regarding the Insurance Service Office, Inc., (ISO) initial fire insurance ranking of 4/4X which was appealed and upgraded by 25% to 3/3X which is better for residents and businesses that have insurance companies that use the ISO system to determine fire insurance rates.
Discussion and/or action regarding Ordinance 2015-26 amending the City of Lockhart Code of Ordinances to add Section 58-177, Distributed Generation, which establishes the requirements for interconnectivity and parallel operation of'private distributed general facilities within the City of Lockhart and prohibiting private interconnection and/or parallel operation of distributed generation without compliance with this ordinance.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
7. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project: Storm water contractor work, curbing, sidewalk, Section 1A, Pecan to Hickory 85% complete; milling and level-up paving in Section 1-B between Hickory and Blackjack has begun. Laying storm water pipe along east side of that section. Paving of a portion of section 1A in mid-December is possible according to the inspector. • Report: Richland Drive drainage project scheduled to go out for bids in late December and possibly Wichita/Vega/Mesquite if property issue settled. • Report: Dia de Los Muertos Festival event held Saturday, November 14. Report: Lockhart Chamber of Commerce along with the Tastes of the Trail Committee held the 13th Annual Tastes Along the Trail event in the downtown on Saturday, November 14 Report: Electric Distribution Crew replaced a 12,000 pound 1,500 KVA transformer that costs about $30,000 last week with the assistance of Austin Energy; doing this in-house saved about $15,000; the old transformer will be rehabbed for about $ 6,000 and used as a reserve. Reminder: Dickens is the first weekend in December with the Annual Lighted Parade on Friday, Dec 4. Thanks to Ms. Bertha, her staff, and the wonderful volunteers who contribute so much to this community event Reminder: Region 10 TML meeting in Bastrop, Wednesday, December 9th. Congratulations to Martin Reyes who retired November 30 from the Water-Wastewater Departments. He took early disability retirement due to his health. • Departure: Wallis Meshier, Associate Planner, has taken another job in Hutto which is much closer to her home and includes much higher pay; applications are being received. • Welcome New Employees: Edward Balusek, Jr. Class A Lineman, El. Distribution Andrea E. Davila Admin Assistant, Economic Development Johnathon Anzualda Water-Wastewater System Operation Ricky New Heavy Equip Operator, Streets Joel B. Gonzales Lineman II Apprentice, El. Distribution Kevin LeClerc Firefighter, EMT Randy D. Dabbs Class A Lineman, El. Distribution Connie Holder P/T Animal Shelter Attendant Jim Rodriguez Firefighter, EMT 8.COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 9. ADJOURNMENT
6:30 P.M. WORK SESSION (No Action) Work session will be held to receive briefings and to initially discuss all items contained on the Agenda posted for 7:30 p.m. Generally, this work session is to simplify issues as it relates to the agenda items. No vote will be taken on any issue discussed or reviewed during the work session. DISCUSSION ONLY A. Presentation by and discussion with entities requesting Hotel Occupancy Tax for Fiscal Year 2015-2016.
Discuss site plan for the removal of two protected trees to build a new commercial building at 700 S. Colorado Street.
Discuss confirmation of Civil Service Commission member reappointment of Ms. Worlanda Neal for a three (3) year term as recommended by the City Manager.
Discuss Resolution 2015-14 authorizing the filing of grant applications with the Capital Area Council of Governments for Regional Solid Waste Grants Program Grants; authorizing the Mayor to act on behalf of the City of Lockhart, Texas in all matters related to the applications; and pledging that if a grant is received, the City of Lockhart, Texas will comply with the grant requirements of the Capital Area Council of Governments, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the State of Texas.
Discuss bid to purchase a new brush chipper through the Buy Board from Bandit Industries, Inc. in the amount of $46,096.30 to replace the current old unit.
Discuss the purchase of a used street chip seal spreader machine for chip seal operations through Buy Board from Cooper Equipment Company in the amount of $46,250 including delivery and training.
Discuss awarding bid to Billy Houston of Lockhart, Texas, to provide mowing maintenance services for the Lockhart Municipal Airport during the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year.
Discuss renewal of interlocal agreement with Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) to continue use of City facility to monitor air quality and appointing the City Manager to sign the agreement, if approved.
Discuss request by the Greater Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to amend their 2015 hotel tax budget and to amend the contract for the year to reflect the amendment, if approved.
Discuss re-scheduling the August 2, 2016 Council meeting (National Night Out) and any other Council meeting(s) in 2016 due to a possible conflict with other events.
