Discuss the use of additional Unrestricted General Fund balance to pay Mascon, Inc., $22,676 to repair and replace some south and west wing roof substructure areas for the new roof on the Community Center
Discuss Change Order #2 in the amount of $3,350 for Qro-Mex's existing US 183 Widening Project Phase II contract to move a sewer force main in conflict with a proposed storm water drainage pipe
Discuss Ordinance 2015-15 disposing of a small triangular part (approximately 23' x 52' x 57* or 0.014 acres) of a previously abandoned street near Pecos Street and the Union Pacific Railroad Track
Discuss Police Chiefs request for Council support to create a Lockhart residents' committee to be referred to as: "Police/Neighborhood Communication Committee".
Discuss City Manager's update report about Drainage Projects approved in the 2015 Certificates of Obligation Issuance
Discuss re-scheduling the August 4, 2015 or October 6, 2015 Council meeting to hold National Night Out in 2015
Call to Order & Citizen's Comments
CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
Hold a public hearing to consider amending Chapter 64 of the Code of Ordinances, Article VII "Zoning Districts and Standards", Section 64-196 "Establishment of Zoning Districts", subsection (a), to add a provision clarifying the process for determining whether a use not listed in any district would be appropriate, either by-right or as a specific use, in one or more districts.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2015-14 amending Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Code of Ordinances, Article VII "Zoning Districts and Standards", Section 64-196 "Establishment of Districts", subsection (a) to a provision clarifying the process for determining whether a use not listed in any district would be appropriate, ether by-right or as a specific use, in one or more districts.
A. Approve City Council minutes of the April 21, 2015 meeting. B. Approve the use of additional Unrestricted General Fund balance to pay Mascon, Inc., $22,676 to repair and replace some south and west wing roof substructure areas for the new roof on the Community Center. C. Approve Change Order #2 in the amount of $3,350 for Qro-Mex's existing US 183 Widening Project Phase II contract to move a sewer force main in conflict with a proposed storm water drainage pipe. D. Approve Ordinance 2015-15 disposing of a small triangular part (approximately 23' x 52J x 57' or 0.014 acres) of a previously abandoned street near Pecos Street and the Union Pacific Railroad Track
Discussion and/or action regarding Police Chief's request for Council support to create a Lockhart residents' committee to be referred to as: "Police/Neighborhood Communication Committee
Discussion and/or action regarding City Manager's update report about Drainage Projects approved in the 2015 Certificates of Obligation Issuance.
Discussion and/or action to consider re-scheduling the August 4, 2015 or October 6, 2015 Council meeting to hold National Night Out in 2015.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project: Gas, AT&T and TWC work still in progress; storm water contractor work has started laying underground storm water lines. • Report: New water main line work in Phase li of US 183 Widening. • Report: The filming of the HBO series "Leftovers" has begun in and could last until October of this year. Downtown filming scheduled. • Report: FY 15-16 Budgets Worksheets have been provided to department heads; preliminary schedule for budget workshop will be provided to Council first meeting in June. • Report: Fashion Glass and Mirror grand opening not scheduled yet. • Report: Pure Castings continues to work with local architect and their engineers to development construction plans for a 60,000 square foot building. • Report: Building permit issued to Lockhart Motor Company contractor to build a $3.5 million new facility. • Report: Building permit issued to LISD contractor start High School expansion and renovations. • Report: Fiesta del Mariachi Event held on Sat April 25, 2015. • Report: Cinco de Mayo event downtown on May 1-2. • Report: TxDOT video crew will be here to film a promotional video for the 2015 Governor's Achievement Award associated with Keep Lockhart Beautiful; video which will be used at the awards banquet in June. • Report: Caldwell County Day at the Legislature. • Report: Continental Homes has signed developer agreement to construct a subdivision under the Infrastructure Reimbursement Program approved by Council; no details on when work will begin.CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project: Gas, AT&T and TWC work still in progress; storm water contractor work has started laying underground storm water lines. • Report: New water main line work in Phase li of US 183 Widening. • Report: The filming of the HBO series "Leftovers" has begun in and could last until October of this year. Downtown filming scheduled. • Report: FY 15-16 Budgets Worksheets have been provided to department heads; preliminary schedule for budget workshop will be provided to Council first meeting in June. • Report: Fashion Glass and Mirror grand opening not scheduled yet. • Report: Pure Castings continues to work with local architect and their engineers to development construction plans for a 60,000 