Lockhart Fire Department to present a check to the Muscular Dystrophy Association as part of their participation in the 2015 "MDA Fill the Boot" campaign.
Discuss appointment of Governing Board of Directors for Keep Lockhart Beautiful (KLB), for a term of two years from July 2015 fulfilling organizational requirements to maintain Affiliate Status for Keep Texas Beautiful.
Discuss report of accomplishments and proposed 2015/2016 program of work for Governing Board of Directors for Keep Lockhart Beautiful (KLB), an affiliate of Keep Texas Beautiful.
Discuss proposed policy or program using plaques to acknowledge donated items for the landscape or streetscape in the Historic Central Business District.
Discussion after presentation by Mr. Gene Galbraith with Southwest Museum of Clocks and Watches concerning a proposed large late 1800's Canterbury Clock to be placed downtown.
Discussion after report from City Manager regarding new funding process for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provided by Seton Health Care.
Discussion regarding the format or setting of the National Night Out event to be held on August 4, 2015.
Discussion and presentation of the proposed Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget to City Council and setting Tuesday, September 1, 2015 as the date for the public hearing regarding the proposed Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget.
Call to Order & Citizen's Comments
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting held on June 16, 2015. B. Approve appointment of Governing Board of Directors for Keep Lockhart Beautiful (KLB), for a term of two years from July 2015 fulfilling organizational requirements to maintain Affiliate Status for Keep Texas Beautiful. C. Approve report of accomplishments and proposed 2015/2016 program of work for Governing Board of Directors for Keep Lockhart Beautiful (KLB), an affiliate of Keep Texas Beautiful. D. Approve proposed policy or program using plaques to acknowledge donated items for the landscape or streetscape in the Historic Central Business District.
Discussion and/or action after presentation by Mr. Gene Galbraith with Southwest Museum of Clocks and Watches concerning a proposed large late 1800's Canterbury Clock to be placed downtown.
Discussion and/or action after report from City Manager regarding new funding process for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provided by Seton Health Care.
Discussion and/or action regarding the format or setting of the National Night Out event to be held on August 4, 2015.
Discussion and/or action after presentation of the proposed Fiscal Year 2015¬2016 budget to City Council and setting Tuesday, September 1, 2015 as the date for the public hearing regarding the proposed Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
6. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project: Storm water contractor work, curbing, sidewalk, Section 1A, Pecan to Hickory. • Update: Staff continues to evaluate flood damages especially around bridges and box culverts, and reports of property flooding. • Update: 2015 Certificates of Obligation (CO) Drainage Projects. • Report: New water main line work in Phase II of US 183 Widening 100% complete. • Report: The filming of the HBO series "Leftovers" continues and could be here until October of this year. • Report; Fashion Glass and Mirror grand opening scheduled for late this month. • Report: Splash Pad opening; rules must be followed. • Report: Early Outdoor Warning System bids being advertised; hope to bring award recommendation to Council at next meeting. • Reminder: Brush chipping services are behind between 3 and 4 weeks due to all the wet weather and trimming done by residents; mowing schedules still behind about a week. • Reminder: Summer Reading Program underway and a lot of participants. • Report: The rained out Movie in the Park (June 20) has been rescheduled to September 19, 2015. • Report: Fireworks Extravaganza at City Park on July 3. 7. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**items of Community Interest defined below) 8. ADJOURNMENT
Lockhart Fire Department to present a check to the Muscular Dystrophy Association as part of their participation in the 2015 "MDA Fill the Boot" campaign.
Discuss appointment of Governing Board of Directors for Keep Lockhart Beautiful (KLB), for a term of two years from July 2015 fulfilling organizational requirements to maintain Affiliate Status for Keep Texas Beautiful.
Discuss report of accomplishments and proposed 2015/2016 program of work for Governing Board of Directors for Keep Lockhart Beautiful (KLB), an affiliate of Keep Texas Beautiful.
Discuss proposed policy or program using plaques to acknowledge donated items for the landscape or streetscape in the Historic Central Business District.
Discussion after presentation by Mr. Gene Galbraith with Southwest Museum of Clocks and Watches concerning a proposed large late 1800's Canterbury Clock to be placed downtown.
Discussion after report from City Manager regarding new funding process for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provided by Seton Health Care.
Discussion regarding the format or setting of the National Night Out event to be held on August 4, 2015.
Discussion and presentation of the proposed Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget to City Council and setting Tuesday, September 1, 2015 as the date for the public hearing regarding the proposed Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget.
Call to Order & Citizen's Comments
1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
CONSENT AGENDA A. Approve minutes of the City Council meeting held on June 16, 2015. B. Approve appointment of Governing Board of Directors for Keep Lockhart Beautiful (KLB), for a term of two years from July 2015 fulfilling organizational requirements to maintain Affiliate Status for Keep Texas Beautiful. C. Approve report of accomplishments and proposed 2015/2016 program of work for Governing Board of Directors for Keep Lockhart Beautiful (KLB), an affiliate of Keep Texas Beautiful. D. Approve proposed policy or program using plaques to acknowledge donated items for the landscape or streetscape in the Historic Central Business District.
Discussion and/or action after presentation by Mr. Gene Galbraith with Southwest Museum of Clocks and Watches concerning a proposed large late 1800's Canterbury Clock to be placed downtown.
Discussion and/or action after report from City Manager regarding new funding process for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provided by Seton Health Care.
Discussion and/or action regarding the format or setting of the National Night Out event to be held on August 4, 2015.
Discussion and/or action after presentation of the proposed Fiscal Year 2015¬2016 budget to City Council and setting Tuesday, September 1, 2015 as the date for the public hearing regarding the proposed Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees.
6. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project: Storm water contractor work, curbing, sidewalk, Section 1A, Pecan to Hickory. • Update: Staff continues to evaluate flood damages especially around bridges and box culverts, and reports of property flooding. • Update: 2015 Certificates of Obligation (CO) Drainage Projects. • Report: New water main line work in Phase II of US 183 Widening 100% complete. • Report: The filming of the HBO series "Leftovers" continues and could be here until October of this year. • Report; Fashion Glass and Mirror grand opening scheduled for late this month. • Report: Splash Pad opening; rules must be followed. • Report: Early Outdoor Warning System bids being advertised; hope to bring award recommendation to Council at next meeting. • Reminder: Brush chipping services are behind between 3 and 4 weeks due to all the wet weather and trimming done by residents; mowing schedules still behind about a week. • Reminder: Summer Reading Program underway and a lot of participants. • Report: The rained out Movie in the Park (June 20) has been rescheduled to September 19, 2015. • Report: Fireworks Extravaganza at City Park on July 3. 7. COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (**items of Community Interest defined below) 8. ADJOURNMENT