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags.
CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
PRESENTATION A. Presentation by and discussion with entities requesting Hotel Occupancy Tax for Fiscal Year 2015-2016.
CONSENT AGENDA D. Approve Resolution 2015-14 authorizing the filing of grant applications with the Capital Area Council of Governments for Regional Solid Waste Grants Program Grants; authorizing the Mayor to act on behalf of the City of Lockhart, Texas in all matters related to the applications; and pledging that if a grant is received, the City of Lockhart, Texas will comply with the grant requirements of the Capital Area Council of Governments, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the State of Texas. E. Approve bid to purchase a new brush chipper through the Buy Board from Bandit Industries, Inc. in the amount of $46,096.30 to replace the current old unit. F. Approve the purchase of a used street chip seal spreader machine for chip seal operations through Buy Board from Cooper Equipment Company in the amount of $46,250 including delivery and training. G. Approve awarding bid to Billy Houston of Lockhart, Texas, to provide mowing maintenance services for the Lockhart Municipal Airport during the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year. H. Approve renewal of interlocal agreement with Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) to continue use of City facility to monitor air quality and appointing the City Manager to sign the agreement, if approved.
Approve site plan for the removal of two protected trees to build a new commercial building at 700 S. Colorado Street.
Approve confirmation of Civil Service Commission member reappointment of Ms. Worlanda Neal for a three (3) year term as recommended by the City Manager.
Discussion and/or action to consider a request by the Greater Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to amend their 2015 hotel tax budget and to amend the contract for the year to reflect the amendment, if approved.
Discussion and/or action to consider re-scheduling the August 2, 2016 Council meeting (National Night Out) and any other Council meeting(s) in 2016 due to a possible conflict with other events.
Discussion, after report by City Manager, regarding the Insurance Service Office, Inc., (ISO) initial fire insurance ranking of 4/4X which was appealed and upgraded by 25% to 3/3X which is better for residents and businesses that have insurance companies that use the ISO system to determine fire insurance rates.
Discussion and/or action regarding Ordinance 2015-26 amending the City of Lockhart Code of Ordinances to add Section 58-177, Distributed Generation, which establishes the requirements for interconnectivity and parallel operation of'private distributed general facilities within the City of Lockhart and prohibiting private interconnection and/or parallel operation of distributed generation without compliance with this ordinance.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
7. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project: Storm water contractor work, curbing, sidewalk, Section 1A, Pecan to Hickory 85% complete; milling and level-up paving in Section 1-B between Hickory and Blackjack has begun. Laying storm water pipe along east side of that section. Paving of a portion of section 1A in mid-December is possible according to the inspector. • Report: Richland Drive drainage project scheduled to go out for bids in late December and possibly Wichita/Vega/Mesquite if property issue settled. • Report: Dia de Los Muertos Festival event held Saturday, November 14. Report: Lockhart Chamber of Commerce along with the Tastes of the Trail Committee held the 13th Annual Tastes Along the Trail event in the downtown on Saturday, November 14 Report: Electric Distribution Crew replaced a 12,000 pound 1,500 KVA transformer that costs about $30,000 last week with the assistance of Austin Energy; doing this in-house saved about $15,000; the old transformer will be rehabbed for about $ 6,000 and used as a reserve. Reminder: Dickens is the first weekend in December with the Annual Lighted Parade on Friday, Dec 4. Thanks to Ms. Bertha, her staff, and the wonderful volunteers who contribute so much to this community event Reminder: Region 10 TML meeting in Bastrop, Wednesday, December 9th. Congratulations to Martin Reyes who retired November 30 from the Water-Wastewater Departments. He took early disability retirement due to his health. • Departure: Wallis Meshier, Associate Planner, has taken another job in Hutto which is much closer to her home and includes much higher pay; applications are being received. • Welcome New Employees: Edward Balusek, Jr. Class A Lineman, El. Distribution Andrea E. Davila Admin Assistant, Economic Development Johnathon Anzualda Water-Wastewater System Operation Ricky New Heavy Equip Operator, Streets Joel B. Gonzales Lineman II Apprentice, El. Distribution Kevin LeClerc Firefighter, EMT Randy D. Dabbs Class A Lineman, El. Distribution Connie Holder P/T Animal Shelter Attendant Jim Rodriguez Firefighter, EMT 8.COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**ltems of Community Interest defined below) 9. ADJOURNMENT