square foot building. • Report: Building permit issued to Lockhart Motor Company contractor to build a $3.5 million new facility. • Report: Building permit issued to LISD contractor start High School expansion and renovations. • Report: Fiesta del Mariachi Event held on Sat April 25, 2015. • Report: Cinco de Mayo event downtown on May 1-2. • Report: TxDOT video crew will be here to film a promotional video for the 2015 Governor's Achievement Award associated with Keep Lockhart Beautiful; video which will be used at the awards banquet in June. • Report: Caldwell County Day at the Legislature. • Report: Continental Homes has signed developer agreement to construct a subdivision under the Infrastructure Reimbursement Program approved by Council; no details on when work will begin. • Reminder: Saturday, May 30, noon, Chihuahua Neighborhood Block Party. • Reminder: Brush chipping services are behind between 3 and 4 weeks due to all the wet weather and trimming done by residents. • Reminder: Swimming pool will not open this year until after Chisholm Trail; Reasons: longer school year and not having enough certified life guards; staff working on plan to certify more youth that are interested in becoming life guards
COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION in accordance with the provisions of the Government Code. Title 5. Subchapter D, Section 551.071- private consultation with its attorney to seek advice about pending or contemplated litigation; and/or settlement offer; (2) and/or a matter in which the dutv of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter. A. Consultation with City Attorney regarding possible litigation. 10. OPEN SESSION A. Discussion and/or action regarding possible litigation.
COUNCIL ACTION REGARDING THE MAY 9, 2015 SPECIAL ELECTION A. Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2015-07 canvassing the Special Election held on May 9, 2015 for the Election to fill the unexpired term of the Office of Councilmember At-Large. B. Administer the Oath of Office to newly elected Councilmember At-Large
Discuss the use of additional Unrestricted General Fund balance to pay Mascon, Inc., $22,676 to repair and replace some south and west wing roof substructure areas for the new roof on the Community Center
Discuss Change Order #2 in the amount of $3,350 for Qro-Mex's existing US 183 Widening Project Phase II contract to move a sewer force main in conflict with a proposed storm water drainage pipe
Discuss Ordinance 2015-15 disposing of a small triangular part (approximately 23' x 52' x 57* or 0.014 acres) of a previously abandoned street near Pecos Street and the Union Pacific Railroad Track
Discuss Police Chiefs request for Council support to create a Lockhart residents' committee to be referred to as: "Police/Neighborhood Communication Committee".
Discuss City Manager's update report about Drainage Projects approved in the 2015 Certificates of Obligation Issuance
Discuss re-scheduling the August 4, 2015 or October 6, 2015 Council meeting to hold National Night Out in 2015
Call to Order & Citizen's Comments
CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lew White 2. INVOCATION. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Invocation - Ministerial Alliance. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. CITIZENS/VISITORS COMMENTS (The purpose of this item is to allow citizens an opportunity to address the City Council on issues that are not on the agenda. No discussion can be carried out on the citizen/visitor comment.)
Hold a public hearing to consider amending Chapter 64 of the Code of Ordinances, Article VII "Zoning Districts and Standards", Section 64-196 "Establishment of Zoning Districts", subsection (a), to add a provision clarifying the process for determining whether a use not listed in any district would be appropriate, either by-right or as a specific use, in one or more districts.
Discussion and/or action to consider Ordinance 2015-14 amending Chapter 64 "Zoning" of the Code of Ordinances, Article VII "Zoning Districts and Standards", Section 64-196 "Establishment of Districts", subsection (a) to a provision clarifying the process for determining whether a use not listed in any district would be appropriate, ether by-right or as a specific use, in one or more districts.
A. Approve City Council minutes of the April 21, 2015 meeting. B. Approve the use of additional Unrestricted General Fund balance to pay Mascon, Inc., $22,676 to repair and replace some south and west wing roof substructure areas for the new roof on the Community Center. C. Approve Change Order #2 in the amount of $3,350 for Qro-Mex's existing US 183 Widening Project Phase II contract to move a sewer force main in conflict with a proposed storm water drainage pipe. D. Approve Ordinance 2015-15 disposing of a small triangular part (approximately 23' x 52J x 57' or 0.014 acres) of a previously abandoned street near Pecos Street and the Union Pacific Railroad Track
Discussion and/or action regarding Police Chief's request for Council support to create a Lockhart residents' committee to be referred to as: "Police/Neighborhood Communication Committee
Discussion and/or action regarding City Manager's update report about Drainage Projects approved in the 2015 Certificates of Obligation Issuance.
Discussion and/or action to consider re-scheduling the August 4, 2015 or October 6, 2015 Council meeting to hold National Night Out in 2015.
Discussion and/or action regarding appointments to various boards, commissions or committees
CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project: Gas, AT&T and TWC work still in progress; storm water contractor work has started laying underground storm water lines. • Report: New water main line work in Phase li of US 183 Widening. • Report: The filming of the HBO series "Leftovers" has begun in and could last until October of this year. Downtown filming scheduled. • Report: FY 15-16 Budgets Worksheets have been provided to department heads; preliminary schedule for budget workshop will be provided to Council first meeting in June. • Report: Fashion Glass and Mirror grand opening not scheduled yet. • Report: Pure Castings continues to work with local architect and their engineers to development construction plans for a 60,000 square foot building. • Report: Building permit issued to Lockhart Motor Company contractor to build a $3.5 million new facility. • Report: Building permit issued to LISD contractor start High School expansion and renovations. • Report: Fiesta del Mariachi Event held on Sat April 25, 2015. • Report: Cinco de Mayo event downtown on May 1-2. • Report: TxDOT video crew will be here to film a promotional video for the 2015 Governor's Achievement Award associated with Keep Lockhart Beautiful; video which will be used at the awards banquet in June. • Report: Caldwell County Day at the Legislature. • Report: Continental Homes has signed developer agreement to construct a subdivision under the Infrastructure Reimbursement Program approved by Council; no details on when work will begin.CITY MANAGER'S REPORT, PRESENTATION AND POSSIBLE DISCUSSION • Update: US Hwy 183 expansion project: Gas, AT&T and TWC work still in progress; storm water contractor work has started laying underground storm water lines. • Report: New water main line work in Phase li of US 183 Widening. • Report: The filming of the HBO series "Leftovers" has begun in and could last until October of this year. Downtown filming scheduled. • Report: FY 15-16 Budgets Worksheets have been provided to department heads; preliminary schedule for budget workshop will be provided to Council first meeting in June. • Report: Fashion Glass and Mirror grand opening not scheduled yet. • Report: Pure Castings continues to work with local architect and their engineers to development construction plans for a 60,000 square foot building. • Report: Building permit issued to Lockhart Motor Company contractor to build a $3.5 million new facility. • Report: Building permit issued to LISD contractor start High School expansion and renovations. • Report: Fiesta del Mariachi Event held on Sat April 25, 2015. • Report: Cinco de Mayo event downtown on May 1-2. • Report: TxDOT video crew will be here to film a promotional video for the 2015 Governor's Achievement Award associated with Keep Lockhart Beautiful; video which will be used at the awards banquet in June. • Report: Caldwell County Day at the Legislature. • Report: Continental Homes has signed developer agreement to construct a subdivision under the Infrastructure Reimbursement Program approved by Council; no details on when work will begin. • Reminder: Saturday, May 30, noon, Chihuahua Neighborhood Block Party. • Reminder: Brush chipping services are behind between 3 and 4 weeks due to all the wet weather and trimming done by residents. • Reminder: Swimming pool will not open this year until after Chisholm Trail; Reasons: longer school year and not having enough certified life guards; staff working on plan to certify more youth that are interested in becoming life guards
COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS - ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION in accordance with the provisions of the Government Code. Title 5. Subchapter D, Section 551.071- private consultation with its attorney to seek advice about pending or contemplated litigation; and/or settlement offer; (2) and/or a matter in which the dutv of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter. A. Consultation with City Attorney regarding possible litigation. 10. OPEN SESSION A. Discussion and/or action regarding possible litigation.
COUNCIL ACTION REGARDING THE MAY 9, 2015 SPECIAL ELECTION A. Discussion and/or action to consider Resolution 2015-07 canvassing the Special Election held on May 9, 2015 for the Election to fill the unexpired term of the Office of Councilmember At-Large. B. Administer the Oath of Office to newly elected Councilmember At-Large